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how hardcore are you?
where does the pee and poop go?
also, showers
How does this even work?
How were supplies given to her on a regular basis? How did she maintain hygiene and cleanliness to avoid sores, wounds, and medical problems?
I call bullshit on all of this.
The ideal woman.
Even better.
This board is infested with subhumans.
Timber cartels have almost single handedly destroyed all of north american's old growth and wetlands.
Stick frame houses are 1920's garbage loved by morons and (((yards))) are cancer.
>I'm too stupid and weak to do this so everyone else is to stupid and weak to do this.
Fun fact you're below average in every way and are too dumb to realize it.
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Kek. Nuclear response.
do americans really
his questions are valid. Where did she shit? what did she eat? what did she do during lightning storms? sounds like bs.
Hill lived on two 6-by-4-foot (1.8 by 1.2 m) platforms for 738 days. She learned many survival skills while living in Luna, such as "seldom washing the soles of her feet, because the sap helped her feet stick to the branches better."[17] She used solar-powered cell phones for radio interviews, became an "in-tree" correspondent for a cable television show, and hosted TV crews to protest old-growth clear cutting.[18] Using ropes, Hill hoisted up survival supplies brought by an eight-member support crew. To keep warm, she wrapped herself tight in a sleeping bag, leaving only a small hole for breathing. For meals, she used a single-burner propane stove.[19] Throughout her ordeal, she weathered freezing rains and 40 mph (64 km/h) winds from El Niño,[19] helicopter harassment, a ten-day siege by company security guards and attempts at intimidation by angry loggers.[5][8]
>I call bullshit on all of this.
do you even realize how absurdly asinine this is? what a bizarre way to say you weren't even alive when this happened. not only that, but you don't have the basic mental capacity to google something before posting such unabashed retardation. a thread gets posted about her at least once a month.
reddit larper tourist. you're not passing. i would shit on you
imagine the sex
>a thread gets posted about her at least once a month.
Another lie. I've been an /out/ regular for 5+ years and have never heard of her before.
Absolutely based.
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My mom won't let me :(
i've been here since post numbers on this board were five digits
>a thread gets posted about her at least once a month.
I was with you until this one. Simply not true anon.
>(((yards))) are cancer.
Do you want to walk through foot-high weeds and grass filled with ticks and burrs every time you go out in your backyard? I sure as fuck don't.
cute feet
He hates yards because his mom keeps asking him to mow it.
It's not even about him contributing to the household at this point, she just wants him to leave his room and get some sunshine.
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would someone have to learn how to walk again after spending 2 years up a tree?
you need to have some kind of mental illness to accomplish something like this
>where does the pee and poop go?
in a bucket that someone on the ground had to dispose of
dispose of how?
Say what you will, white women do the most hardcore eco activism.
of course because poc women are incapable of empathy
You can't say that, that's racist.
slurp it all down
Try walking around outside in something besides booty shorts and flip flops
love it or hate it 738 days is fucking heroic
That's hard to wrap my head around. I was in middle school about as long as she was on that tree. Totalwaif
I walk through the woods in search of a woman, alas they hide on top of tree.
their spineless dads fund it instead of beating them for not being married by 19
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>no treehugger gf to have treetop sex with
ikr holy shit bro i was literally about to say that

Why didn't they just cut all the trees around her?
seething brownoid
theres a little documentary about her on youtube. her shit was packed out. food brought to her. timber company security tried to prevent this and it lead to a lot of games of cat and mouse getting her resupplied. she rode out storms, anchored to the tree with a harness as the crown swayed and she got tossed around. timber companies used a helicopter to try and blow her out of the tree.
they did but this tree was much older. i think it was in a mainly second growth forest
>timber companies used a helicopter to try and blow her out of the tree
>lets risk this multi-million dollar piece of equipment, and multiple human lives, just so we can cut down this one specific rare endangered tree
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
i mean it was probably a guy hired to check on her for possible extraction who took it personally and decided to hit her with the rotor wash. lots of weird "muh timber" politics in logging communities
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>lots of weird "muh timber" politics in logging communities
Can confirm, Iv'e seen multiple instances of them completely annihilating public campsites, because they think someone touched their wood, or equipment, or got in their way, etc.
Picrel used to have a picnic table and a simple little shelter, they buried it all in dirt. Other sites they will fuck up by covering them in stumps and boulders, and just generally fucking the ground all up to try and make it unusable.
What a bunch of fucking whiny faggots. Waah, how dare you cut muh decked logs that I've left to rot in the sun.
The corporation should face ruinous fines (and yes I know Interfor is huge, all the more reason to wreck them and use the funds gained for parks and conservation) and the individual workers who participated in this destruction of property should be jailed.
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I kneel
>we negotiated 200ft buffer around the tree
then the logging company clear cuts the entire forest leaving some dog shit ass little patch and leaves the remaining forest to wither due to completely destroying the surrounding environment leaving them prone to disease, wind or whatever happens when you completely isolate 15 trees on a barren wasteland
>What the fuck is wrong with these people?
im trying to fight the system from the inside. it's been 33 years and it hasn't been going well
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>if the tree goes a-rockin, don’t come a choppin
And of course she gets all the credit for all the work those people did to keep her there
Did you not read the part where she didn't come down for over two years you incel freak
Why would whether or not he is alive at the time matter?
Would that have meant he walked by and copped a fat log she dropped down the side of the tree? (Imagine the smell).
However old he is he now has access to the same record that you do.

Speaking of smells: he is right to call bullshit on just a sniff test. I will too.
738 days? I guarantee this shit is a hoax. I'll bet she spent a month up there TOPS with breaks.
The people in causes like this have no problem with lying if they think it benefits a greater good.
>Timber cartels have almost single handedly destroyed all of north american's old growth and wetlands
But think of the profits!
so she sat on her ass for 2 years while other people worked to provide for her. do you ever get tired of acting like a retarded faggot?
what a worthless endeavor. its a tree, you dumb cunt. theres millions of them
youre a fucking retard if you think a limp-wristed tree faggot has the resilience to do anything except complain on twitter
Like clockwork, this board's quality is taking a nosedive when spring is in the air. See you all in November!
Lmao she did it and none of your seething will ever change that.
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>go on /out/, the outdoors board
>people are complaining and whining about a woman saving a tree
>a woman carried 2 years worth of food on her back whilst climbing a tree
Yeah fake
>tfw you're retarded, lazy and cant read but still need to tell everyone your opinions

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