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what more could a man need
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women
Based Cimmerian philosopher
the handle of that knife is going to be covered in sauce. why would you put it down there? also, the blade is so thin it will probably flex in an annoying way when you use it. I cannot enjoy this image.
>he doesn't remember that this was the wrong answer
>knife IN the sauce
To bump the Hilina slump.
Juan de Fuca or De Palma is fine too.
A fork.
i need less
>the wrong answer
It was absolutely the correct answer
>t. Thinks the open steppe, a fleet horse, a falcon at your wrist, and the wind in your hair is pretty alright
Is that steak?
you call that a knife?
>wrong answer
12,000 years later the khan's son is still mad
For every blueberry you eat you shave off 50 seconds of your life due to higher risk of pre-diabetes

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