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Is titanium a meme or is it really superior to steel in /out/ scenarios?
for what? the same items weights about half, and titanium is strong so it can be thinner. yes cutting from 10 lbs to 3 or 4 makes a big difference over many miles.
>>2810485 (OP)
I just replaced my steel pots with titanium ones because the steel began to rust.
Titanium isnt a meme but esbit is
They seem to be more expensive than even other german brands.
doesnt rust and cools fast. weird, but great
Not in Germany. Here, they're about the same price as chinesium. Really funny when you consider how much stuff they invented, only for other brands like Trangia to start selling the same thing for double the price, and have people buy the ripoff bcs "it's expensive, so it must be good".
>>2810485 (OP)
>extremely corrosion resistant
>light weight, yet strong & tough
not a meme, but not something to just double down on
its dumb to buy something like a titanium toothpick, but a titanium camping grill can be quite useful - assuming you're actually going to use it for it's intended purposes
>>2810485 (OP)
It's way lighter and will last forever.
You can buy one pot that lasts 30 years for 200 dollars so that's like paying 7 bucks a year to have an indestructible pot that weighs almost nothing.
Must be a recent thing, the old Esbit stuff I remember was weird (from a U.S. standpoint) but solid.
I only dealt with BW surplus Esbit stuff, but yes, the Trangia cooksets did share a very distinct similarity. Although I never saw a stainless cookset made by Esbit, like the M40 the Swedes whacked out.
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I understand "every gram counts", but you aren't cutting 7 pounds because of your fucking choice of spork.
pic related is 33 grams.
>that's a whole 15 grams more!!!!
just gotta shave another 3160 grams and you'll be at your target :)
If I buy pot for 200 bucks it better weigh at least two ounces
you can get a titanium pot for like $60...
There's no way to say this without sounding like a faggot but honestly if you approach each piece of gear with the "Imma save 15 grams" mentality then on a macro scale you can easily shed the 7 pounds you're talking about.
Would like to think most people counting grams are calculating the "saved grams/$" on each piece of kit they buy, but yeah, see a lot of titanium sporks by people still carrying a 4lb tent

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