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Doot do do do do doot doot
Living in the U.S.A.
Stand back, dietician
Stand back, television
Stand back, politician
Stand back, mortician
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyV41-tFPcQ [Embed] Somebody give me a cheeseburger

DC plane crash victims: What we know about those on AA Flight 5342, Army Black Hawk
Dozens of people are dead after a regional jet collided with an Army Black Hawk helicopter Wednesday night over Washington, D.C., officials said, the nation's first major commercial airline crash since 2009. The aircraft went down in the frigid Potomac River, breaking into multiple pieces. The flight -- which had departed from Wichita, Kansas -- was approaching Reagan National Airport at the time of the collision, officials said.
President Donald Trump used a deadly air crash that killed three Army aviators and 64 passengers and crew aboard an American Airlines jet to attack his two Democratic predecessors and falsely suggest the tragedy was the result of diversity initiatives in government.

In his first visit to the White House briefing room since returning to the presidency last week, Trump initially offered a moment of silence for the victims and praised the efforts of first responders after the crash, which took place just before 9 p.m. ET at Reagan National Airport outside Washington.

Footage of the crash shows the two aircraft colliding in midair before exploding in a massive fireball. A massive search-and-rescue operation for survivors, involving multiple agencies, was launched in the nearby Potomac River, amid heavy winds and icy 42-degree water temperatures.

After the moment of silence ended, Trump called the crash “a moment of anguish” for the country and said there is now a “systematic and comprehensive investigation” underway, led by the National Transportation Safety Board, and announced he was appointing Christopher Rocheleau as the acting FAA administrator.

He then pivoted to baselessly alleging that standards for air traffic control recruitment and hiring had become lax during the presidencies of his two Democratic predecessors, Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Trump also falsely claimed to have once again raised standards for air traffic controllers by signing a memorandum upon taking office which shuttered a longstanding effort at the Federal Aviation Administration to recruit people with disabilities to serve in roles having nothing to do with air traffic control.

Positions in the air traffic control system require years of training, special licenses, and annual physical examinations and medical certifications to ensure that controllers meet high-performance standards.
Continuing, the president slammed the FAA’s disability recruitment program for having sought out “people with severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities” and falsely claimed that the prior administration wanted people with such disabilities to serve as air controllers.

“Brilliant people have to be in those positions, and their lives are actually shortened, very substantially shortened because of the stress where you have many, many planes coming into one target and you need a very special talent and a very special genius to be able to do it,” Trump said.

He then falsely claimed that the FAA website stated that persons with conditions such as “hearing, vision, missing, extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism” were “all qualified for the position of a controller of airplanes pouring into our country” even though the requirements for controllers have long included specific physical and mental health standards.

“The initiative is part of the FAA’s ‘diversity and inclusion hiring plan,’ which says diversity is ‘integral to achieving the FAA’s mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel.’ I don't think so. I don't think so. I think it's just the opposite,” he said.

While the president would go on to further blame the Biden administration’s transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, for the efforts to hire people with disabilities, the policy had been in place since 2013 without interruption, including during the period Trump previously served as president from 2017 to 2021.

Meanwhile, Trump had gutted a key aviation safety advisory committee a few days ago.

You gotta love how he immediately blames the air traffic controller and not the military plane, who by all means should've had this training drill down-pat, who also fucking ascended into the path of the plane against ATC's commands. Because god forbid we blame the military for anything, probably because the dudes flying the blackhawk were white and thus he can't hit them with the DEI excuse.
*heli, not plane.
>>1379002 (OP)

What the source of the "article" you're reading from, it's not either of the ones you posted? Does it say op-ed right at the top so you just linked a different article to avoid getting your thread deleted.
is this before or after you supported a dei initiative that had the firefighter chief tell people you deserve it if you're stuck in a fire. Only for california to set ablaze a month later. Imagine what'll happen if it turns out the plane crash was caused because a handicapped was hired because of anti-discrimination. Why an imbecile like you who laughed at it should be publicly executed.
you're not american
>Imagine what'll happen if it turns out the plane crash was caused because a handicapped was hired because of anti-discrimination.
Maybe should've waited for actual proof of that before your fuckwit president started blaming DEI for everything. Tell me, we gonna start firing white people if it turns out some 50 year old white dude with 20 years experience was at the ATC?
That is your new think tank approved line, isn't it
adorable projection, but i've been reminding you of this fact for some time shill anon
>Does it say op-ed right at the top
It's an OP ed, you dope. the ALL CAPPER COKER had some complimentary free coke b4 ze posted. As to DEI, DEI hire alkie Pete is partly responsible for this, because I heard it through the rapevine that the white dudes in the "White"hawk ( as these white nat types like to call it) were celebrating Pete's new job, and just drank 2 Hegseth hellbenders apiece. Hegseth hellbender ingredients: 4 oz vodka, 4 oz Absinthe( the wormwood eats at yor brane like a RFKjr worm), 200 mg Ivermectin dewormer(to soften the Absinthe) and 1 tsp peppermint oll to cover alcohol smell. Put in shaker, and pour over ice covered in powdered cocaine
1 Hegseth hellbender is enough to pacify a charging rino
you're subhuman
Oh because democrats waited to verify facts before shooting out bullshit right.
That's why there wasn't a huge spike in fake hate crime hoaxes and blamed TRUMPS MERICA for it throughout the last decade right.

No if it's a white guy he should have protected status even if he kills 67 people by being incompetant at his job. no shit of course he should be fired and executed. I listened to his shit conference trump didn't just say DEi he blamed them for hiring people with disabilities.
no one cares, dumb faggot.
you just replied retard
>That's why there wasn't a huge spike in fake hate crime hoaxes and blamed TRUMPS MERICA for it throughout the last decade right.
What does this have to do with what YOUR GUY is saying RIGHT NOW in the aftermath of the worst air tragedy in 20 years. And if you listen to the full conference the minute someone brings up DEI in questioning he just immediately says that might be it.

If you actually listened to the facts of the case you can listen to the ATC literally giving the heli instructions they didn't follow, but just like your retard-in-chief you don't actually care about learning what actually happened before going all in on the agenda you had prior.
to tell you i disregarded everything you say, and to call you a faggot
you spent a decade preaching about how everything was a hate crime up to and including a goddamn gorilla. Now enjoy being on the receiving end you racist bigot.
Sure they did it's clearly your fault for hiring people for their skin color instead of their competence. Why the fuck would you hire a whiteass to direct air traffic.
nobody cares about your lies faggot
Hegseth is a DEI hire AKA Dumb Enough Idiot. N'YUCK N'YUCK
fuck you
justice for harambe
Why does Pete Buttigieg still have a job? Trump is a failure.
They should've let the kid die ngl. Fuck that stupid kid for crawling into a pen, he's going to grow up to be a druggie or criminal anyways. Meanwhile harambe would've given the world so much happiness.
>including a goddamn gorilla
Yea. MoFo, justice for harambe, poor guy was just mindin' his beeswax in the jungle when whitey Yanks apednapped him and put in a prison just like da rest a us bros. Den den kills him because he tries Tha plays wid a lil white boi.


>>Hegseth is a DEI hire AKA Dumb Enough Idiot. N'YUCK N'YUCK

D.umb E.nuff I.diot, yup, you sounds like a white boi, anons., but u gots da soul of a brutha.
Trump Froze Critical Air Traffic Jobs Days Before Deadly DC Crash. https://www.livemint.com/news/us-news/american-airlines-crash-news-donald-trump-freezes-hiring-of-critical-air-traffic-controllers-potomac-river-black-hawk-11738212465996.html BURN BABY BURN!1
>Trump Froze Critical Air Traffic Jobs Days Before Deadly DC Crash.
Are you implying that they had a job posting for an air traffic controller that would have been filled with a new employee starting within 24 hours and that new employee would have prevented this?
Kek. You people do some weird ass mental gymnastics
>Are you implying that they had a job posting for an air traffic controller that would have been filled with a new employee starting within 24 hours and that new employee would have prevented this?
I have know idea what you mean by this. I don't speak autie
>the dudes flying the blackhawk
Well, actually...

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