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I'm going trail riding with some friends soon in January and they think I know how to ride a horse. I know trail riding horses are conditioned to just follow the trail and don't wander off, but I'm wondering, since I have no experience with horses, how easy are they to control? I just want to avoid embarrassing myself is all. For example if I accidentally go somewhere I shouldn't and I want to get back on track, are horses easy to control or is it possible I'll fuck up even worse? Thanks
If you're going through a guide company you'll be fine. If you're using your friends horses just say you don't know anything about what you're doing and they'll put you on their most beginner friendly horses. Honestly trail rides are pretty easy with trained horses they only care about following each other and eating, you just have to worry about fatigue from sitting in the saddle and the horse getting spooked randomly from something.
>If you're going through a guide company you'll be fine
Yes, but how fine? I want to be 100% sure that I won't embarrass myself and won't be in a situation where they can see I don't know how to ride a horse.
>horse getting spooked randomly from something
Ok, if this happens, what do I do? How do I control it? How do I make sure I recover quickly and that no one thinks "he doesn't know how to ride a horse"
It's not that hard as long as the horse is cool, do like you see in the movies but take it way easy people don't gallop everywhere in real life
if the horse is a dick you're gonna have a bad time
>I want to be 100% sure that I won't embarrass myself
Best not to leave the house then.
>horse getting spooked randomly from something
I knew a guy who died from this. The horse reared up and the guy hit his stomach on the saddle horn. He was old and on blood thinners and I guess he bled out internally before he could get back to his barn.
Heyo! I got to see my first chest tube in the ER from a guy who got bucked from a spooked horse while hunting. He was lucky to be alive after that.
You'll be fine, OP. The people replying above don't know how to ride a horse so they can't tell you. You're right, those horses only care about following the track which they've done hundreds of times so they'll pretty much just be on autopilot. They'll give you a brief lesson before you start so you'll be fine, but if you're still worried you'll make a fool of yourself somehow, watch some YouTube videos on how to ride a horse. Good luck and post some photos.
hold the reins with both hands so that theyre not too loose and not too tight
squeeze the horse gently with your calves to make it walk
steer it left and right with the reins and your legs, e.g. pull on the left rein and squeeze with your left leg to make it turn left
to make it stop sit up straight and gently pull the reins back
What this guy said.
And it will work fine,...with the proper animal.
I've seen guys train some young wild horses they get from blm auction.
Myself I worked a ranch in my family. Branding cattle and horses and donkeys. Selling them at public auction. But this was ten to 20 years ago. Those ancient cattle houses all closed down.
It was a open auction on native American rez next to city, so the state laws and county laws didn't get in the way like off reservation. All the Indians sold their cattle cheap, as close to 100% beyond organic. Range cattle that never had one shot or vaccine or even a tick bath. Anything that got sick died, whatever was strong to survive lived to pass on its genes. And that'd what people came to buy.
Others brang every kind of goats, geese, ducks, chickens, etc. White farmers, m3xican farmers, even black farmers, gooks, chinks.
The buyers were everyone u could think of plus like haddisic jews with the hair black box tied to head, like real Africans in kente robes, some Muslims in typical dress for men n women the berqua.
....think that alot of these guys were using goats n pigeons chickens for ritual sacrifice desu.
The African wanted a good cow to traditional chop and bleed out for a feast for celebrating.
Lots of homesteaders of every type. All on the Indian reservation ten feet from the city line.
Oh buyers from Europe and France. They got as many horses as they could cheaply for butcher in their country.
I put four wild horses up and nobody bought em.
The lot bought them for twenty bucks, but that went back into the lot for feed water and keep.
Anyway, never trust a horse that ain't yours(for riding). No matter how much the owner says they're gentle or broke and easy. Sometimes they are green broke very near to wild. They need lots of care and ride by experienced rider bc they could just go off like dynamite and no amount of rein pulling or weight shifts will stop it. It wouldn't think twice running blindly off a cliff or low branches to destroy you, by accident or not.
On the return home to base they know they will get fed so I've seen them bolt straight for the pens not giving a shit if you fall off or get dragged.
I have been bucked a few times riding my uncles horses and it's ok but you should never relax.
I haven't rode in 12 years bc I got a real job that actually pays.
I am damn grateful to still be able to go for walks, lift, everything normally. Busted knees, hip cartilage is gone, back gets stiff sometimes, pain is OK very low everyday.
That work don't pay.
read "Centered Riding" by Sally Swift
This is actually graphic cowboy porn. Beware.
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>t. gremlin
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dont worry anon. riding a trained horse is the easiest thing you can do. its easier than driving a car even. after a couple of minutes of getting the feel of things youll be able to do it without thinking.
used to go to a farm to get my hair cut as a kid, because my grandpa knew them since forever, really cool place, had a taxaderimed stork, random shit from when the man went to Japan right after ww2, big ass grandfather pendulum clock.
but they also had 2 horses and a donkey, the male horse was an asshole so i never interreacted with him much, however, the female horse, and no this isnt some mister hands shit, she was just really nice and i would feed her carrots, turns out, a hedgehog had set up a den in her hay, and she would sleep next to the den with the hedgehog and her little babies, then one day, the hedgehog disappeared and the horse inconsolably depressed
first time i shot a gun there too, not at any horses ofcourse

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