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I am going camping and I keep bicycle near my tent. What kinda lock is good and lightweight so I can carry it with ease inside my backpack or pocket

General lock discussion is fine
Why would you want to carry it in your backpack ? If you have some bulky chain you can wrap it around the top tube. If you can't because you have some bag attached to it... IG you can get something pic rel and attach it around your seat post
What kind of nigger shithole would one have to live in to even worry about such things?
>locks on an /out/door board

Kindly go back to your low iq board please
Do you think there are forest niggers out looking to steal your bike? No one is going to steal your bike next to your tent.
>>>/n/ FAGGOT
>good and lightweight
yeah I don't think you can have both
just go for light cause the main risk is probably opportunistic assholes, not real thieves
It doesn't happen until it does.
OP if it's only for camping (and away from organized campgrounds), you only need something to prevent an opportunistic thief from riding away on your bike, a cable lock should suffice. Odds that someone is walking innawoods with bolt cutters are significantly lower.

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