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Do retards build this abomination in your country as well?
Just spent two hours demolishing 6 of these at the local river
t. frenchfag
I like making them. Damming things up is fun
I've seen them on my local river here in New England. I always dismantle because I can't stand people tampering and doing selfish bullshit like this. Leave shit alone I says.
>He doesn’t understand the enjoyment one feels from terraforming
You’re a nigger, aren’t you
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clam gardens are an ancient tradition and the people who built them knew a hell of a lot more about how to live on/in the land than some retarded OP on /out/..
>he doesn't understand that this "innocent" enjoyment destroys the natural beauty of rivers
Begone spiritual negro, go throw some plastic bottles in the sea or something
I'm better than you
There are no native fresh water clams in France faggot
These dams are a nuisance to our local fauna and flora
Beaver hands typed this post
There's a couple old ruins of them in my area that are still visible at low tide after hundreds of years. Pretty cool seeing the footsteps of the ancestors
Never seen these before but I will destroy them if I see them
i find that hard to believe, unless your water is so polluted for centuries that youve killed off all the sea life (not surprised). french people are trash
hell yeah bud, you got any petroglyhs there too? theres cup marks and figurative images in the boulders along the shoreline here that date to at least 500 bce
>sea life
>fresh water river
There's several species of freshwater mussels all over europe, including france. For example river mussels of the genus Unio. Most of them are threatened due to pollution and degradation of heir habitat.
A little rockdam like that is not bothering anything in the river. If it does anything at all, it makes a little pool of slower currents and deeper water that some species might aggregate in.
The only ones bothered by them are autists.
>There's several species of freshwater mussels all over europe, including france
Huh, just looked and you're right
>A little rockdam like that is not bothering anything in the river
That's where you're wrong though, these rock dams stop fish from moving freely in our rivers, they elevate water temperature which fucks with the fish and makes algae proliferate like crazy. This is especially exacerbated since in the Mediterranean region I'm in, the water level gets very low during summer so the fish NEED any kind of unimpeded cool water they can get
>The only ones bothered by them are autists.
Yeah, so?
>these rock dams stop fish from moving freely in our rivers
Yeah if they're 2 meters high

Fish know how to get over small shoals (which is what these are), they either jump or just wait for the next high water to get over it, which will most likely wash open the rock chain anyway

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