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what's up with this /out/ism ?
why do normalfags love making these?
>>2810188 (OP)
npc behaviour is to copy whatever low hanging fruit meme/trend their fellow monke are doing. whatever its so satisfying to knock them over as you go
>>2810188 (OP)
looks good
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>'scuse me fellas
>>2810188 (OP)
I love that they absolutely infuriate little faggots like you, that's why use them in my trail system.
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>>2810188 (OP)
I do it to deadnuts flex on nu-/out/ and all the larpers and fags that it enrages. Takes about a minute to stack one. Cucks seethe about it on here for years.
>>2810188 (OP)
You are an American retarded faggot
>>2810188 (OP)
It's fun, why do you hate stacked rocks so much?
>You are an American

I just don't understand why are they copying eachother
>>2810188 (OP)
Tradition, you burgers wouldn't understand.
>no you don't get it, I constantly seethe and scream in fury about rocks but I'm totally not mad!

Why post a selfie?
calm down
are you on your period?
I'm not american
I still see them on my local trails
It takes less than a second to kick them over which is more fun
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i built a small cairn on an unknown secondary peak to mark the highest point of the mountain, that otherwise wasn't very clear. i got lower back pain trying to lift a very heavy rock that paralized me for two weeks
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>Builds cairn for the lols in historic landscape because le funny
Do go die in da woods
>>2810188 (OP)
Its only cool if it's as big as a 3 story building or built with rocks only found at least 2 weeks away from location
Not a tranny like you, so I don't have hormone-induced meltdowns about rocks.
>another tranny having a catastrophic meltdown over rocks, has to lie about something clearly written, hoping people only read its post and don't look up to see me talking about using it to mark trails on my land
Seethe and cry, it's getting warmer and I'm gonna start going out to fix my trail markers soon. Maybe I'll post some pictures to trigger you.
I thought this was an ameritard thing but apparently normies have started making Instagram cairns here too
I hope you fags don't destroy real cairns on trails
I know education isn't your strong suit, but try to think before you post.
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i know the history i just dont care, shits retarded
Kick every cairn.
That'd be ok in my book, but you spend hundred of hours posting about how much you cairns. What's wrong with you?
again, calm down
you can just leave the thread if you're this livid
hide it from the catalog
my confusion is on why did normalfags adopt it? what popularized it?
I would understand a big one as a trail marker
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>>2810188 (OP)
you being chronically buttmad at the same 5-15 year old pictures that the algorithm keeps sending you because you keep engaging isn't "getting popular with the normrinos!111"
turn off the device, go outside, touch grass, stop getting mad at rocks.
>sperging out over rocks

no wonder this guy is hiking alone. no one wants to hiking with someone let alone have sex with someone who throws a tantrum over rocks
>me small brain
>me see rock
>me upset
>me kick rock over
>me cries on /out/
>me calls others npcs
I don't want anyone to hike with me, I hate people
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I got my girlfriend into cairn kicking. We take turns now.
Nice try. Kick every cairn. No exceptions.
were all those rocks a whole bunch of cairns?
In my country I only ever see them as trail markers and sometimes small ones on top of peaks, I've never found a big conglomerate of them like that
>were all those rocks a whole bunch of cairns?
Yes, we knocked every single one down. It was very therapeutic. If I see a legit cairn marking a poorly marked trail I'll leave it alone, but cairn sites like those are just an eyesore and need to go.
yeah that's understandable, I wonder what kind of autism makes people build dozens of cairns in the same place like that
Yeah, because in Europe, building cairns is tradition. They mark trails, camping spots, good places to get down to a creek and get water etc. Basically, if you agree with what they signify, you add a rock (exactly one, unless the cairn is already too tall, in which ase you take two rocks and start a new one next to it), if you don't you leave them alone. If you see a cairn, you know a number of people thought there was something good about that spot / trail / etc.
If you grew up anywhere in Europe, Russia or northern Asia, you'd know.
Anyways, sorry for calling you an American, Mehmet...
>>2810188 (OP)
Instagram and TikTok. They make them to post on social media because they saw other people do it on social media. It's like how everybody lines up to take pics in the same spots in every national park or whatever even though there are plenty of other just as impressive views all over the place, it's not about the actual thing, it's just doing what everybody else does so that you can show that you did it.
>I've never found a big conglomerate of them like that
no one does, rock cucks don't go outside.
I over all cairns I see that aren't mine but put up my own. This way I am trolling both the groos instagram thots who make them and the degenerate incel oh my science redditors who seethe about them. I am harvesting your loosh.
>chronically buttmad
why are you projecting?
I'm just genuinely confused, for some reason why're assuming I'm livid, that's so weird
Kick. Every. Cairn.
do you have big ones as trail markers?
I don't think my local trails even have much of a space for a huge one
people just make small ones at waterfall basins
>>2810188 (OP)
its not that deep bro, i just like stacking rocks
>"I'm Not Mad!!111" he squealed
kek, chill kiddo
who still making this patch
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fucking pic
you're in my thread, Mr. dyslexia

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