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If you replace a flat tire are you supposed to replace the other three too (so the wear/balance is even on all 4)?
Yeah but you should resist replacing the flat. Unless it's sidewall damage, you tire plug and send it. The tire shop retards just want you to replace all of them.
where can i get that skirt for my gf
If you have a PERMANENT ALL WHEEL DRIVE then yes, a manufacturer will have a max tread depth difference typically about 3/32" that they will allow on the drivetrain before tire replacement is required. Otherwise for Fwd or RWD it's making sure the 2 tires on the drive axle are similar size. Although on RWD the front tires being different tread depth can cause a pull.
The retarded frog helps to hide “her” bulge
Nah, just the one on the same axle. Then move the new tyres to the front if they aren't already so the wear on all four corners evens out
If it's AWD and you can get the tire fixed, I'd do it. The tires have to match, or it's can destroy the transfer case. You have 1 new tire and 3 worn-down tires, you're asking for problems.
I've never replaced a tire in my life. I let wagies do it

Meanwhile some random negro in Africa has had the same truck since his great grandfather purchased it in 1950 and the tires haven't been changed since the 90s yet it still runs.

top kek
They're probably filled with foam or something thats not vulnerable to punctures but rides like shit. I'm guessing it's a diesel too without watching.
Yeah old cars really get a second wind in Africa, truly a marvel of engineering how those things survive with so much wear, meanwhile a lil rust kills most cars in the US

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