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I'm from Chile; the Republic. I have a relative , a good cousin, who has a set of chronic diseases, producing a rather severe form of immobility..His life-long (or honestly "bucket list") wish is to be able to go all the way from bottom to top, of the Aconcagua mountain (located in neighbor Republic, Argentina), and\or do the mule track tour across the Andes.
IS this possible? Do some sort of "human carrying porter" services exist? Or more realistically, any equipment he can buy and learn to use, to -even with assistance- do climbing himself? Some sort of rope-pulley-wheelchair thing? He already does bouldering with great effort and help, but also great joy.
>>2810425 (OP)
Post a picture of your cripple cousin bouldering that would give us an idea of his abilities. You aren't lying are you?
Is that an imperative tense verb, EH? hmmph!!
>>2810425 (OP)
Ask his doctors, they usually have resources and information for things like this. If not, go to a medical website that specializes with people like your cousin and send them emails and all that. This sounds like something that may exist, but isn't readily available information.
>>2810425 (OP)
He needs to realise that it's just a massive cope for being crippled and he'll NEVER perform it to the standard he wants and he'll NEVER impress anyone. He'd be better adopting a hobby he can perfect or at least perform normally in. You wouldn't advise a midget to take up basketball, but he'd be fine caving. Sounds like he should take up gardening or bonsai trees.
Oh good. I though you were from chile, the food

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