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I have off of work for almost two weeks, was considering a road trip but I haven't decided on where to go and am running out of time. I live in the rust belt, have thought about heading east to New England and Acadia or out west to Glacier National Park. Any recommendations, feedback, or ideas? Wish I took the time to plan out more but here we are
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i wish bigfoot was real
that would be so cool
Just go east. Plenty to see. Personally id o to maine. Climb a mountain. Love climbing.
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Little Big Horn
I live near Glacier, that’s what I would do

If you are into hiking do the northern loop route, I hike about 3000 miles a year all around the country and it has been my favorite hike so far and the most beautiful country I’ve ever seen it made me cry
What would I do down there?
I'd love to visit Maine and New Hampshire, two states I considered moving to, but would need to plan out some kind of trip so I'm not just wandering. Also I can do hiking but I've never done rock climbing outside of a gym
On my list for places to visit but don't know if I'll make it this trip
Isn't it tough this time of year to find places to stay and to plan on such short notice? This is the busy season right?
find the top of a hill, see if there's a view, trace an abandoned logging road up and down a creek, sometimes there's little museums with gift shops if you like that sort of thing

should be some waterfalls if you can time the rains right

extreme southern ny, through western pa, through the highlands of WV, thorough sort of eastern and central TN and eastern KY and extreme NW Georgia, there's lots of nice stuff

rock mazes, old growth forests, and not nearly as many tourists as a popular national park or maine
As I'm not familiar with the area, where do you park and camp without getting bothered?
Busy season in glacier is June/July, if you go 100 meters from the road down a trail it is no longer busy because america and fat “people”
Also, it’s not tough to find places to stay since the bob (the natty forest in the region) is directly south of gnp and you could stay the night camping there for free and not have to follow gay rules because it’s a natty forest and not a natty park

Do not dismount your vehicle in browning, and do not eat at Johnson’s in st Mary (fuck that dude)

Like I said late June/July is peak, August/September is usually still busy but not quite as bad, any other time of year and you have the park to yourself, once in November I didn’t see so much as a human footprint for 5 days

Glacier Itinerary:
Northern Loop (70ish mile backcountry loop, recommended start at many glacier hotel, park in the parking lot nobody will notice you aren’t staying there, there is so parking pass system until next year, takes me 2 days, takes most people 3-5)

Drive the going to the sun road

Algae/Lake MacDonald

If you have a passport go up to waterton lakes

I forget the name but there is a fire watch tower overlooking the east side of lake Macdonald, kinda steep climb
Meant apgar not algae

Autocorrected to algae for some reason
>Glacier National Park
There is no competition. This is clearly the answer. And drive Going To The Sun road.
>I live near Glacier
lucky mother fucker
there's plenty to do in ME, NH and VT for a two week trip. not sure what part of the rust belt you live in, but you could also loop in the adirondacks and lake champlain on the way there and back as well.

i live in NH, let me know what you like to do in particular and i can make some more specific suggestions
Sight seeing, hiking, camping, don't have a dirt bike right now but I like off road too. I'm pretty much down for anything that's fun
I've decided on driving towards Acadia, gonna save Glacier for the Fall or next year so I can plan it out better. Any recommendations for stuff to put in my itinerary?
Hit Portland on the way up or back if you like good food and beer, so many great restaurants and breweries there. Portsmouth NH is also a great spot for seafood and has lots of colonial/federal architecture and history.

Acadia will probably be extremely busy, especially on weekends. I would hike/visit there on weekdays to cut down on the crowds. Pick up any supplies you need in Ellsworth on the way in. Definitely do a sunrise hike/drive up Cadillac Mountain as its the first place in America to see the sunrise this time of year. Jordan Pond is another beautiful but busy short hike worth doing. A loop on the Great Head trail is nice and will get you a good sense of the Maine coast. Also be sure to visit the "quiet" western side of the island where most locals and fishermen live. Bass Harbor light and Ship Harbor are very scenic and don't get the same level of crowd that Bar Harbor does.

Baxter State Park and Mount Katahdin are only about 2.5 hours away from Acadia. Great place to see wildlife, especially moose. Katahdin is (IMO) the best hike in New England, but be advised if you want to hike it you either need a reservation (which are tough to get) or you'll need to show up at 5AM at the gate and wait til 7AM when the rangers start letting folks take no-show's spots (pretty much always guaranteed). Baxter is also awesome for fishing and camping if you're into that.
She's never been disproven

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