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How many times per day do you day dream about buying land just to protect it?
Ugh yes. At least the land near my house. There's a field next to me that's still used to grow hay or some kind of feed grass and they harvest it yearly so at least it's not for sale yet. And 19 acres of beautiful pristine old growth forest and wetlands behind me that's owned by a 90 year old man that lives hours away from here. It has no road access and only taxed at like $50 a year. I have tried to contact him but got no reply. I just want to own it so I can confidently say it's never getting cleared or built on in my lifetime.

My stupid new neighbor already chopped down all the dead trees behind his house that woodpeckers were living in, and has spent 2 years now occasionally having soil delivered to it and dumped into it. I guess he's trying to eventually get a bigger back yard but it has just looked like a pile of shit since it was cut, all stumps and weeds. Like I haven't talked about it extensively with him but I think he just waits until he can afford more dirt then hires this big truck to dump some in. It's going to take forever to fill.

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