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What's the point of a NA V8? They still get garbage fuel economy, while being slower than turbo 6s. No wonder manufacturers are killing them. Obviously emissions play a role here as well, but when they get outperformed by turbo 6s or even some turbo 5/4s, what's the cope, other then "muh V8 rumble"?

Turns out basically no one drag races their car so what difference does it make that a car is 0.2 seconds faster in the quarter mile, or even an entire second or two. I don’t race my car so I don’t give a shit. Give me a V8 with some power and I’ll have a guaranteed smile on my face every time I drive. Can’t say that about turbo 6 lameness.
> What's the point of a NA V8?
>muh tenths at a drag strip
Get a liter bike then u pussy. Fuck benchracers goddamn.
>What's the point of a NA V8?
To add turbos, faggot wrenchlet
>AWD top trim model vs not AWD pigfat with exhaust mod vs not AWD pigfat widebody
Totally a fair comparison.
>AWD top trim model
it's not a m3
>not AWD pigfat with exhaust mod
weights about the same as the 340i
>not AWD pigfat widebody
the engine has more hp/tq then both of them, plus has the same trans as the bmw
yet the 340i still won in a rolling race
They're all trash anyway
my bike smokes all your pigfat cagey shit
sounds better too.
>farting mosquito sounds
Youd understand if you owned a v8.
More cylinders always produces a better sound
It's cool, miss me with that plastic engine with blended gravel sounds
You are aware you can have a V8 with a turbo, aren't you? You don't actually think you have to choose one or the other, do you?
t. daily a rwd turbo v8 w/ 6 speed manual
For me it's the power and torque band of a NA V8. They're so smooth and linear. You don't get that with the "full torque at idle and nothing on top" bullshit that modern turbo engines have.
You mean the new mustang? yeah.
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I just like em. No replacement for displacement.
>straight line speed
Yawn, my GTI is faster than all of those where it matters
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They're all slow compared to EV's
EVs are slow as fuck above 80 mph. One trick pony.
That's only because 0-60 is all that matters (real world).
If anyone aside from poorfag boyracers (broke) cared about 80 plus, elon would simply offer a geared transmission (tranny)

This post doesn't require a response
>They still get garbage fuel economy
>buying a sport car for fuel economy
There are rocks that are smarter than you.
Daily reminder that this hasn't been true for 5 years
efficiency is power
low fuel economy compared to other cars of similar power ratings means the car is probably not very well made -- or inversely means there is a lot of hidden power on tap you can get at with mods.
>has never ever driven an actual v8
they're peaky and don't like to rev high or fast.
v6s have true linear power curves

>"full torque at idle and nothing on top" bullshit
this accurately describes all n/a v8s
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>this accurately describes all n/a v8s
anon so completely buckbroken by pushrods he forgets the existence of dohc v8s lmao

Also area under the curve in gear is more important than whatever the tachometer says, noob. EVs are fast because awd is fast from a dig, wow we definitely didn't learn this in the 80s. And benchracing boost vs N/A motors is like comparing natty vs roids. God why do I come here lol
i don't give a fuck about your gay little 2.3 liter eco hybrid v8 eurohomo
>t. never driven a manual NA V8.
The experience beats the numbers when it comes to NA V8 driving machines.
The emotions and pleasure are unmatched.
I prefer a v8 even if its slower for easier maintenance and I like the sound better. I like cruising on quarter throttle and then slamming it and with turbos you have a delay.
>it's not a m3
>video literally says it's an m3 xdrive
opinion discarded.

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