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what's the c/out/nsensus on missing 411? Sasquatch ? bigfoot? jews?
>>2810398 (OP)
I think it's pretty easily explained by the amount of holes out in nature that a person can fit inside. Think about the places inside your house that a person can fit inside and hide, now multiply that by a million. There are LOTS of holes out in nature that one, two, or more people can fit in.
Pretty easy explanation if you think about it.
>>2810398 (OP)
both nature & paranormal
people like to die (its human nature to be retarded), and weird shit is real (ghosts exist)

now, of course, i'll never be on the list
i simply am built different, and will never get lost
that's way scarier than some sasquatch
walking along some river and then boom, surprise crevasse* ?
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>>2810398 (OP)
A number of people greater than zero are probably killed by mountain lions, bears or wolves every year and the remains are never found.
Also, whenever someone does die of exposure or trauma in the backcountry, they can actually be picked apart by scavengers fairly quickly.
There's a girl that when missing by my town, probably killed by her husband, but that's irrelevant. And they only found a bit of her jaw and some ribs. And they only found those because her burnt-out car was nearby.
Imagine if she had died further into the woods. They would have never found anything.
>what about clothing and jewelry?
When I see torn up clothing halfway buried in mud, I don't think
"OMG! I need to catalog this and report it to authorities"
I think
"Someone ran out of toilet paper."
Jewelry probably gets regifted, pawned, or put in the lost and found.
There are weird 411 cases. But most have fairly adequate explanations. And I'm a bigfoot believer. So the fantastic isn't beyond my consideration.
the only case that seems unnerving is Bart Schleyer's
The main guy behind Missing 411 is a Sasquatch fag and that's all you should have to know about it.
I've researched it deeply, there are cases in it which I already knew about well before it became a named thing. National Parks have a lot of weird shit going on with them, kidnappings, disappearances, burglaries, weird thefts. All of them are in pretty obviously malevolent ways and does not have any style or trappings of any ape other than human being responsible.

Big foot fags are honestly as bad about muddying the waters of national park criminal organizations as coastal evangelists are to jewish interests in American politics.

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