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-increased cold habituation
-increased fitness level
-increased body fat
there its that simple. also if you dont know how to swim yet in 2024 you are fucking retarded
>-increased fitness level
>-increased body fat
its not that complicated to understand, you need to find the balance between being physically fit and also maintaining a decent body fat percentage. think of the typical build of a polynesian seafarer compared to some body builder who is cutting for low body fat. the fat acts as a bio-prene internal wetsuit of sorts.
Good point. I was half trolling but also wanted to see your answer. I lift and sometimes I'm slim and other times I have bulk.
kek sorry anon just felt like being autistic pain in the ass
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Life jacket
They'll save your life
Wear it!
I do my best to encourage and teach people to swim. It is a life skill that changes people's life.

Personally I'm an excellent swimmer and can swim for hours and float with little effort. I do recommend a life jacket if you're swimming a lot.

If you're swimming in boots and gear, the side swim is relatively efficient and lets you manage the other gear you're carrying. Your ruck should be waterproofed to float and should be supporting as much gear as possible. But this is advanced stuff that you should only be doing as a strong swimmer and done with practice and have safety controls.
its ok bro i have ass burgers too

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