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I'm only posting because nice get and comment how nice the brakes are on that guys bicycle. He basically locked the front tire up instantly with one hand hard enough to catapult him head over heels. Kudos to him for going out and getting some exercise to not be a fat ass example of American obesity with early onset diabetes and dementia, acting only as a drain on our social services and healthcare.
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That asshole is walking home.
>How nice
Must be shit if he needs to grab the lever with his entire hand. The fact that he catapults ass over teakettle is because the bike weighs three pounds and the COG is approximately 10ft above the axle.
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this is the thread right here
>front brakes
This is why you own your house so you can install a level 2 charger at your house, in my state at least they'll pay up to $7,500 to install electrical charging at your house making the upgrade free, or cheap as fuck.
Where does the state get that $7500?
It's state funded, not federal. I think the funding comes directly from vehicle registration/title money that the state collects.
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>installing a fire hazard where you sleep
well it's not coming from me because everything I drive is uninsured and on permanent antique tags
you can get your dumb fucking tranny plug installed from someone the fuck elses money.
It's still good. My bicycle has hydraulic disc brakes, as do most of the $2,000 and up bicycles but they are praised for their modulation. They're linear, good enough and won't fade or lock up. Their main feature is that you can't lock up the tires so easily, which I hate. I'll give you that the dumb ass there grabbed the front brake like a retard when he should have mostly grabbed the rear. That's on him, the brakes are still fantastic in my opinion. All that said, I'm really tired of the bicycle hate on this board. I stay out of traffic, there's no reason to commit assault on random people that aren't blocking traffic.
so just another cyclist and EV hate thread, got it

really feels like the thrashings of a community that knows its prime was over a long time ago and they're on the way out, having been replaced by something superior in every way.
Can pretty much guarantee it was a wiring issue caused by the retard DIYing a 220V receptacle without knowing what the fuck he was doing.

I assume you also have no electrical appliances in your home, since that's a fire risk
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My cattle doesn't spontaneously combust
AI post
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>everything that BTFO me is AI
Absolute state
>a screenshot of a story about a single vehicle catching fire with an nonsensical statement about cattle BTFOs a recall on millions of vehicles for a known issue with spontaneous combustion
kek'd at the filename
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>cope cope cope
>won't post car
AI post
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>broken record
Absolute state lmao
Didnt ask, newfag.
STFU and stop trying so desperately to include yourself in our conversations, you try hard lamo.
Lurkmore, Gaped Goose shilhouse
What do your cows have to do with anything though?
Don't hire a spic to do the job, simple as that.
>literally any excuse to talk about Americans
Madly in love, aintcha
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Until you get rammed by a bmw and/or pulled over
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>bicycle race
>impossible without CaGeRs carrying replacement bicycles and parts
I love being a menace to society
>pulled over
>Implying cops don't do it too here
There is simply too many people in my city for that law to exist.
The 10 year old prius mogging them as it pulls into the gas station is the best part of this
When I inevitably decide to kill myself, I will first be going on a shooting spree of left one hogs. And spreading the good word before my pathetic demise
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