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tips and tricks

links you should click on ->


prev: >>28075104
i just think they're neat
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They would have loved it.
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show me how you modified your miat no matter how unnecessary
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some schmoo got into my power window switch now i have automatic power windows kind of.
2 years left until my lease for my mazda 3 ends and i can get a miata.
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I got this.
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When my booster / master cylinder failed, I just replaced the whole thing with ChaseBays' Brake Booster Delete Kit because it was cheaper. Best thing I ever did, sans bucket seats maybe; if you see any amount of track time, I highly recommend it. Only negative is that it's single circuit, but they do sell a dual circuit version now. Expensive, though.




I humbly suggest adding 124spider.org to the OP copypasta for any prospective Fiata owner.
pretty brave, i assume you would have to increase the mechanical advantage at the pedal for this to work without having to provide like 300lbs of force to stop
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The dual circuit version has some fancy 6:1 pedal ratio thing that they proudly advertise, but my single circuit is pretty much just a master cylinder and brake bias adjuster, and it's perfectly adequate. The master cylinder is the important part, as the diameter of the bore is a part of what determines pedal travel and effort. Honestly, it feels great. It's exactly as the marketing blurb on their website describes it:

>10-80% braking is about the same as good brakes on a booster setup. Nothing out of the ordinary. The heavy 81-100% braking requires slightly more leg effort but it's where this product really thrives. This experience is preferred by those in order to balance the lock up and max braking threshold. With the BBE you get the exact same braking every time while booster setups are inconsistent. You get a pedal that's easy to modulate levels of braking that you want. Your car will stop in the same amount of time as it would with a booster.

I had a lady friend of mine drive the car a couple times, and while she noted that the pedal was heavy, she ultimately didn't have any trouble. So long as you know what to expect, it's really easy to get used to, and if I have any sport oriented cars in the future, I will 100% be removing the booster if possible.
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Can someone explain to my why folks run NB springs in NA Miatas?
I am trying to figure out my issue here. I have an NA6 that was 1.8 swapped by the previous owner. The car came with Koni shocks, and FM lower springs. (see pic 1)
I swapped in an NB subframe. It started as a 1.8 diff upgrade, ended up doing the entire front and rear subframe.
Now after the swap my front end sits lower than the rear. (see pic 2) I know that the front NB subframe has a lower stance, while the rear has the same geometry as the NA.
I then realized that my car came with NB springs and perches. (pic 1)
So why does my front end sit lower now with springs that match the subframe?

Over the last few years I bought a set of Bilstein shocks and springs (see pic 3) They have NA perches with NB springs.
I also got a pair of Form and Function Type 1 Coilovers (see pic 4)

Right now, the front end dips a lot going over bumps and the front bumper lip scrapes. The Koni are set to max stiffness. Maybe they are wearing out?

What should I do?
Run the coils to level the car?
Buy NB perches, go with the Bilstein and FM NB lowering springs?
Keep my Koni and figure why the front sits lower?

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Miatas naturally have a rake, it evens out as you cruise around though.
Where's the cute girl that can fit in the miata trunk???
do you see the numbers after "prev:"?
Saturday night bump
looks cool, what does the front look like?
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Still chasing my NB1's cold start misfire that goes away as soon as you start driving. I've now replaced the fuel injectors and fuel pump, and it did not cure that problem. (It does feel torquey-er to drive now, though). If my ignition and fuel systems aren't the problem, (swapped plugs all around, swapped coils side to side, new wires, still only get a P0301), my MAF readings checked out in scan tool data, and my compression tested good, basically all that's left is the CKP and/or CMP being shit, no?
>ask mazda dealer to not put on the dealer sticker
>"yes yes of course"
>don't think to check before i leave
>get home and show my family the new car
>realize they put the dealer sticker on
will using a hair dryer on it damage the paint

also does anybody have any tips for washing a miata
gf called it 'grain of rice'
No it won't damage it, assuming you don't focus it all on one spot for a huge length of time. Just gently warm it up evenly across the whole sticker. If there's any residue left that you just can't shift, try using some "Goo Gone".
Next time have time write that in the context. Walk out when you see it.
Happens to my buddy. He got another $1000 off and a $500 detail credit for their fuckup
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I think what would push me over the edge into liking that front end kit is if it used a different hood that didn't still have the jarring 90° cutouts for the no longer installed popup headlights.
Do NBs have a lower front end then?
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I made a console cover out of a Norelco razor case from the 70s. it fits perfectly, and it's steel.
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Oh, this >>28119980 reminds me that I also added some foam to the centre console cubby and covered it with vinyl, so now I can rest my arm there in comfort. Actually came out really well, and nearly 4 years later it still looks and works great.
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Dailying a soft top in an area with bad winters, how retarded of an idea is this? I feel bad about subjecting it to road salt, but man life is short and this is a rare opportunity to have a car with some soul.
Just buy a hard top.
i wouldn't reccomend dailying this car. I've had mine for 2 months and the suspension is a bit rough, which gets old quick when you're just trying to get somewhere. Fun for spirited weekend drives, but not something you want day in and day out.
There's also a serious lack of space, and if you're in a place with bad winters, you will likely have problems with the soft top. not worth it, get a lexus LS.
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A lot of people do that when adding the PitCrew kit. I considered it, but decided that I wanted to retain the stock hood so it was more easily identified as an Mx-5.
Also, it's beyond my skill level to weld an aluminum hood, so I would to have to have bought a fiberglass or steel hood. Cost to post it here is high, and I didn't think it was worth it.
It's an obscure kit and AFAIK it's the only complete PitCrew car in the Southern Hemisphere, so no one has any other to compare it to.
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>console cover out of a Norelco razor case
Both your mods look good. Ashtray is useless, cupholders are poorly made and feel terrible. Yours seems like a good solution. I was lucky enough to get a Eunos glasses case, which was the only decent stock option.
Lanolin everything!
based gf
Send your injectors for a professional cleaning
Inspect the wires going to your coils
Check the itcb sensor
I just put professionally cleaned injectors in it. I'll check out the coil connectors again, but didn't see anything unusual last time. ITCB?
Intake coolant sensor or whatever it's called
Yea maybe, but the biggest number your mullet pedo friend mentioned is 5.7mm. literally imperceivable
>supporting member
>anti white sig
>quoting dune
I wonder how quick a m.net janny would ban me for calling him a faggot. Probably a word filter on here anyway god I fucking hate this planet
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Front looks lowered, rear looks stock. Pic related is stock NA with Bilsteins. If I were you, I'd install the coilovers and see how it feels. Check out the Koni's while they're out.

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