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There is something going on in those hills…something inexplicable in human terms

I was hiking in the woods past sunset and suddenly felt like I was being watched…I have been stalked by mountain lions, I have encountered bears on hikes before, this wasn’t like that.

It felt like I was in the presence of something very old and ancient, and very sinister. Has anyone else had this occurrence while visiting?
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I think you just encountered Marjorie Taylor Green, house rep from GA, stalking you.

>It felt like I was in the presence of something very old and ancient
>and very sinister.
double yes
>>2810471 (OP)
erm its called rocks sis
i was hiking one day in the 'lachians as we call em and i saw this great big thing in the sky, i was yellow and followed me everywhere real spooky, quit hiking after that
>>2810471 (OP)
Sorry, I farded
Stank real bad too
>>2810471 (OP)
That's just me. Good seeing you
Does Georgia even have that much of Appalachia in it and big mountains or is it just tiny hills at that end?
They're decent sized still at the north end. Lot's of folklore knowledge about log cabins and homesteading comes from there.
Blood Mountain is nice although a bit overcrowded depending on what day you go.
cloudland canyon is on my list of things to see
>>2810471 (OP)
Those are Chattanooga locals who got lost on their way to Ezpawn

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