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File: grow-avocado-tree.jpg (297 KB, 2048x1367)
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297 KB JPG
I have an avocado tree in my garden. Some of the branches overhang the street outside. Today my mom told me the other day she saw one of the neighbours stealing our fruits. Shes non confrontational so she didnt say anything. I asked her how many did they take and she said quite a few. She said the guy wore a military uniform and the neighbour right infront of us is military so its probably him or one of his friends.
So should i kick his ass? Im totally 'ard and definitely could.
Maybe you should prune your tree. Thanks for the free avocados.
if the fruit can be reached from the public road without trespassing, you should consider them commons and not be a karen about someone picking them. like >>2758457 said, prune your tree if you dont like it
>if the fruit can be reached from the public road without trespassing, you should consider them commons and not be a karen about someone picking them

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