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I bought 100 pack of zip ties for 15 dollars at O'Reilly's Auto Parts. I checked amazon and they had a pack of 1,000 (one thousand) for 20 bucks. they had smaller packs for way cheaper too.

What's the point of brick and mortar stores anymore?
if you need it sooner. remember to go online first and see if there are any discount codes. that being said i will basically go anywhere else than a auto part store
you're right. i went there for brake fluid and zip ties - i could've gone to wal-mart but my local wal-mart has a lot of ghouls and shadow ghouls.

I suppose that's the answer I was looking for. These store companies are aware of how much poor people are in america and to what lengths certain consumers will go to avoid them. It makes me feel like our whole environment is designed like a casino - to squeeze the maximum dollar out of us.
>What's the point of brick and mortar stores anymore?
Convenience. You don't have to wait around for Amazon to bring stuff to you and Amazon get mad wen you do oil changes in their parking lot.
i am tired of seeing this frog
I'll never get tired of seeing this frog
I ordered three (3) sets of windshield wiper blades in a row that wouldn’t accommodate j-hook style arms. Two from Rock Auto and one from Amazon. This is the most common style of wiper arm, found on my wife’s Prius (one of the most common vehicles in the road). What’s more, the websites ask for year, make, and model, and I received the correct lengths. Also had some rubber trim for her roof that was the wrong length and a taillight assembly that was incorrect.
they sell zip ties at the dollar store for like $1/100, you're just a lazy shopper, your shopping muscles atrophied by online stores.
Wiper blades are such a fucking pain
Nothing is standardized or labeled and OEM ones are always a decade out of stock
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that's all gonna change in January when drumpf enacts the tariffs. enjoy your cheap chinese garbage while you can.
I'm getting a mini-lathe so I can fuck around with homemade 2-stroke engines before they triple in price.
i steal supplies from work. we have industrial strength zip ties and the best shop towels. boss even said, "if you can get it out, consider it a bonus". That's when I got a nice new milwaukee 3/8 stubby impact with a xc6.0 battery. thanks boss!

Interesting. I have never had a different wiper style than J hook out of the 8 vehicles i have owned and 13 company vehicles i have driven. You just walk into a store and buy them based on length.
chink shit you can buy on ali for 12 cents.
anyone who supports Bezos is a jew, including trump
i always check amazon first
you also spent probably a few extra dollars in gas to get to the store and back home too
Not knowing someone with an O'Reilly business account lmao its like you like spending money
Last time trump was in office and enacted tariffs barely anything changed. Stop doomposting like an underage retard.
what an insult lmao, no one gives a fuck what you think.

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