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File: take the bike pill.jpg (63 KB, 640x480)
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>be me
>no credit
>no roommates
>can't afford apartment
>can't afford RV
>can't afford van life
>ready to walk away from the world
tell me what I'm in for, chat. is biker camping the only road for me? what /out/ essentials do I need to hit the road and never look back?
>>2809957 (OP)
You're in for homelessness and suffering and at some point you will loose the bike etc.
Have fun.
T. Ex hobo.
>>2809957 (OP)
Just bring a gun
>>2809957 (OP)
You need money. Bikes require an insane amount of maintenance
only if you crash them like I do, but i only had to pay 150 dollars for oem replacement parts for my clutch basket and rear brake set.
Still have to replace my clutch lever (40$), but it still works and I can ride it. I might put aftermarket bike levers on it.
If I was to live off my bike, I would have a tarp, knife, tire plug kit, electrical tape, duct tape, tool set (allan wrench, pliers, socket wrench set)

The only people who would steal a bike are people with vans and trucks, so guess it makes it clear who to hate on the road. But if someone bike jacked me, they would probably be really retarded hoping on my 850 cc bike, and would probably crash doing a wheelie by accident
>>2809957 (OP)
>tell me what I'm in for
Spending 10x-100x more money than you think you will while having a worse experience than if you just backpacked

And that's assuming the best case where you never crash in the middle of nowhere and die of exposure
I can assure you people can ride an 850 and don’t need a truck to steal it. Unfortunately thieves hit you when you least expect it
>>2809957 (OP)
Wouldn't it cost about the same to get an old shit box truck?
homeless vs homeless with a bike. I'd rather have the bike.
already in the bugout bag
I have plans to earn money building more bikes. It's the place to live that's the problem. I've also considered dumping a storage container in the desert and having a second container as a workshop.
>tarp, knife, tire plug kit, electrical tape, duct tape, tool set (allan wrench, pliers, socket wrench set)
valuable response. added to the list.
a beat up pickup isn't a bad idea if I can find one. the problem is, I can't find one. backpack is on the list, just in case the bike disappears I can still convert to backpacking.
Forget about your toyota aspirations and start looking for an old nissan. The only pro I see for a bike is you can do literally all of the maintenance yourself. But if you're replacing the motor or the transmission it was always a shit box.

I've been camping on and off as a lifestyle in national forests since 2015. The whole time I've been using a 2009 f150. You can get a lot of places if you don't mind clear coat scratches.
Don't let yourself be stopped anon. Go and live your dream lmao. Stream it too.
>I've been camping on and off as a lifestyle in national forests since 2015
Was thinking about doing this as my work is intermittent. Any advice? If your truck died what would you replace it with and why?

Depends on the bike. A BMW? Sure. Any japanese dual sport? You can fix those with some duct tape and a prayer.

I've owned Yamahas for years and my WR has been through some shit and come out just fine with minimal financinal impact.

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