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I'm going to Everest basecamp in less than 4 days. I met my expedition partners and there are a lot of English people in the group. The advised me Mint cakes are necessity when hiking Everest. Is this true? Will I be able to do it without Mint Cakes or does anyone know if they sell them at Base Camp or any huts along the way?
>>2810320 (OP)
There's a bit of romance about it because Edmund Hillary & co ate it on their ascent. It's always been a favourite among mountaineering Brits because it's nostalgic, commonly sold, and woven into local climbing culture. In nutritional terms, there's nothing inherently special about it. Anything very dense and sugary will do the job. You can find similarly effective products at the airport (though probably not as delicious).
>>2810320 (OP)
you're not going up Everest you are just doing the nepal trek
>>2810320 (OP)
Every Everest hike I've done I relied on these everyday. Nothing better in size and portability for energy
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>Every Everest hike I've done
anon are you a sherpa how many times have you summited
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For me, its the McChicken. The best fastfood sandwich.
It's a larp thread anon. Even going to basecamp costs like $20,000 minimum.
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>>2810320 (OP)
It's just a meme. It's literally just the filling of a york peppermint patty without the benefit of the dark chocolate.
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>be /out/
>never hear of the McDouble challenge
>google it
>realize it was posted to Reddit 8 years ago
>autistically screech because Reddit is bad
>>2810320 (OP)
This might be a larp threadt. In case it isn't. no you don't need them. Yes they were used by the first people to summit Everest but it's only sugar. Don't worry. Try not to die and enjoy your trip
that sounds delicious. think i might try making some.
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>Mmm... minty.
+50% run
It's... A lot. Kind of cloying and overpowering without the chocolate to mellow it out. Good in theory, not in practice.

That said, making it would probably be an interesting experience. Do report back. I wouldn't waste the money on actually buying this stuff though.

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