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Has anyone ever done one of these?
It's a literal grift so hillbillies can charge you exorbitant fees when you pussy out. And it's like medical debt, it can't be actually legally extruded from you but since it looks legit it's as good as real money to hillbilly governments.
>>2810074 (OP)
Yes. And wilderness emt.
It's five days...
You're such a tourist you can't even comprehend what I'm saying.
Your reply unironically makes me feel embarrassed for you and I don't like that.
So did you have an actual question OP or did you really just want to know if anyone had taken that course at all, and that's it?
>>2810074 (OP)
I did it because the USFS gives a small pay bump for anyone in a wildland fire position that brings medical credentials along with them.

Course sucked, not worth the money.
Going to a WFR course is too scawwy for /out/
>you all are just too afraid to eat actual excrement like me!
don't even respond to the obvious trolls bro.

Let me explain it real simple. These courses only exist so "first responders" can take absolute idiot tier knowledge dumps to force you to pay them for their knowledge when they come rescue you because you tried to climb a mountain in flip flops.
Put the whole board on clutch

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