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Back in 2022 me and my friends had a camp out in the brush, we'd go fishing and leave trout guts all around the door from cleaning and we'd bring hotdogs and shit and end up leaving half the pack there whenever we left. I suppose whenever we left a Grosse would come and eat what we had left behind and I guess he started trusting us cuz he accosiated us with food. Whenever we'd be inside He'd hang around the door or nearby under brush piles. We'd go fishing and we would always see him hanging round nearby, and whenever I'd get firewood he'd follow me. One time i walked into camp and he was underneath my bed, but instead of bolting like you'd expect he calmly walked out then went and hid underneath some nearby brush. He wouldn't let us pick him up,but whenever we tried he didn't fly away he'd just retreat to a downed tree or brush and we'd let him be. Eventually what happened is I brought my dog out there and she killed him on sight. Strangest thing I've ever seen, a wild animal trusted us, miss the little guy.
>>2810556 (OP)
>Eventually what happened is I brought my dog out there and she killed him on sight.
>>2810556 (OP)
The fuck is a grosse?
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A game bird. Like a pheasant
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>>2810556 (OP)
Grooses are cute but stupid birds. I've had to stop my car on numerous occasions because one was standing in the road and would just stare at me instead of fly away. Last fall one flew into my garden fence and got stuck so I had to rescue it. Lots of pets were had on that day. Picrel
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>>2810556 (OP)
Did you mean a grosbeak? There's no such thing as a "Grosse"...
Yea there is bro it's a type of partridge. May have misspelled it
They're just incredibly unclever birds with terrible survival instinct. It's friendly because it's too dumb to understand a threat it possible, and associates you with food. I've seen this happen many times with various rodents and birds in the wild.

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