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Are you scared to meet a bear?
idk about scared but i definitely would want a large firearm with me and hopefully it's from a distance.
I'm scared of families
It would certainly be a scary thing. I'm not a large man but everyone says I'm quick and wiry. Plus I have some formal fight training back in the day. All major advantages to be sure. However, even with all of that, I'd still feel fear if I had to square off even with one of the smaller varieties of bear.
You could easily take a bear with some training and a knife
yes I would only go hiking in bear country with at least three firearms in case one jams.
Only a griz, black bears aren't violent towards people. Even then I've "met" a few grizzlies hiking but they were far enough away for me not to care.
Small bears maybe but understand how difficult it is to deliver a fatal wound with a knife going through all that fur and fat and muscle and bone. And thats if you stick it right where it needs to go. And that's if you have enough time to carefully plant your blade. Most people wouldn't have nearly enough upper body strength
>black bears aren't violent towards people
some are. Not as common per bear considering they are way more black bears than Griz but it does happen

not scared per se but very cautious to not "meet" a griz at close range. One never wants to surprise a griz.
>Conflicts between black bears and human are fairly common, especially in places like Lake Tahoe where many bears have become habituated to people and seek out human food. Fatal attacks on humans are rare, however, and most of these conflicts involve stolen food or damaged property, as black bears are more likely to run away from a person than maul them.

>california is a case in point. Wildlife officials there recorded more than 1,500 bear-human conflicts per year in 2021 and 2022, according to CDFW’s most recent Black Bear Conservation Plan, but they hadn’t ever recorded a fatal black bear attack until the Downieville incident in November.

That being said I am more weary of black bears that are used to scavenging for human food than ones I encounter in the wild. Tahoe has a problem, too many retards live there so their bears can get easy food.
>Not as common per bear considering they are way more black bears than Griz but it does happen
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Black bears and polar bears hunt and eat fresh meat. They will kill you and eat you in one go. You must fight back against black bears. Grizzlies eat carrion so will kill you and cache you, to eat you in a few days when your meat is properly aged. You play dead with grizzlies and you might make it through.
>Black bears [...] hunt and eat fresh meat.
Black bears are omnivores. They mostly eat berries.
Yes. They also stalk, kill, and eat prey.
I've had 10+ bear encounters and in every single one the bears was busy eating some plant and I walked past them. If bears have stable food and you aren't near their cubs they don't want to be near you.
Liberal white women aren't.
Black bear no, and I have many times. I am not afraid of them because I know they're afraid of me, as long as they're at my house scavenging they know it's not their territory to be defending and will run away.
I’d rather encounter a bear than a chud.
>black bear
not unless its cubs are around or it's visibly starving, but still best not to tempt fate

yes, I would try my best to avoid it

>polar bear
I would shit my pants and say my last prayers

>panda bear
it's already over
they're like people. they'll eat whatever is available, with a preference for meat.
im going to japan soon and ive never ever been anywhere with bears
planning to go innawoods properly so i WILL be in their zone
pretty scared lads ngl
>yes I would only go hiking in bear country with at least three firearms in case one jams.
You don't belong out there if you believe you'd have a chance to try a second gun after realizing your first one was jammed.
>black bear
>not unless its cubs are around or it's visibly starving, but still best not to tempt fate
Black bears barely give a shit about their cubs. It's the griz that's a problem.
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Nah, I have met bears, my dad handled bears. They are docile creatures, at least the Appalachian bears are. They dwell at the where there are many berry bushes, they love sweet fruits and honey. That is generally their territory, sometimes they are hunted.

Sometimes you have to hunt the bear because it is attacking crops or livestock, or in a survival situation. If you are camping in areas with bears, you have to seal or protect your food supplies because they will smell your food and come to your camp looking to eat it.
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>They dwell where there are many berry bushes, they love sweet fruits and honey.

Their meat is most similar to beef, is good for burgers. They really love blueberries and other berry bushes, will eat the whole bush. They are not endangered, but there are limits for hunters and trappers. In the presence of humans they are generally non aggressive and docile.
black bears kill just as many people as grizzlies every year (which is still not a large number but still). Make no mistake, a black bear will kill you for fun if it feels like it.
per capita
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Used 2guns last night.,
,,first gun-pelletsalt. ,,,,beareturns 1minute,, testing the screen Door?!NOWAY!!,DUMBEAR!,
,10mm aim just over his head from bed,
,WOOMPOW!,,,Thats LOUD!!,painfull andisorienting!!,
,,,,, maybeareturnature?

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