How do I overcome my severe social anxiety when I'm hiking? I only hike during winter after a snowstorm or when the weather is really bad and there's barely any people in the trails/ Since I only have one "mountain" near me, that's the only one I hike up and down whenever I have the time. Sometimes I get so scared when there's cars in the parking lot though, I drive 2 hours to get there and then I see a lot of cars and have to drive 2 hours back home. I've been thinking about getting into more serious mountaineering so the chances of encountering people decreases.
>>2785727dont take a trail
>>2785727Idk stop being a bitch and face your fears. You will literally be 100% fine, it's all in your head. No one in any of those cars you're so scared of gives a fuck about you. They just want to enjoy their day as much as you.
>>2785727Get counselling, bro.
there is unfortunately no easy answer. best option might be to just ignore people you see. depends on how your fears manifest but hopefully you'll be able to realize that most poeple don't give a shit what you're doing (and if they do they won't do anything about it)
>>2785727Same, they look at me in fear, then my day is ruined, I was able to go live in the most remote village of my country, but then they called the police, I had to flee my country.1 tactic is to avoid paths, avoid eyes contact, let them have last world, or hide, the worst are kids, I can go forever how these people always hurt me. The worst is if they manage to gangstalk me and put their shit in my head, you can call it bad vibration, it follow me until the next day, I have to go to sleep at 2 am, after they go to sleep ( I guess ) otherwise they think at me the whole night and I cannot sleep.
>>2785727>social anxietystop jerking off.