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>Runs in front of your car for no reason

FUCKING FAGGOT BRO I just wanted to go home after a long day of wagie.
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Deer are big rats.

I’ve hit 10 with my truck 1 with a motorcycle and only about 6 with a rifle.
did it survived
>deer tried to kill you
Lol retards didn't have a deer whistle on.

Lack of insight gets what you deserve kek
>deer whistle
does not work
My cager friend complains about this all the time. I don't see the issue? Car big and fast, deer small and cute, just hit the gas and carry on?
good thing you didn't hit your wife, the truck would be a total loss.

(she's fat)
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Oh I’ve hit my wife plenty. Just not with my truck.
Doesn’t work
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>Oh I’ve hit my wife plenty. Just not with my truck.

well played
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Deer are 150-250lbs. It's like hitting a person. And because the weight is up high there's a good chance of them hitting or going through the windshield.
Does this mean that the average American pedestrian is even more of a hazard?
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Still seems like a skill issue. If you hit one with a truck you have dinner. Try dealing with these 1500lb retards.
Deer whistles work for the 3rd person behind you
I like the way my Dad put it. A deer will go over the hood, and through the windshield of my sedan and it'll severely hurt me or kill me instantly. There's no winning against a deer
thats the joke
If you can't hear the whistle, neither can a deer
No because American pedestrians can't run in front of your car
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Fuck deer, hope /out/ and /k/ are killing them all right now.
He didn't fly so good
In Moldova we have deer gun on front of trucks for such problems. There is 12,7mm from soviet times that many farmers will use with attachment to front. Sorry for poor english
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get punted ya little shit
That's rad.
Deer Whistles are a fucking joke and have been proven to accomplish nothing. Actual studies have never found that deer in any way respond to the sound, and it's usually quieter than your tires anyway. The University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Georgia Game and Fish Department, the Ohio State Police, and the University of Melbourne all concluded they do nothing to prevent deer (or kangaroo) collisions. They're a scam that preys on fear by offering false hope, and that's all they are.
Ask me how I know you don't live in a college town.
I think you missed the joke.
>Americans can't run because fat
This is why the risk is so high. The typical 320lb American woman is sat upon a 115lb mobility scooter and she can zip right into the intersection at 15mph with the weight of an adult male whitetail, adult female whitetail, and 4 juvenile fawns combined.
the fuck am I supposed to see here?
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I don't know what the deal is out here in western WA but the deer aren't the least bit skittish. They just walk down the sholder and casually walk away from cars all chill. Maybe they're all feeding on the pot farms.
>It's not even fucking dark out
>faggot deer still decides going out in front of the big loud thing is the right move
I hate them so much.
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>cars only travel in a straight, fixed path, cannot venture from this path
>headlights designed to be visible from miles away
>despite having no natural enemies and reason to flee or migrate, deer will still linger in close proximities to these paths, which offer no natural resource or benefit to the deer, and run in front of the highly visible vehicle which cannot move to dodge them
I hate deer on a fundamental, Darwinist level. The fact that they are still living is a testament to mankind's mercy as they flaunt with frequency the fact that they are too stupid to survive in an abundant land free of predation. I'd round em all up and put them into FUCKING CAMPS if I had my way.
There isn't a dense deer population in Washington.
Mississippi: 38 /square mile
Pennsylvania: 34 /square mile
Wisconsin: 33 /square mile
Washington: 4 /square mile
Admittedly that stat alone doesn't say it all, Montana for example has similar deer population density to Washington, but they're all focused in a very tight area around which their tourism industry is built, so "most" of the deer and "most" of the people are jammed tightly together in one corner of the state.
wait till you learn how horses probably would've gone extinct a long time ago if it weren't for humans looking after them.
>human, bunny, dog nose gets blocked? just breathe through mouth
>horse nose gets blocked? fucking suffocates because they can't be mouthbreathers like the above
>human or most other animals break a leg? may be crippled for life but can at least live
>horse breaks leg? have to put it down because if they try to put their weight on the remaining three legs the weight is too much and destroys the supporting tissue connecting the leg and hoof to each other, and the toe bone can start to go through the bottom of the hoof
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I want you to imagine that instead of feet, you have a giant toenail at the end of your leg. That is how the Horse do. That is what a hoof is. A giant toenail. It is extremely delicate, and joined to the leg by a vast network of very fine connective tissue, and oh yeah it also bears the weight of a fucking HORSE. If a hoof gets infected (which is quite common, because imagine how often shit would get stuck under your toenails if you walked on them), the Horse immune system responds in the typical way: via inflammation of the area. The problem is, a horse hoof is a rigid "cup". It cannot accommodate the swelling from inflammatory response. The Horse hoof will basically pop off the leg like a sock. On top of that, remember the Horse is putting 1,500 pounds of weight on it (because Horses can't redistribute their weight very well since all of their legs can BARELY support their share of the total weight). So, Horse apologists will claim that Horses are good at one thing: Turning Grass into Fast. As the previous two paragraphs show, they can't even do that right. Locomotion is very dangerous for a Horse, and if the Fast doesn't kill them they'll starve to death just by eating. On top of that, they are dumb as all fuck. Horses will often do something called "Cribbing", which is when they decide to bite down on something (literally anything) as hard as they can, and suck in air. They just keep sucking in air until they inflate like a balloon. Eventually, the vet will show up and literally deflate the Horse with a long needle to let the air out of them, and hopefully get them to just... stop...
ausfag here my car got totalled back in april but i fixed it and still driving around then last week my mums nudgebar and bonnet copped it again
It’s literally impossible to drive at night and have a little fun where I live because these regarded faggots pop out of nowhere every 2 miles. We need more hunters for these overpopulated shitheads
>I want you to imagine that instead of feet, you have a giant toenail at the end of your leg. That is how the Horse do. That is what a hoof is. A giant toenail. It is extremely delicate
oh yeah i know, that kinda goes into the whole putting the horse down when it breaks a leg.
at least with a car, if a cv axle breaks you don't have to scrap the entire car
>Try dealing with these 1500lb retard

Small wolves eat moose. Man up and pick yourself up by your bootstraps boomer
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Justice must be served.
This cunt T-boned me, took my mirror off, dented my fender, to my newly acquired uninsured mazda3. His sloppy joes were quite good tho so I won in the end.
>newly acquired uninsured mazda3.
where do you live that lets you register an uninsured car
Can I combine the driving and hunting into one activity?
I imagine he meant comprehensive insurance and not liability.
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i have literally no idea why it's not year round open season on these niggers. it's not like they provide any value to the planet
It was 2014 bought from a private seller so I didn't have insurance on it yet
Whoever made this pic is awesome. kek
>take 6mo for insurer to do anything
>other daily also hits a roo
>been 2wks nothing
wtf is going on lately? luckily both are drivable still
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>>deer tried to kill you
The thought of a deer with malevolent intent kills me.
I mean, if you ever played Deer's Revenge, then that's pretty much it. It's dumb and boring.
Nobody wants to hunt deer that live within 100 miles of civilized areas because they're scrawny as fuck and full of CWD and other diseases.
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>literally just got home after almost hitting a huge buck doing 50mph in the rain
Can't beleive I came here and there was already a thread about this. God bless Toyota engineering, I was probably 10 feet from it before it moved into the other lane and my Corolla stayed straight and on the road even after locking the brakes up for a second on a wet road. I fucking shit bricks bros. What's their fucking problem?
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Do we really need daily deer threads?
Its a schizo thing please understand.
Femoids and the movie Bambi and men simping. That's it.
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More of the "Allāhuʾakbar" variety of a real one displayed in >>28115026

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