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File: Hil-Start-step1.jpg (38 KB, 540x540)
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>in front taking off at a steep uphill traffic light
>1.6L engine is smol so it needs more RPM than normal cars
>third worlder absolutely hugging my ass
>insane rev hang so I can't quickly shift to 2nd without a jolt
>can't let the revs drop or risk getting rear ended
>stay in 1st to 3.5-4k

How catastrophic was this?
>>stay in 1st to 3.5-4k
nigga that's my daily commute, merging onto i-75
I do 4000RPM for hours on end on the interstate, 250k miles and counting with no signs of stopping
>t.3speed chad
>stay in 1st to 3.5-4k
Just get a better sounding car so this isn't as bad
>t. corvette owner
>drive manual torquelet shitbox
>retard climbs up my ass at a hill
>deliberately let the vehicle sag a bit extra during launch to give the niggerfaggot a heart palpitation before I drive off
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Never a problem from the same driver twice.

>1st gear to 3.5-4k
This is ~12mph for mine, definitely granny gear but 2nd will reasonably accelerate from ~5mph and can go into the 60's by the time it flirts with redline.
t. bmw pissangel
the fuck does that even mean
Not an issue if it's warm and has oil pressure.
t. 75hp 1.2l 4-banger
if your car sounds good it feels good to rev it
Better than lugging the thing in second gear, I guess.
4k in 4th feels natural but 4k in 1st feels like the car is screaming in pain
For 1.6 gaysoline 4k is nothing. Thats how it even makes +60 hp. P=Tw
Must be tiny engine problems 'cause it don't bother me 'nun in my V8.
Thats because youre going slower so you hear the engine more and the road and wind noise less
Also first gear has more engine braking, so it's gonna feel more jerky
True. I have a 70A pitch mount so the amount of pedal vibration in 1st makes me extremely anxious. It actually trains me to stay between 1.5k-3k on regular streets.
Son i think its time for you to upgrade to a car with a little more power... You can climb hills in 2nd gear without any stress at all.
It's just a little deficient before you get into the happy rpm range then it becomes a pocket rocket

>You can climb hills in 2nd gear without any stress at all
I wouldn't have any issue with going uphill in 2nd gear, the problem is at a green light I can't even get into 2nd, read the OP again
>>deliberately let the vehicle sag a bit extra during launch to give the niggerfaggot a heart palpitation before I drive off
Cars fine and that guys used to being "in the lead", so am I. 1st gear at 4k on a 1.6l is what, 25mph? get used to driving a little harder on hills. I think ya did right but he didn't give you room to drive so fuck him.
There's a good hill near me, I loiter around 2500-3500 rpm in 4th or 3rd depending on how far the guy behind is at the red-light
>t. '03 Mazda MP5
4k? man youre a total retard. You almost certainly caused bottom end engine damage. Youll likely need a new one after that stunt. As for the transmission it might be fine but id have a mechanic pull it and replace the first gear synchro at minimum.
ITT: 1st worlders westsplain to a thirdy how to operate an econobox that was never sold there.

OP just keep up on your oil service and that thing can tank what you throw at it.
Revving above 2k in the driveway sounds like my engine is going to blow but it turns 4-5k just cruising around.
4th gear in a 4 speed is usually straight through. All the lower gears pass torque through actual gears, which make noise.
People are afraid to rev their cars but if doing 4000 rpm was actually damaging, the engineers would have set the rev limiter lower and not at ~6000 rpm
I had the assumption that 4k in 1st gear is more ""damaging"" than any higher gear
The engine actually has an easier time revving in 1st gear.
Why wold that be the case? What exactly would be damaged?
So I take it sustained 4k in 1st for let's say about 10 seconds is less damaging than trying to get to 2nd at 2k after letting rev hang calm its shit (<2.0L engine) risking a huge jerk and traffic accident?
Why not just use the e-brake and feather the clutch like you are supposed to?
Gear ratios and load, retard.
The engine makes different sounds under different loads at the same RPM. When it's at high load the sound is deeper and more thumping. When it's just spinning with barely any gas it's more of a loud whine.

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