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I got bit by a fucking tick in april.
okay, very cool, i had a tick on my balls once, that shit hurt, also spent like 45 minutes digging one out of my dads shoulder with a Leatherman at a truck terminal once, blood fucking everywhere lmao
>also spent like 45 minutes digging one out of my dads shoulder with a Leatherman at a truck terminal once
Why the fuck would you have to dig it out? Just grab the head firmly and pull.
I found one on me in February
aint always that simple
How? It must not have been a tick if you had to dig it out with a multitool.

"Two idiots in the middle of nowhere", love this type of a movie. You should have filmed the whole thing from start to finish.
enjoy your forest AIDS.
buddy sometimes you don't notice it for days. that's why it's important to check daily if you've been out. if you have one that's been there for days, that bitch is deep, the head will break off and you gotta dig it out. I had one so deep in my nutsack once that happened.
Get one of those meme tick twisters with a few different sizes, I thought they were dumb but they're a game changer.
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iktf bro. I got entickenated in late fucking NOVEMBER once. in NEW ENGLAND ffs

tick season apparently is 10 months now
you have to twits it to get it out without breaking the head, easy with tweezers but even easier with >>2723147
If you still fuck up just use a needle to dig in and get the head out
You’re allergic to red meat for life now enjoy.
I don't know what yall city slickers are on about. I just scratch them off, simple as
I pull at least 20 ticks off me per year. Only time I don't get them is the absolute dead of winter.

Little fuckers go straight in the woodstove.

I have a bottle of doxy in the medicine cabinet.
have you ever set a foot outside?
Did you bite it back?
I use the lasso kind, normally, but i forgot to pack it when Dad had one deeeep in his shoulder
(also the ones for dogs are a third the price of the ones for humans, but are literally the same, just a different colour)
>Using dog plastic
No thanks
its literally the same except its blue, not red, bet you are too good to get painkillers from your local veterinarian too
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Lmaaaoooo fucking mutt burgers complaining about lyme disease like its the black death. NIGGER come to yurop i fucking dare you, you will be glad you got the fucking lyme meme instead of TBE if you get bitten by a ticknigger here. That shit transfers the moment the ticknigger bites you unlike lyme that is time dependant. I have a relative that is paralyzed from the neck down due to TBE, its the only vaccine i've taken in my life because that shit will FUCK YOU UP
ticks arnt real. have sex incel
We used to do it with a lit match or cigarette when I was a kid lmao, didn't work, but left a cool looking scar
who even mentioned borreliosis or the US you dumbass retard
Oof. Those fucking things suck.
I once had one latched on the head of my prick. Took me weeks to finally remove it all.
One of the most glaring proofs that nobody on this board goes outside is how scared to death everyone is of ticks.
no one in yurop cares about lyme retard mutt
>who even mentioned borreliosis
fucking retard think before you write, surprised that you even solved the captcha lol
Du bist legitim ein spast
Do any of you know ticks? I can't find shit on pic related. Either it's not a tick or unrecorded species
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Nvm, appears to be a wheat Mite
I was sad because i moved somewhere with no possums
But now im happy i live somewhere with no ticks
>tfw haven't seen a tick in years because free range chickens
You know what would really suck? A tick. On your DICK.
based chickenmaxxer
Y so butthurt?
oh right, the forests AIDS, kek.
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biotch tried to sneak on me
Well anon when you dress like its habitat what do you expect
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>summertime bracken weeding
Ticks come out whenever it gets above freezing apparently
hey retards. smother the tick in a dollop vasoline or related. it will begin to suffocate and pull itself out. haven't used tweezers for ticks since i was 15
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they're such little pieces of shit
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I got bit by one of these niggers today. Am I fucked?
haven't had tick problems since I started coating my clothing in toxic chemicals, it just worx
I found a tick attached to my hip. Pulled it off but the head broke off so I've been carrying the head around in my hip for weeks now. It's nice having a camping buddy for a change.
you fucking pussies, I get them all the time /out/ing in the midwest in summer
Just pull em off with pic related, ez. It helps that I can feel when they bite
Thank climate change for that.
>temperature goes up by one (1) degree
>ticks with lyme disease suddenly spread thousands of miles south into areas where the temperature averages 10s of degrees higher
This is what NPCs actually believe, though I use the term believe loosely as NPCs don't really believe anything they just repeat but the man on the TV said or what get them updoots on r*dd*t.
If by climate change you mean the CIA
man its always the balls for me
Depends were you are at. in the western US Forest Aides, because of western fence lizard blood contains a protein that kills the B. burgdorferi bacteria. On the other hand we have rocky mountain spotted fever, which can kill you, but most people get over it.
In the western US we don't have Forest Aides.
Always the balls. I had one wiggling around near my asshole one time when i was a teen trying to get some pussy in a field
walk in the sticks, get ticks on your dicks.
What are those little red tick look alikes?
Did you get pussy
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I got bit by a deer tick today. Am I gonna die? It wasn't engorged yet
Enjoy your rocky mountain spotted fever.
but I'm in Minnesota...so Lyme disease
I was foraging some wild leeks the other day and saw a big tick on my bag. Found a couple more crawling on my leg once I got back on trail. First time I've ever seen ticks in my life and I do a lot of bushwhacking, except usually it's further north where they're not very common.
nice nails faggot
I hope you get aids, might as well live the whole meme if you paint your nails.
Stop bitching about lyme disease, as long as you remove the tick within 24 hours the risk of catching lyme is basically non existant. Just be glad you dont live in russia or europe where TBE exists
North America has the Powassan virus which can supposedly be contracted in 15 minutes. Rare but not a fun time.
Hell yeah dude. She was half hispanic with big tits. When we got back the car wouldnt start and the token black guy started freaking out about dying in the woods and got everyone paranoid so they all ran the few 100 ft back to a road and called a taxi while her n i stayed in the shaggin wagon until the morning
>Not tucking your pant legsinto your socks
Fucking casuals I swear.
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How. Me name you "Hikes with Chicken".
Akshually,I've picked them up even when it's freezing out.It only seems to slow them down.I think there needs to be a fairly long stretch of cold weather before they fuck off entirely.
>bloused boots/putees/pants into boots
>long clothing
There. No more ticks.
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Is this tick thing really that bad? Here in Hawaii we have a demonic possession insect created likely by the govt called LFA (little fire ant) it infested every single crevice of every branch, leaf, fern, rock and even in the water. Sounds just like the ticks you have the eatern US? So basically ((they)) have made it impossible to enjoy the outdoors so you turn the TV back on, yes?
>t. has no idea what ticks are
So what? There have been years where I got bit by them over 50 times and nothing ever happened.

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