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McCandlessbros.. our response?
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He represents the need to bring back involuntary commitment as a public mental health tool.
Why is he wearing a Nascar uniform?
stop molesting children.
>butbut muh priestarinos!
all kiddy diddlers go in the same chipper.
According to the book, he was nothing like the movie portrayed him to be. Also he died a virgin.
Some copy pasta that doesn’t really make sense to me, equating McCandles to a nascar racer who enters a race in Mexico on a bicycle or something like that
What happened here
He caused so much seething that an anon took the time to edit the pic and write a shitty copypasta, not worth reading.
is this even remotely shocking for someone who became a recluse
if you knew a loved one who had survived (U.S.) mental health facilities, you wouldnt even joke about this
yes, people who don't follow the herd are generally considered weird m wow
Clean it up, jannies.
The decriminalization of mental illness has been an unmitigated disaster.
Housing the mentally ill on the street is worse, both to them and the communities they blight.
they allow garbage like the vagrant scum thread and fucking pipe smoking

this board has the most fucked in the head jannies on the site
>they deleted my homo thread bloo bloo bloo
Are you going to bitch in every thread fag
Who cares about how he was perceived in society? This is the outdoors board, not the society board
The jannies are lazy. That's why they let the shitposts take over the board. They only do the bare minimum and they don't have any real interest in the quality of the board.

>defending jannies
unfortunately, /out/ is overrun with the mentally infirm who don't care about actual outdoor activities, but just to use the 'idea' of the outdoors as a stage for their ineffectual coping mechanisms.
Shut up nerd
shhh, we will get you into a secure bughouse as soon as we can, the pendulum back swing is going to make this inevitable.
Clean it up jannies.
Kiddy diddlers get to avoid going to the chipper as long as religious communities are around to shelter them.
No. The ONE thing he did right was go out in the woods. Weird, crazy, maladjusted people are better off if they go out into the frontier. Unfortunately those are getting harder and harder to find. That way, they either don't make it (problem solved) or they do make it and live far away from everyone else. Better for all involved.
>breaks into your cabin and steals your shit
What was his problem?
Didn't he """break into""" a publicly available hunting shack with no supplies?
He broke into a few places
Clean it up, jannies! Stop being lazy!
He didn't.
He did
>who survived

the entire point is to shove undesirable people that nobody likes into an institution where they will never escape and therefore interact with other human beings. most people do not want to 'fix' the mentally ill, they just want them gone. Its the same with prisoners. I do not care if you 'rehabilitated' a murderer or a theif, keep that animal away from me.
I made it up.
Truly our guy.
Why wouldn't he just buy a plot of land out in the frontier though? They are dirt cheap.
Because he was deeply mentally ill and lacked to ability to make and follow basic plans
The "Alaskan frontier" hasn't existed for 50 years at least
They still set plots of land on it to this day.
Homelessness is a housing problem. If we didn't have policies that made it illegal to build cheap housing we would not have homelessness like we do. It just looks like a mental illness/drug addiction problem because those are the people who can't compete for the limited housing available. If you gave them money they'd get a place and in the process displace someone else into homelessness. We need more homes and we need a lot more small and cheap homes.
>Homelessness is a housing problem
hahah, no.
It's a mental illness issue with drug abuse stack on top, when you make housing for these people, they won't use it if requires following basic rules, and when you let them "self-govern", they burn it down in short order.
>he died a virgin
how is that a bad thing?

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