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she has utterly obliterated your last pathetic argument against EVs, chud
I will not buy the soulless electric transport pod. Go home /n/igger.
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She looks like a psycho so I don't really care what she thinks. If she wants to have her position actually heard she should at least not look like she smells of cat piss and debt.
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>Energy expert
>Tik tok
>Wearing "inteligent glasses"
i dont care for the opinions of ugly people
>life cycle
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Bunch of soft ev shilling N I G G E R S on this board
We really need to define "life cycle". Is it 25 years? 30? Or is it 5-10 years when the battery no longer holds a charge and the manufacturer is charging almost as much for a new one as just buying a new car, if they even sell it at all?
Who cares what women think lmao
They're trying their hardest to make the life cycle as short as possible with all the salt they put on the roads and the "eco-friendly" rubber they use for gaskets
EVs aren't fun anon. Simple as.
Idk if they're 'better', they don't make bing bing wahoo sounds.
>they don't make bing bing wahoo sounds
Haven't been in an EV recently, have you? They bing, ding and splink for everything. Some even have a little jingle everytime you put the fob on its place and the car turns on.
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can't get a straight-6 and a manual transmission in an EV, so I don't care
What physiognomy is this?
I don't care. I don't like them. They're all fat, gay, and don't make the noises I like. I want a V10 making F1 noises. EVs will never give me that and Formula E is gay.
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Uhh yeah I'm not buy cars made by a literal fucking facist
sam bank man fraud's gf
He's not a fascist. He's just a retard. Apparently he's already overstayed his welcome with the President.
Conniving Jew Shrew?
It's still almost impossible to travel cross country in an EV without weeks of planning and days of extra time on top what a gas vehicle would do.

Long distance travel is still not an option and the chances of dying in hellfire increase exponentially
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yeah fuck being around that shit off-gassing hydroflouric acid vapour and then burning like hellfire
Early life?
>Since april
>First thing she admits is that manufacturing EVs is much worse for the environment
>But it's okay because it'll balance out in the end!
Damn, I knew women were retarded but I didn't know they were this retarded.
>ice cars never break down
a tesla made today won't be on the road 80 years from now
>my headcannon
You know you can just say niggers here right
the general populace scraps cars for having minor powertrain failure or just going out of style which most evs made in the past 10 years will do both as soon as their unstable lithiumshit batteries conk out and we get a new automotive design language that originates from literally anywhere that isnt chinesey uglyfuck squinty drls and ms paint drag-boxing a 2016 camry to match the shape of the egg-suv
you're going to argue otherwise with a straight face?
Probably not but it's not like there's many 80 year old gas cars running around either, and "being able to last 80 years" isn't exactly very high on the average consumers priority list for new cars
none of that has anything to do with anons original point I was replying to
Bro didn't even have a "point". He's just a greentext shitter. There's not a coherent thought bouncing around in his empty ass head.
I've seen her butthole, her opinion doesn't matter.
Nevermind, it's her face.
>more headcanons
share some thoughts, if you have any at all
My thoughts: your post was a prediction of the future you made up in your head.
not really. it's based on current prices of first wave evs. most of them end up mechanically totaled and scrapped because a replacement battery costs more than the car is worth
If you weren't a pathetic baiting wrenchlet, you'd know he's right. All of the fluxless soldered circuit boards running on proprietary software in modern shitboxes will be dead in a decade and will render the entire car completely useless. Meanwhile, ancient cars with carbs and points will be running until the end of time.
Uh huh, sure she did.
My argument is that a 1000€ shitbox gets me from home to work and I'm not going to buy anything more expensive than that.
Let's see her 1000€ EV then.
>and headcanons continue
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>(((study))) warns
Anglo women are disgusting
go back to r/politics
You basically can't get a new straight 6 and manual transmission in an ICE car either. Off the top of my head theres the new Charger, nu-supra, and uhhh, does BMW still offer one?
I chuckled, anon
???? The fuck they do.
like a living breathing soijak
Let me know when one comes with a clutch pedal and weighs under 2500 pounds.
liking miatas isn't a substitute for a personality
disliking miatas isn't a substitute for a personality
Of course but I'm not the one going out of my way to go into threads and make pointless, arguably offtopic posts about it
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Au contraire, my post was an argument why I don't want an EV that she has yet to refute. You're going out of your way to make a pointless post that's arguably off topic and more annoying than the miatafags that won't shut up about them. You don't like them, who fucking cares. Boohoo nigga. We get it, you don't like fun cars and only care about straight line speed. Have fun in your Tesla, more slop for you.
not off topic
20 years ago I read in Popular Mechanics that there's not enough known uranium deposits in the world to power America's cars alone long-term. I guess that must've been before they and every other publication got the call. EVs are a dead end unless cold fusion becomes a thing. The best you're stuck with is marginally better η on gas-turbine power plants than on ICEs which is more than made up for by the enviromental damage from batteries themselves.
>muh windmills
>muh panels
You would have to have so many of them they would become a source of climate change rather than the solution to it.
>only compares co2 emission of their "life cycles"
>Probably doesnt take into account a ICE has a longer life cycle AND less resources for manufacturing
Couldve at least compared "carbon footprint"
Nah see this is why I said arguably. You can say it's related to the topic but it's really not. Of course they're never going to make a lightweight EV with a manual. We all know that's never ever going to happen. So saying it is pointless and irrelevant. You wouldn't go into a thread about diesel pickups and say "let me know when one comes with a clutch pedal and weighs under 2500 pounds" or go into a thread about hothatches and say "let me know when one comes as a 2 seater convertible with popup headlights made in Japan in the early 90s". The comments make no sense within the context. Some of us actually like engaging in conversations about other topics other than circlejerking the same car over and over again for 30 years.
Also for the record I never said I disliked miatas. I used to have one. Do you even have one? Or is the reality that you only drive used economy sedans and have never had a fun car in your life?
>I will not buy the soulless electric transport pod.
You will rent it, and you WILL like it.
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>Of course they're never going to make a lightweight EV with a manual.
Not with that attitude.
>You wouldn't go into a thread about diesel pickups and say "let me know when one comes with a clutch pedal and weighs under 2500 pounds"
But I would, because that exists and I want one.
>hot hatches [...] 2 seater convertible
Retarded non-argument, I never asked for a different body style, only a different powertrain and some fat trimmed. Huge difference.
>Do you even have one?
Yes, an NB.
If EVs are a dead end then gas cars are late stage 4 brain cancer. With EVs at least there's alternatives. There's multiple sources of renewable energy that can be used not only for cars but for everything else too. We can't exactly make more oil. any method of creating synthetic fuel is going to use more energy than it's worth when you could just put the energy into a battery. And even if for whatever reason EVs aren't viable for long term use, they at least have short term value in reducing oil usage, giving "them" enough time to figure out a better solution and advance technology enough to achieve that.
Not that I care about the environmental impact of it all one way or the other, I just need the world to last another 10-15 years. I just like EVs because they're fast as fuck and I don't have to worry about maintenance.
You don't see how saying you don't want a hatchback because of the body style and saying you don't want an EV because of the powertrain are literally exactly the same thing?
Also there's absolutely no way in hell that pickup weighs under 2500lbs.
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There is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from bolting the output shaft of an electric motor to a flywheel then putting a clutch, pressure plate, and manual transmission behind it. Aftermarket EV conversions sometimes do just that. There is something stopping a manufacturer from making a "2 seater convertible hatchback", because the instant you chop off the roof to mount a soft top, it's not a hatchback anymore. I'm not asking for something physically impossible like your example.
>Also there's absolutely no way in hell that pickup weighs under 2500lbs.
The claimed curb weight for a 2WD model is 2,526 pounds, I'm not gonna fret over 27 pounds.
How does that counter his point retard?
How many 80 year old ICE cars do you see on the road
No one wants a manual EV aside from 3 autists that don't buy new anyway
>We can't exactly make more oil
Nigga are you still on that peak oil shit? This isn't the 70s anymore, nobody thinks we're running out of oil anytime soon, not even the green scam lobbyists use that as an argument anymore. If you wanna be smart about it use your precious renewables for power generation instead of wasting it on transportation where it's least efficient.
Not my problem
Bot post
This. Simultaneously looks like an MGTOW and antisemitic caricature. A couple filters away from being a new basedjack template
I accept your capitulation, dilettante
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>sustainability and energy advocate
I don't take advice from pseuds, thanks
Tell me why you want to decarbonize my life?
I swear to go every woman who has glasses like that, thin eyebrows that are cup like that and receding hairline are always insufferable
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>energy expert
>Promoting lithium cells for EV's.

Yeah, she can fuck right off with her shilling. Have an image of the fuel for the EV's she's pimping.
it's not that they never break down, but rather the one in this case is pretty damn simple to work on and repair. and it's highly unlikely that with regular maintenance the jeep would break down.
there was one right there in that pic
Did she factor how most electricity is made by burning gas or coal at less than 50% efficiency?
Did she factor that her big house with air conditioning burns more fossil fuels? Or how the server she posted the video to and the phone she recorded it run off fossil fuels? Does she forget that all the bullshit furniture she buys is made of petroleum-based plastic that has to be shipped across the world's largest ocean? Does she forget that ICE cars have catalytic converters?

>oilfags pretending to care about the environment

lol lmao
we don't care, we're just sick of the bullshit about electrics being soooo much better when they're still powered by coal (or a diesel generator)

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