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camping on the lake
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Lake Shasta, Northern California
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Rio Grande gorge
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Wild blackberries are really blowing up.
Wow, they've found a patch of earth that they like there, that's for sure.
They grow pretty much everywhere here but in no other place do they put on fruit quite that heavy. It makes me wonder what it is about that patch makes them act so different there.
>They grow pretty much everywhere here

I would honestly try to make the most of this. Making jam is not difficult especially once you've had enough raw material to get it just right. Piront a fancy boutique label, sweeten it with honey (a new, more "healthy" way of making it yummy) and then sell both seeded and unseeded versions. Sell it out of state, give it a snappy name, get some wholesome girl to hawk it on instagram as honey-sweetened organic blackberry jam. They will eat that stuff up, literally. The profit margins are large (since you can go around harvesting/freezing completely free raw material) and the outlay is very low.

I think I might have just handed you a brand new car in terms of profitability.
I make some jams and wines out of them for myself every year but that's about it.

Idk I guess my problem is that with work and life and all I have so little free time it's worth more to me if I just spend it doing what I enjoy. I enjoy making a few jars or gallons of country wines every few months- but it would be a bit much making enough to actually sell kek.

Also at a certain point the time spent picking them just becomes too much beyond a few hours here or there. You'd have to be out there like all day for the few weeks they are coming in to actually make enough for production.
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didnt really feel like May but I was out.
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Here's another good bush I found today
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Does this counts as /out? I'm from europe so I guess it's as wild as it gets
sorry, my american is bad
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I love lighthouses
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wrong photo woops
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Tbh I was only few km away from my home, but it was cozy and I made few hotdogs, which were tasty
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love the green, is this east or west coast us?
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things are super green right now
Hotdogs over a fire are the best. It just soaks up that smoky flavor
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reminds me of a science textbook cover
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Went out for a night hike the other night, like always it is comfy as fuck.
do you go armed?
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dam lake inna alpz
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Yes. I always carry a pistol, also either a shotgun or a short Boi AR. That night it was the AR.
Anon, he's Australian.
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Few nights camping in Grampians, Victoria.
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at least that musk thistle is providing food to the awesome butterflies, what a no good invasive gay faggot plant
Looks prickly. But majestic too.
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Took these cool photos in march, I heavily recommend hiking in heavy fog, truly comfy
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Right now.
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my lake
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ozarksanon, I recognize this from the stock photo, glad you finally got to see it irl
heh im not him, but i do post in every thread he makes
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speaking of, i tried to find the perfect view for him in the national forest, but surprisingly the best ones i saw were off roads high up in the mountains. im gonna try to find them on streetview

picrel is the highest point in the ozarks (buffalo lookout) but the trees were overgrown to the point that this was the only decent view on the mountain
anon posted one that qualified, but wouldn't tell me where it is, and I'm not even 100% sure it's even in the ozarks anyways
> i tried to find the perfect view for him in the national forest
im glad I brainwormed you in a good way
I really must know the best view to be had in the plateau-ish part of the ozarks
ozarks are really far from me but its kinda a dream destination like some people wanna see the himalayas, I wanna drive/fly to ozarks, it just would be a journey
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What I thought was a big slab of granite turned out to be some slippery fucking schist and I had a big long tumble.
Somehow managed to not crack my head but had to lie down for a few minutes cause the adrenaline made me feel like passing out.
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Ouch. You’re lucky you’re not dead.
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Rotated because 4cuck removes exif.
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At a Rendezvous in a state park with a bunch of buckskinning bros. I tucked myself in a sweet corner under some pines. I had a few hikers come through with questions. Other than some hawk and knife throwing splitting playing cards. Even got a few hikers to throw hawk and knives with us.
sounds like a great time, i loved going to rendezvous as a kid
after looking on streetview for a bit i realized that the roads are so in the boonies that they arent covered. however there are decent views on the 21 and 16 near the upper buffalo wilderness, as well as the 5 that comes off the 21 and goes into the national forest, they dont have the best coverage though
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Did Bondcliff and Bond in the whites today, I was hoping to bag West Bond as well but the weather was nasty and my legs just weren't up to it. I'll have to grab it some other day, maybe approaching from twinway and getting Guyot as well.
I don't think blackberries have ever found a patch of dirt they didn't like, they're considered a noxious weed in many places.
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Shenandoah/Potomac River x2 yesterday. I'm censored in purple. I fucking hate swimming rapids so I was swimming a ton of them to get over it. Anybody have good tips on swimming whitewater? I'm a river guide in training.
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Hiking near Laramie peak
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Hiked a few hours today, to look at the snow melting, and to test some of my gear, just started walking from home today.
Wanted to check how my hobo stove worked with damp wood, which went surprisingly well.
Also put a new edge on my folding knife, as I got some chipping with original angle, so wanted to test that out with some whittling and chopping after putting a convex edge on it.
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Still some ice on the lakes here.
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Some signs of last fall's rut, first time seeing signs of roe deer in this area, they have migrated this far north pretty recently, and seem to be thriving these last few years.
Hope their population increases so that I can hunt them in a few years.
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After chopping some small trees and making a bunch of feather sticks, no chipping on the blade this time.
Edge isn't quite as slicey as before, but at least it doesn't look like a saw after some abuse.
Pretty happy with it now.
>Anybody have good tips on swimming whitewater?
feet first and go with the flow lol
Is that red river gorge KY?
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Reminds me of Arkansas. Was nice there.
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no, but you correctly guessed the geology, it's the same cumberland plateau ecology, just further south ~ 80 mi maybe
pogue creek canyon mesa top

I'd love to go back to red river gorge when it isn't 100 degrees outside
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the water levels were high so there was a mini-waterfall on the side of the cliffs
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based Huey appreciator
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Northern AZ
>I'd love to go back to red river gorge when it isn't 100 degrees outside
red river gorge scares me i swear that place is haunted
what about it scares you?
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Black berries grow like weeds but only in certain patches do they bear fruit that heavily every year (weather permitting).
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Spotted on a recent wander in West Sussex.
Most abundant patch I've ever seen.
mega celery?
>"looks like celery, must be fine to eat"
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Took my kids up to see the sunset
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Went to the faroese islands this week. Not exactly out out, but I got my fair share of hikes, as well as other experiences. Also ran into this youtuber called LostLeBlanc and his girlfriend, very weird. Highly recommend the faroese islands tho.
Very nice
Is this the same as the Faroe islands and you're foreign/retarded?
Always fancied it. Really unique culture there of mixed nordic and pictish. Wanted to go during the whaling season, looks bananas.
ah, finally a familiar place. gf is faroese, from tórshavn
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Just pitched up among the buttercups.
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>Time and place stamp on pic rel
Artic villages actually suck dudes can't recommend
The Ozarks look cool as hell what kind of critters are there if anyone knows
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Pretty frozen lake I slept by Saturday night. Last few miles of the trail were completely covered in snow so I was a bit afraid of getting lost but it was pretty easy to follow to contour.
Cades Cove TN actually. Off the main loop. Normie as fuck, but go damn it's beautiful
tbqh looks like a million places in SW VA, not going to the most crowded tourist trap
I do want to explore over by Roan Highlands though
>I do want to explore over by Roan Highlands though
Heading there this week.
Cades Cove is unique because it is a cleared valley in deep Appalachians. While plenty of those exist, they are private land or filled with McDonald. So it's actually much more rare for a publicly accessible area like this. Granted, they had to kick the landowners out to get it, but here we are. If they didn't do so, it would be just another Pigeon Forge. Other valleys that would be like it are covered in trees, so you don't get the vast views. It's still worth going if you go on Wednesdays -- they ban vehicles, so you can hike it. The tourists tend to avoid that since many times you are 5ft away from bears and their cubs. And walking or biking.
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1hr off trail to find this lake, spotted it on google maps satellite.
Wish I'd brought a rod and bait.
Very nice anon.
nibba there's valleys like that all throughought the shenandoah, unless there's some magical photo you are gonna hit me with i'm gonna avoid tourist epicenter 0
>throughought the shenandoah,
There's not though. You might get some pictures like the Cades Cove one above, but you're not getting a 360° version of it. If you've never been to Cades Cove then you won't understand.
cleared fields are not my thing, sods and high elevation ones are kinda cool, but this is not that
cleared fields are common, dense hilly forests not as much
>cleared fields are common, dense hilly forests not as much
In the Appalachians, the opposite is true.
not really you have to go pretty deep in from the coast to get away from land devoted to farming
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neat where is this?
Ravnogor, Bulgaria

It’s really close to a village and a lookout point, but beautiful scenery. The first pic you can only hear birds it was awesome
damn i was gonna guess roan highlands in tn/nc
did you drive up there, atv, walk?
almost looks like southern WV where there's lots of atv trails crisscrossing the hills
Drove with a car to the village then walked. It was a short hike honestly. Yeah we have a lot of varied landscapes so you might find them similar with a few states. The scale is totally different though
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had back surgery because of work and i cant /out/ this whole summer
i can barely walk and if im lucky i will get the feeling back to my legs in a year
i had a good run and will miss the /out/doors
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I didn't have a single Memorial Day problem. Yesterday, the trail was almost empty. I went to a restaurant, which was almost empty. My food was cold, so they gave it to me for free and got me new food.
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Severely underestimated the Batona. Tried to do it in three days but only got one in with 15 miles. Went home the next morning. Have a newfound respect for thru-hikers and now I’m gonna train to challenge it again in the Fall.
My thoughts on those first 15 miles though? It is the quintessential NJ trail, complete with never being too far from a road. Not a very exciting trail either, but it does offer various styles of being surrounded by trees which is kind of cool, but there are very few memorable parts.
a shit ton of armadillos, and deep into the mountains there are black bears. ive also found a bunch of cool bugs in my time
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>Is this the same as the Faroe islands and you're foreign/retarded?
Definitely worth it. I wasnt expecting it to be as great as it was.
Nice, I stayed there during my trip, some nice routes going out from there.
1 night with car but its better than nothin amirite fellers?
hell yeah brother
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Lake Jocassee
What kind of cameras do you lads use? My phone seems to either take okay pictures or very bad ones when using zoom
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there's not much near the NYC area but harriman always has nice views
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Tripyramid, North Tripyramid, Whiteface and Passaconaway yesterday via the Kate Sleeper loop. I took a wrong turn at the end and ended up on the Walden trail so I ended up doing closer to 23 miles.
It pissed me off how badly cameras take mountains. They always look so flattened, but when you're there, they're fucking insane.
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depends on the mts I guess.
I mean if you are using a phone camera the lens if fucking tiny and can only do so much. You can bring a bigger camera but then you have to cart it around everywhere and make sure you don't drop it. Some people hike with tripods and DSLRs.
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Spent 9 days in the scott highland (cairngorms region) Pretty neat. Wasnt expecting that much sun so i did get sunburnt a bit but it was still a pretty relaxing time
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Best part of the hike
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Stop whining at americans, you just didn't try. Europe is full of good areas
Picrel is spain
Is Scotland as barren and desolate as most of the pictures show?
Depends where you are, most of Scotland is quite empty but the central belt of Scotland has a lot of towns
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I also went to Scotland last month
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where were these taken?
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bros last week i went out for a cheeky overnighter and I failed to start a fire despite lighting countless ones in the past. I was alone but still felt embarassed.
>felt embarassed
Good, you should feel embarassed.
Why did you fail at it?
Analyze and improve.
Do you lads obey designated campsites or do you go off trail. If the latter, how do you get away with it in popular parks?
usually off trail for me
>how do you get away with it in popular parks?
i rarely camp in popular park to avoid problem, but if i do, i try to be as discreet as possible. (setup your tent late, don't make any fire, leave early)
i dont know ;_;
i couldnt get the tinder to stay lit. Used dry bark fiber and dead grass and it would burn out before lighting my kindling. my only guesses is that things were a bit more damp than they felt or the birds nest was packed too tight.
Bring a kindling stick like sawdust impregnated with resin that they sell in the store. That will really make a difference next time. Mistakes are for learning!
i was thinking about that or maybe the classic vaseline cotton balls, but they feel like cheating. Even bringing paper scraps seems wrong
Off-trail is allowed where I'm at, so I usually go that route. If I don't feel like searching for a good spot or I'm bringing new campers I reserve a designated site.
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yeah mud bug
i keep an ultralight anywhere man. super beautiful spot. waders? canoe? nice.
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went to my favorite secret cabin inna mountains
I camp where I want, if a problem arises I’ll deal with it. Legally you are supposed to only to designated camp sites but no one is going to come at the middle of the night to start some shit. One time
The park ranger did meet us when we were camping and he just stayed of some chit chat and asked us to call him if we hear gunshots, probably looking for poachers .
word. honesty is on your side. doing nothing wrong officer. like ur style anon
My man. Yeah if you don’t look too sketchy and you are an amiable person i think you will be fine. Maybe in other countries it’s different.
By the way, we did hear gunshots. The next they a guy who had a dairy farm nearby came to check up on us cause he saw are lights and told us those gunshots are from a birthday party and not hunters from a nearby village. We were not trying to hide , just picked a spot by a dirt road.
Don't know what kind of flora you have in your area, but learning what works well as tinder is a good idea.
Like here we have quite a lot of birch trees, and their bark is s-tier for tinder, same goes for dead pine trees and branches.
I'm assuming you bring a knife if you're making a fire, making some feathersticks can help out a lot.
Just experiment and learn, you'll find something that works for you and the area you are in.
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Coming to you live from the /decalibron/, where I have cell reception I guess
lebron has a mountain named after him? how can jordan compete
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Giant wild Magnolia bloom. Super common but the size always blows my mind seeing them up close.
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I'm going to repost some I posted from the wetlands thread earlier.
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Super common but such a cool flower.
>spring over
>the good part of summer halfway over, what's left is browning plants and gradually scarcer animals
>birds done breeding
>amphibians done singing
>shortening days before we know it
>back to 6 fucking months of gray mud slop cold and shit before we know it

Time: time is relentless.
Summer hasn't even started yet
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Did my first two night hike through a history walk track.
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Old ruins of what used to be a logging area in the middle of this rainforest.
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The forest is great in the second-half of spring. Everything has come alive again and the mud is mostly gone.
Now that is what I call an awe-inspiring view and I want to be dropped in the middle of that endless forest so bad
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Little ~4.5 hike. Good weather. Got a bit hot but I hit the trees again on the way down when it was getting oppressive.
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back still busted and in few weeks the summer turns to fall
>in few weeks the summer turns to fall
Wtf dude, it's still spring, what are you on about?
thats only 3.2 months away, start hiking
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why the fuck does every mountain lake look the same?
No, I have a bike.
Hiking is for fall when shit gets slippery, and hunting season opens.
what feminine hands you have bussy
That's a girl
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They don't tho
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And then there's the Canadian Rockies
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Baldface loop today in the White Mountains
you have a mental problem
I mean those are very feminine hands tho
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Naknek, Alaska, working on a salmon boat for the season
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this weekend I did a 5km hike with 1500m elevation in the mountains, 10km total after coming back, with an 18kg/40lbs ruck, took me 4.5h to go up and 2,5h to come back down, how is it? on my way up I took some small pauses of 1/2 min max
why do you care about time so much? just enjoy the hike bro
dont care that much about time but k want to have feedback on how good this is, to see how I perform compared to others, I think it's medium to good given the weight I had on my back, I didnt have any problem with cardio, the limiting factor was the quads that stayed burning so I had to take some pauses
tard strength
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Looking good. I haven't been able to get away since I did the kate sleeper but I'm planning on doing the willey, tom and field loop next, or maybe liberty and flume. I've ordered some new underwear which should help with the chafing, this is the first year it's been a problem, just came out of nowhere.

Have you done isolation yet? It's a great hike, not a ton of elevation but miles and miles of that sub-alpine stunted pines absolutely coated in moss and lichen.
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Sleeping Bear Dunes
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Got back a few days ago from a trip to Kenya. It was hot as fuck but the safari was amazing. 10/10 would recommend. Everything was cheap as hell. Had a great time.
hows the local population?
Most of the people were very friendly. The country massively relies on tourism for income so the people are mostly polite. Of course there is crime, so you need to keep an eye on your stuff, especially in the cities. Price haggling at markets and some shops is also a big thing, which we weren't used to. Overall, one of the friendliest countries I've been to, despite the poverty.
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Tillamook State Forest, went bombing around on the logging roads this past weekend and found this heckin' view.
looks like fun, too bad im 12 hours away
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Mile High Saddle in Eagle River, AK. Had the day off yesterday so I decided to check it out, top tier views
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Wuliaojian (五寮尖)
Taoyuan, Taiwan
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I found an albino squirrel on my Recent Outing!
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Rainbow Flowage, Wisconsin

Did a one nighter on the bike to a spot along the Wisconsin River. Hammock, tarp and blanket. Works nice making a lean to out of the tarp with my extra bungee straps and a few dead tree limbs for a frame.
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Nobody knows this secret spot
What was the spot? Campground ? Or a spot off the side of the road ?
I'll find it. I'll find it, and then I'll find you. And then I'll rape your faggot ass
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snowed on me last week at the backcountry cabin
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Just along the county road that goes along the reservoir, right next to the dam.
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Sorry meant to reply to you.
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Found these little niggas today.
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Some kayaking during a road trip through Hungary. Not much of an /out/ country, but it was pretty cool for kayaking
That bike looks comfy af.
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