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How is no one talking about this? Yellowstone is literally starting to explode. These are all warning signs for the coming mega explosion.
First time seeing a geyser?
it explodes every day. just cuz some water got vaporized doesnt mean anything is different. this has happened many times before. did I just fall for b8?
This wasn't a normal geyser spray retard. It literally exploded and formed a giant crater
Good. Stay out of Wyoming.
We’re full.
>These are all
What are the other signs?
This was in Montana no?
no. most of the park is in WY
if i saw that I'd be running screaming for dear life. imagine you got hit by 500celcius vapours and all your skin starts to slide off your body like a rotisserie chicken in the days to come
>"Hydrothermal explosions like that of today are not a sign of impending volcanic eruptions, and they are not caused by magma rising towards the surface," USGC wrote.

It happens all the time and does not indicate the coming of a mega explosion. Isolated incidents.
If Yellowstone stops exploding that's when you worry.
>It wasn't a normal geyser
so, a geyser
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not even the strongest in the last 30 years
You guys just don't think to happen with normal explosions this one not another just the beacuse it's bigger, that's when it's more of the recent years compared to recent years.
U wot?
We have angered the gods
Could you cause this to happen? Should you cause this to happen?
This. Just because a tea kettle is whistling steam doesn't mean that the stove is going to explode.
yeah i prayed for it to happen and it did, im like God or something
I dont think those geonerds actually knows what they are talking about.
Their general posture is that "you cannot predict volcanic activity" but I remember last year we had a big earthquake near a volcano here in Mexico, the people started worrying, and the geonerds started saying the same old thing "its unreleated, you cannot predict volcano activity" one week later the volcano started erupting.
...you..just explained my sex life anon...
Dude, Yellowstone has been exploding semi-regularly for hundreds of years.
Correlation is not causation.
canadian national parks be like
>here's a tree
>here's a moose
>it's cold
american parks be like
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Please consult the chart
two more weeks

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