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Thoughts on the F30? I find E90s (pre and post LCI alike) gay as FUCK.
why is there a bunny rabbit on it
>wider/longer/heavier than E90
>even more bland looking
>electric power steering mandatory
>turbo 4s instead of inline sixes
>less manuals
sounds pretty gay my guy
Honestly there's probably not much life left in them at this point. Krauts are sehr gut at engineering then to die shortly after warranty. My 2013 died at 113k in 2021, and the class action suit for how bad the engine was settled for 'no compensation for anyone over 8 years / 100k miles.' kind of impressive if you think about it, to be so shit so precisely.
The only problem with the e90s is the miles of unneccessary wire in the engine bay and the retardedly expensive adaptive headlights.

The f30s undergo catastrophic failure all the time even if you follow the repair schedule. Pure chinesium.
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The E92 was the last amazing 3 Series.
E92 is GAY as FUCK, like every turkshit car
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and yet
>always thought that e90 m3 was the best m5 be ever made
e39 is a gay Pikachu weeblet ricer car, E90 is superior.
He probably meant the E60 though.
More comfort oriented than the E90, but lighter and with a stiffer chasis. It can do bmw things, but you can tell that was not their main consideration when making it.
The really good thing about the F gen is that lower trims with entry level engines could still be made fast with very few mods. An F30 316i with a remap is faster than an E90 325i.
It's literally lighter than the E90 equivalents though.
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lol no they hate the ugly e60
and yet
since when did ben affleck race cars?
>Some absolutely nobody spouts whatever about some gay pikachu weeblet shitbox
Don't really care
Late 10s was peak car let's be real
his personality is someone's opinion
What the fuck is your deal and this Adam Sandler German cocksucker
I test drove an F30 and hated it. Bought a Mercedes instead.

Then my coworker test drove the F36 and bought an F10 instead.
>even if you follow the repair schedule
I thought every BMW enthusiast is of the opinion that the BMW repair schedule is way too relaxed.
E90 M3 is sorta special in that it's the only M3 that has a V8 and V8 was the M5 special party trick. That was when everyone in Munich lost their shit and decided that the M5 should have a V10 instead.
It is from that caged animal fighting cartoon.
The beginning of the end. I like the 430i desu.have to say to get a 6 at this point though. Much better car
I hate that guy bc he calls prototypes and LMP1s ‘le Monde’s’ cars.
these guys look like their opinion on virtually anything is of negative value (I'd pay not to hear it)
this guy dresses up as a woman kek fucking tranny loving faggot
The F30 is actually lighter or pretty damn close in weight to the E90.
My main complaint with these is the shitty Camry-tier EPS. How do you from the god tier steering of the E90 to that, I guess enough women complained that it was too hard in parking lots.
the original E90 M3 also had shit steering until the Competition Package. non-M E9Xs have tighter steering than the non-Comp M3s. it's bizarre
>test drove the F36 and bought an F10 instead.
literally me
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The F10 M5 is the last amazing BMW.
The problem is unrelated to the schedule, it's the fact that BMW parts are chinesium.
Is it? Because BMW's schedule seems shit.

ZF recommends that you swap out the oil in their automatic transmissions every 100 000 km. BMW then puts those ZF transmissions in their cars and declares that they have lifetime oil, no need to change it!

Then they also claim that the engine oil is good for 30 000 km or two years.
>I test drove an F30 and hated it. Bought a Mercedes instead.

this but an Audi instead tbqh
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uhhh... that's actually just a ghost wearing a bunny outfit
>My main complaint with these is the shitty Camry-tier EPS. How do you from the god tier steering of the E90 to that
BMW's engineers are retards and when their customers complained about steering weight they thought that meant their customers wanted all feedback removed.
kek shoulda got an E92 335i
Your front bumper has HOLES DRILLED INTO IT KEK
your car doesn't EVEN HAVE SPEED HOLES KEK
I drove a 320i F30 for a little while, then got a 335i E93. Both manual. Even more than displacement, the biggest difference I remember is just how much worse the electronic power steering felt.
Mom has one. Pigfat, bloated looking, interior quality was a letdown, not much of a drivers car. Good for groceries. Can't speak to reliability, it hasn't given her much trouble but its low miles
what's this, I'm not caught up in pokelore

shoulda got an RS5
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kek shoulda got a

>2003 lexus gs430
>1999 lexus ls400
>2016 audi rs5
>2010 c7 corvette
>2015 nissan gt-r
>2017 lexus gs-f
They kept trying to make a "new" Pikachu every generation and none of them ever really caught on. They finally said "fuck it, ghost in a homemade Pukachu costume, who fucking cares anymore" and it was the most popular Pikachu clone ever, to the point that the Pikachu clones that came after it were even less popular than ever before.
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I had the best gs generation and it wasn't as good as an E39.
E39 > any goyota; get over it
c7s are UGLY as FUCK; just get a C5 or C6 Z06 already, goddamn.
gtrs same as ^ plus awd is GAY as FUCK
gsfs are UGLY and SLOW as FUCK lol; just get an F10 M5 already.
and yet
and yet >>28115575

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