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I went fishing last weekend and I spend an hour kicking down all of these.
did you kick one down everytime you thought about sucking cock?
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he's a rockcuck,
he just stayed home and fantasized a bit about kicking rocks then wanked to gay porn for 8 hours.
>trap porn isn't gaaay!!111
yes, it is son.
Assmad hippies
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>n-n-no U!!11
kek, getting mad at rocks still isn't going to make you not autistic.
>I spend an hour kicking down all of these
Was it autism?
im still kicking
based. it takes them an hour to make, and it takes us 2 seconds to kick over. It's an unwinnable fight for them.
my hero.
luckily i only see them at tourist hotspots here.
you should join the national park volunteers at our artic circle, they recently spent a few days demolishing and spreading out these fuckers.
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Putting holes in the drywall does nothing but make your mom sad kiddo.
Ecclesiastes 3
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: (...)
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together
Should have made a Sonnenrad.
Ecclesiastes is not around anymore to stop me.
Explain why they're bad
people are enjoying themselves
normal people, ones who have sex
You are, aren't you.
Top lad.
Good work outnon
Those people upset me.
I dropped some rocks in the woods to repair one of my trails, I'm gonna stack the extras just to make you seethe, tranny.
From an objective point of view, they're harmful for the ecosystem because they disrupt some insects life cycle and also remove potential refuges for small animals, specially insects.
From an objective one, they introduce something artificial in a natural environment, contaminating it.
why kick when you can just skip stones? someone already found the best so you don't have to spend that time
The national park services says rock cairns are bad but cuck out and say don't kick existing cairns as it may cause rich upper class kids to get lost 50 feet away from the wide open road. We wouldn't want Instagram retards and disrespectful faggots playing loud music to lose their lives. I see these cairns literally ten feet off the main roads leading into trails. They say it's to prevent people from getting lost but you probably shouldn't be out if your sense of direction is that bad that you need a marker ten feet into a trail. I say annihilate them since they fuck up the environment. Before someone says I shouldn't because there are authorized cairns, those tend to be bigger. Unauthorized cairns are usually small.
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>visit hundreds year old Scottish castle with very interesting sea stack geology
>early on a misty morning so got whole area to myself
>beach area made of weirdly flat perfectly smooth rocks
>piles of them fucking everywhere
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Imagine hating fun
i went stacking rocks last weekend and spent two hours killing all the fish
I go into nature to forget that people exist; I don't need little fucking reminders that I'm surrounded by humanity.
I know I shouldn't have watched these during lunch. I feel sick and I'm literally shaking right now. I think I'm going to take the rest of the day off for mental health.
I take my gf out to go knock down cairns after which we have hot sex where the carin stood.
Damn that's pretty awesome and those cairns are definitely an eyesore.
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based op.

i knock down every single one i come across
Whenever I'm out and just chilling, having nothing better to do, I build two cairns for every collapsed one I see. I like to think it's a hydra of sorts, if you catch my drift. And it's really funny to me that man babies get upset over stacks of rocks.
I hate stone stackers because they're vain attention whores. Now, time to film myself kicking down those stacks to get attention online.
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Dumb animals thinking that stacking rocks is something dumb animals do.
Thank god there will be no trace left of these stupid defecators.
Unironically this.

As an angler, these drive me nuts as they are one more link in the chain of why fish populations are struggling all over the continent without serious intervention. It's behaviors like this that have disrupted ecosystems all over.

For those who would say stupid stuff like, "fuck you, why should I care? It's just a pile of rocks!" That's exactly they attitude that makes people want to kick your ass, and why you don't deserve the outdoors. It is a team effort to protect the natural world, and so easy to destroy it (intentionally or not). If you're not willing to be part of that team, you're not welcome to the playground. If you're so selfish that you think that your actions don't have any impact, then you lack the civility to participate is a society like outdoorsmanship.
relax, homie, stacking rocks doesn’t do shit to fish
Actually, it does. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and pretend that you just don't know about it, rather than you're actively choosing to be an asshole.

Those rocks and riverstones are the habitats for invertebrates to reproduce and take shelter during their lifecycle. They are enormously dependent on very specific environmental factors, being insects, and any stressors can produce massive problems, quite literally downstream. While most trout and other colder freshwater species are opportunistic predators, their primary diet and nutritional source are the invertebrates in the waterways. Thus, less food = less fish.

Now, warmer freshwater fish like sunfish and bass may have a more varied diet, but they are still heavily dependent on those invertebrates, as well. Plus, the other things they eat are in the water for a reason (you can probably guess what those things are at this point).

So no, a single rock stack is not going to decimate any given ecosystem. But it's exactly that attitude that I'm talking about; the "my actions can't possibly have an effect." You are one of many that are enjoying that space, and those actions add up. There is no reason to be so ignorant of these interactions for an experienced outdoorsman. For those who are just getting started, there is a mountain of resources available, and plenty of people willing to share and help. But being a dick and mouthing off will find you nothing but a hostile environment by both the wilderness and the people you find in it.
nigger behavior
Yes we know this,
new age practictioners of paganism think they mean spiritual stuff
historically anicent pagan peoples only made stone stacks as landmarks to guide them places.
shit like "turn left at the rock stack and keep going for 5 minutes and you'll reach town"
I might just start stacking rocks everywhere I go just because of this thread.
The thought of some autist with 10k designer "survivalist" equipment spending more than an hour of his time kicking them all down fills me with joy.
Cairn builders vote for Biden.
Cairn kickers vote for Trump.
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>thinking about anon cranking out the hand bananna
Nigger youre on the down low arent you?
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>REEE I'm not gay!!111 you are!!11111
yeah, lying to yourself just hurts yourself son.
They're not bad in and of themselves. But the point is to mark out safe paths in dense fog. But then retarded city slickers come and build them on cliff edges, creating a menace. And you obviously don't need one right next to another.
This one is small and like 6 inches tall, you did nothing
good, i get satisfaction of the idea that a pile of rocks makes someone seethe so much.
Some cairns are used as markers on trails (often made by BLM or local park rangers). They don't want people creating them like >>2738884 said.
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they're bad if they're done like picrel.
A lot of neopagans seem to believe that rock carins were spiritual when that's incredibly false
rock carins were used as guides to locations like landmarks.
Using rock carins in a spiritual sense is bad
using rock carins the same way ancient peoples used them is correct
having one or two scattered at various distances
but having them like picrel is just retarded
and damages the environment
Bbbbbut it won't hurt anything. It just looks like a pile of fucking shit a dog would shit out. Just a pile of rocks bro. Deal with it chud. You go out into nature to be reminded of more ugly ass man made structures. Forest rangers build them to guide people while ensuring they don't fall over and hurt someone but we're the exception instead of the rule.
Cry about it. I'm tired of these things getting out of control. You wouldn't leave your dog shit at the park without cleaning it up. What fucking reason do you have to litter the park with tons of these rock stacks all within a foot of each other? Cairns look like piles of dog shit.
What a bizarre question.
Have you told your mom you’re gay
the first and only time i tried adderall i got the brilliant idea to go hiking and of course im sweating like a madman from having taken amphetamine so im drinking all this water and by the time i got to the trail i had to piss so bad to the point where its causing me to have an erection so anyway i figured no one is around so i whip out my boner and start peeing in the middle of the trail till i hear a dogs muffled woof and i guy whispering for the dog to be quiet and i look up and maybe 5 feet above me on the hill is a guy and his dog in clear view of me and my erect penis walking nonchalantly along urinating. i bolted so fast down the hill from there and hid in a clump of rhododendrons until i was sure they had left the area then bushwacked my way back up the hill. in the process i got so warm and sweaty that i took my shirt off and looped it around my bag strap but at one point it got caught up on some shrubs and i didnt notice, so i kept walking for miles back to the bus stop and when i got there i realized I HAD NO SHIRT so i had to hike all the way back up and retrace my steps through the bushes not even on the trail but somehow through the magic of drugs i actually found the spot where my shirt was caught up and was able to get back home safely then i proceeded to play drums for 3 hours straight. the moral of the story is stay in school and dont do drugs or youll end up like me kids
It's fun to stack rocks, the fact that so many of you are assmad about it is funny.
Dunno what you think is "hippy" about stacking rocks.
>"Haha I kicked over your rock stack while you were gone!"
Okay? I'm not trying to make a permanent monument I just think it's fun, gonna stack them again.
You are entirely unable to stop me from stacking rocks.
You're acting like making little stacks is somehow clearing entire bodies of water of river rocks.
Brother it's still in the exact same environment it's just a little higher, stop being delusional.
I think you just don't like looking at signs people were in a natural spot, but you're already hiking manmade trails of you're seeing any of these things.
I think what's really hilarious is that we're at a point in time with the internet and being terminally online that we've forgotten that doing something because it's fun is completely normal.
Nowadays we just straight up call it autistic
nah I stayed in school and still ended up like you like imagine trying so hard and getting so far lol
I stacked your mom's rocks last night
the main reason i stack rocks is because people like OP get enraged by it.
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thanks my moms crippling autism prevents her from allowing the rocks to stay in place
God bless you Anon.
I never cared about cairns but I started making them a year ago because it sends anons into a raging autism fit.
You suck at fishing then. I wouldn’t even notice stacks of rocks if I were fishing unless they were in the water and fish were using them as habitat. Dumb ass.
very based. Cairns should only be sparingly made along ill defined tracks as waypoints
worthless losers build them to leave their mark on a place, basically saying "I was here"
The level of projection here could could completely revive the drive-in movie theater scene.
Damn it anon, I was scrolling past and saw "projection" and "drive-in movie theater" and thought there was a legit conversation about drive-ins.
they're an eyesore

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