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Have you gone /out/ yet this year?
There's only 2 weeks left of /comfy season/
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>>2809959 (OP)
How the fuck does this anime weeb always getting to the top of mountains in any season of the year across the entire fucking country?
tard strength
while we are here, only pedophiles enjoy anime
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>>2809959 (OP)
(1/2) I left for New Mexico a week ago. I literally just got back 4 hours ago, so I’m going to type this out while it’s fresh. I checked the snow reports and past weather reports and it seemed like it was fine and dandy so I decided, why not, lets peak a mountain. So me and the girl (her first time backpacking ever) packed our bags and planned for a 3 day backpacking trip. We camped at a campground and got acclimated to the elevation before our trip. The upcoming 14 mile loop was going to be fun, or so we thought.

First day backpacking(3 miles), it was cold, but nothing too crazy. The weather was truly pleasant, I wore a long sleeve and some fleece pants. Adorned the ice spikes and we trekked on forward so we could find base, which was a mighty tree with the flattest, dryest, most comfortable ground ever. This was a much-needed morale boost after hiking 5 hours with around 40 pounds on our backs.

On the second day (3.5miles), the water and food weighed heavy on my shoulders, but I locked in and trekked on forward. This 2nd day was 7 hours of continuous trekking as we woke up with the sun. The inclines and declines of the trail were fucking brutal. Exhausted, we needed to find a flat area and fast, dark was approaching, and fast. The winds. The winds were so loud. Couldn’t find a dry or flat area, so I chopped up nearby pine branches and laid it on the ground to keep the tent from freezing my dick off. Having set up camp, we felt ready to rest. It felt good, we were going to peak! We literally had done 90% of the trek, just another 10% of upwards trekking. Here was that night.
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>>2809959 (OP)
But man…. that night…fear and frost seeped through my bones making me rethink tomorrow. I could feel the heavy pitter patter of the snow pelting the tent. When we awoke that morning, the previous 2 days trail was completely COVERED over with snow. We could not find the trail. I knew the general direction of the trail, but it’s hard to navigate when snow and gusts of wind are pelting your face. We waded through hip deep snow until we found remnants of the old trail path (I used a compass), which took an hour. Scary hour for the missus lol, but I knew we were gonna make it out. Her mental had broken though, her literal first camping trip and I put her through this shit lmao. Kinda hilarious.

It sucked because 2 miles in out of the next 7 miles, she could not hold up her backpack. So for the next 5 miles, I carried BOTH our packs and got out of the mountains before sunset. That whole day was a runners high, I zoned out and became a zombie, trekking through the snow. My heart rate felt like it never dropped below 108. My nostrils numbed from the cold frost, my lips chapped and had little dry black skin flakes. You could chalk it up to me being a retarded fuck, but the journey felt like an important one. I HAD to put myself in a positive mind state. It felt like I was delivering an urgent vital life-saving medicine to a neighboring village on the other side of the mountain, and the medicine just happens to weigh 60 pounds and is shaped like 2 backpacks. It took 9 hours. I didn’t stop to eat, just drink water.

Anyway, I lost 5 pounds, (179 now) I feel leaner. My cardio from the elevation is fucking crazy now. My breath control feels bonkers. I see some new striations on my torso. I know it’s not an IDEAL camping situation, but holy fuck, it was fun. Anyway, here was my view for those last 9 hours.
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>going innamountains with no snowshoes
Ultra-light fags deserve what they get
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>>2809959 (OP)
You took 3 days to do 14miles?
Lol I wasn't gonna bring snowshoes cuz they were cumbersome as fuck. Snow spikes will do because I'm not a fat fuck who needs surface area. Right cuz 60 pounds is ultralight, kys, go out.

4000 feet of elevation and cumbersome gear, yes. 3 days for 14 miles. The fuck? Are people doing this shit faster? No way you old fat fucks are doing it faster than I am.
I suppose "days" isn't the greatest measurement. Started late on the first day, at 12pm. Does 19 hours total make better sense? 0.73 miles an hour felt like the speed I was trekking xD
14mi and 4k is a slightly ambitious day hike for me in the winter, below average for me in the summer.
Snowshoes are great for fresh snow. You do need them as evidenced by this: >>2810403
Am I seeing this right that you don't even have gaiters? And you're worried about snowshoes being cumbersome? You sound way overambitious for your experience level, seriously consider staying inside or low elevations until the snow melts. People die in all kinds of innocuous conditions.
You're not cool for almost getting yourself and your girlfriend killed
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