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whats your EDC?
for me its a sheffield 16 in 1
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I carry picrel. Add to that my phone, keys and S&W 638.
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Victorinox Vagabond on my keychain.
If you live in the developed world and "EDC" you're a LARPing fuckwit.
kek stay mad.

leatherman micra and a rovyvonn light with a diffusor on my keys. carrying the spyderco chef for my knife today.
More likely just a blue collar worker. Couldn’t be me!
t. college student chad
>If you do things I don't like I will call you names and throw a temper tantrum
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+ phone/gshock + light backpack of various stuff for 1-2 day trips/urbex
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editing out the keys
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This. I know it's "slick" but I like cold steel. Sue me. That s35VN is quite nice. Fallout 4 is so much fun. Funny story. I was on the fence for months about either the code 4 spear point or a para 3. They both had a good feel when I held them at the local knife shop. But I guess it was the 150 dollar price tag of the para that made me cringe. Maybe one day. But DESU I'm pretty sure this cold steel Code 4 will outlive me. This is a perfect knife to me.
>dagger blade

no guard, what a fuc
not posting pictures but
>on my person
various keys, 2 nitecore TIKI lights (one is regular, the other UV), small travel lock and keys (also on keyring), phone, CS spray in jacket pocket
>in backpack
two more phones, leatherman supertool, victorinox picknicker, folding sharpener, dental cleaning sticks, a bag, notebook, pens, lighter, sofirn flashlight, box with breakfast and lunch, pain meds, small amount of sodium bicarbonate, purse with cash and cards, various ID cards, paper handkerchiefs
contents of backpack and pockets may change depending on where I'm going (as described above is what I take to work), eg if I'm going for a quick stroll out at day or night with a friend I probably won't take a backpack and instead have a knife and flashlight, handkerchief in my pockets)
the most pointless things for daily carry among these are probably the sofirn light (the tiki usually does the job, the sofirn mainly shines on a walk at night and perhaps as an impromptu hand warmer) and the victorinox (mostly carrying it because it's quicker to access the bottle opener). might remove them and add a compact monocular in the future in case I want to look at something far away
Fallout 4?
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i regret selling my leatherman surge but i wish they went a step further and made one with replaceable blades and scissors
have you EVER used the rope?
I got into EDC fairly recently by happenstance. I've used the swiss type pocked knife a million times since then and I don't go out without it in my pocket now. It's not a brand product, it's some sort of collaboration, but it's stainless and an extremely high grade product. The tools come out separately, there's no give in them, everything is strong and sharp. It looks like a grey victorinox.

I have the swiss knife alongside some paper tissues and a hand sanitizer. Wallet with a victorinox card in it, phone with a flash drive reader and a couple adapters plus a flash drive. Keys with a couple nifty screwdrivers on rings and a tiny chink thumb flashlight that works well in a pinch.

Got a Leatherman Signal for yard work and repairs, it's fucking amazing. Pic related.
This is the card, I've used it a lot which surpised me desu. The small knife is super sharp, the pincers are super nice for pulling out shit from your hands and the scissors work well.I think I got the black lite card.

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you young fellas and all your gadgets.
Just a sog powerlock aside from the normal stuff like keys
I like the erganomic handle, and it being made oif wood is pleasing to me. But the thing siezes up when a single drop of rain gets into the hinge (even after being opened and closed 500+ times). And the glade shape, might just be a personal thing here, but it';s so SEVERE like some type of murderous dagger.

I used to enjoy buttering my bread with it whilke camping since it really is a versatile little knife, but I prefer ones with metal to metal hinges for the above reason. Somebody here said they make a paduak wood version that doesn't swell when wet and therefore doesn't get a stiff hinge, but I'd need to see it with my own eyes.
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I carry this
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And this, which seems to become more useful by the day.
No point in editing keys, vast majority of locks are easy to bypass, if the person can copy a key from an image then I wouldn't put it past them on knowing how to pick a lock.
would be true, but i am a locksmith, if someone wanted to brute force my door, sure, but i have my locks and deadbolts seated

some crackead beating on it for a few hours, go on buddy
pin could be important for insurance "bump" key and a hammer can get you into most locks
Have that exact one in red, it's so GOATed
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>it's so GOATed
>it's so greatest of all time ed
You zoomers are beyond help.
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The Rambler or the Rally is superior in every way

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