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Homestead General /hsg/
> Biochar Edition
> Thread #07

Talk gardening, farming, livestock, beekeeping, building, electricity and plumbing, earthworks, waterworks, permaculture, raising children, market gardening, selling produce, barter, home economics, composting, mulching, pest control, diet, health.
Anything relevant to living on site, making a home out of the land.

Old Thread: >>2676468
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I sometimes spend hours reading about rare plants or ordering weird seeds online. I am interested in growing exotic/unusual/poisonous plants. My Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum) seeds had a germination rate of 100%, pretty cool. These desert plants have a poisonous sap that, if consumed, stop your heart. Some african tribes use them to poison their arrows.
>watering my cannabisplants
>left my growbox half a day without ventillation
>come back home and see 99% humidity
>plants have lime on their leafs
>everything is back to normal
>see that arround the plant itself its still wet and arround the wet spot everything is dry
>check moisture on the bottom of pot
>its >80%
what to do? pot size is 5 Gallon / 20 Litre Cannabis in sprout stage a little over a week, soil is pre-fertilized. Did add a little guano fertilizer before the ventillation failure. Watered with 180ml
and also, which humidity should be near the bottom of the pot?
It's probably fine. You can trim the lower leaves and branches to lower the humidity at the base
transplant into flowing water
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Planted 2 acres of corn last week
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wheres that tree
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Along with a side plot beside the corn field that has rattlesnake pole beans, squash, okra, cucumber, a ton of cantaloupe (put half my seed direct sow and half are in starters, probably not warm enough yet for direct sow but im experimenting), zuchini, pumpkin, turnips and radishes, taters, and onions
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Plowed all of my furrows with this 1944 Farmall A tractor. Walk along rows and drop seed in then come back along with the under-body plow and covered the seeds up
Have you ever looked into Poison Hemlock? The leaves are very very cool, smell interesting, and the flowers and pleasant. Grows all over the place around here and I let a lot of it grow up because I think it is pretty
one of my favorite children's books a kid was about an old red tractor, kind of like that, i would say it was a Fergusson, but not sure, was probably the first book i read all by myself.
if anyone knows the book, post it hell yea
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Should i just remove one of each of these pairs? Bell peppers. They grew in the cell together and i neglected to thin them but they seem fine.
Ferguson (single 's') is a brand of tractors, named by their constructor.
In Poland in 70's (when we were still forcefully assigned to the 'red' side of the political world), for reasons unknown the socialistic government decided to buy a license for these and the state companies started manufacturing and selling Ferguson tractors.
This ended up in a total mayhem in farmer's garages as well as farm machine repair shops, for these f***ing tractors had imperial sized bolts, screws, axels etc. and if any part broke or got loose and got lost, it was virtually impossible to find a replacement.
The machines worked fine, but once a fault occurred (and 50+ years ago all the machines were not as reliable as they are now), it was a nightmare to repair.
Peppers do better as a pair
I'm wanting to build an earth ship out in Terlingua or Marfa Texas due to the complete lack of building codes. The problem is that very little grows out there and there are no aquifers so I would have to rely on rain water alone. I was thinking of buying 40 acres. Is it doable? I don't expect this to be easy or something that will be set up in a day.
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>Marfa Texas
average rainfall?>16 inchs?,,HORY FLOOD!!,
,,, 8 gallonsquare foot collector area?!,
,DROWNING!,thats plenty for an Earthship.
If you collect rainwater from most of your property then it might be doable. Dig a bunch of trenches to guide the rainwater to a holding pond and pull your water from there. You should build something over it to prevent it from evaporating and check the annual rainfall for the area. Expect to collect less than half of the water.
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checked. need pic to help more
canna dont humidity above 50% after germ.
how tall is the one you talk about? 20 l sounds a lot.
also that 20 l bucket is dif to water and 180ml is just shite. show more from your setup also state what light you use.
Put a thick layer of straw over your soil to reflect light away from it and prevent moisture loss.
>sprout stage
>5gallon container

Start in a solo cup and progress to larger containers as the roots develop. Where do you think the water in the bottom is going to go if the roots can't reach it?
Speaking of bio char, spread most of my charcoal out, now in the process of covering it with compost, very dry lately though so it's an absolute dust bowl, though that makes the compost really easy to spread as it's so light and airy. Ran my sprinkler over the spread material for about 45 minutes last night, and it just sponged it up no puddles at all.
anyone have resources on how to keep ELK off your fucking property
>shoot them

they have rfid chips in their ears and are protected by the government. any time one of them sneezes some government employee goes to the location to check on it. I just want them to stay the fuck away from my fruit trees.
Blackpill me on beekeeping
Does anyone here actually homestead or is this LARP central?
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I'd be on the more optimistic side of actual homesteaders and those that dream of homesteading.
You've got several anons ITT posting pics of things they grow, one on two acres.
I'm sitting in the tropics planting trees for the last two years.
If you're in the americas, honey bees are an invasive species.
dogs killed my last rooster. I’m in city limits so would have trouble if I stay up and shoot the fucker but I built a big ass trap for it. Also putting in for a suppressor for my 22LR.
Avenge the cock, Anon. The blood of hounds must nourish your garden.
Xylitol is a water soluble natural sweetener which is completely safe for human consumption (and quite sweet) however it's extremely poisonous for dogs, as little as 0.5g per kilogram of dog's body mass will usually cause acute liver failure, higher doses practically guarantee death.
Does code require you to build houses of "engineered" wood instead of real wood?
Get a rooster that can kill dogs. Maybe a Malay.
The have collars but they've been coming on the property for a while now shitting in my garden. I almost caught them in the trap but I left the hotdogs out and they ate the whole pack instead and then took a gigantic shit on my potatoes.
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here's the photo.
You can see the one in the back is mid-shit on my potatoes.

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