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Denali is a taller mountain than Everest and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
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>>2810606 (OP)
Mount Saint Elias mogs them all, it rises directly from the sea to 18,000 feet in 10.5 linear miles. The only such mountain on Earth. The western mainland US also mogs pretty hard as well with every western state having at least 7,000 feet of vertical relief within 10 linear miles except for New mexico (10 states). Idago takes the crown with 8,000 ft of vertical relief within 5 miles in an area that is near impossible to climb. Meanwhile all shield volcanoes are cake walks relative to tectonic uplift peaks.
Why my peanus weenus of course
>>2810606 (OP)
shut the fuck up
Rakaposhi rises 19500 feet in 7 miles
there are probably dozens if not hundreds of mountains in Asia with greater vertical relief than St Elias or Denali
Elias is the only peak on Earth that rises straight from the sea with that much vertical relief. Cruises regularly pass by it and can see it from dozens of miles away.

The only other place on Earth with as much continuous land area above 1800m, is western North America. South America is 3rd. The only other region on Earth with as many peaks with 2000m of relief within 10 miles, is western NA and SA. The longest subaerial mountain chain on Earth is the western cordillera complex of the Americas. Millions of peaks, of which the USA has hundreds of thousands. And the climate of western NA is the harshest on Earth outside of Siberia. The snowiest places on Earth are western NA, and Japan (both fed by the same Pacific gyro, both recieve 800 inches/20m of annual snowfall even 37N). Western USA has every climate type on Earth and goes from Koppen ET (ice cap/tundra) to Bwh (50C hot desert) within 70 km of linear distance. Denali is also known for 200 mph winds in storms and there are cases of mountaineers being blown off the mountain and disappearing. Every contiguous western US state is also known for 150+ mph winds on peaks as low as 2000m and -30C or lower temps every winter. Mountaineering (a recreational extreme sport) also started in Europe.
>And the climate of western NA is the harshest on Earth outside of Siberia
The western US records -40C temps in its montane environments in the 30sN latitude every winter, northern inland western states record -50F every winter. States like Arizona and California record colder than -30C (even at 33N) every winter and 50C + every summer, even in inhabited places. The precipitation variation in the contiguous western US is from 1.5-2.0 inches (38-50mm, some years 0mm) to more than 150 inches (3.8m). The flora and fauna adaptation is incredibly high (most biodiverse desert on Earth) in the southern western US.
so its not the harshest on earth outside of siberia?
Highest wind speed recorded on earth outside of a tornado or cyclone was on Mount Washington at 372 km/h and it only sits at 1874m. Imagine being blown off a fucking hill lmao
Literally the harshest in the world outside of Siberia. Hottest in the world and coldest in the world for its latitude.

Western mountain peaks regularly have sensor recordings faster than anything in the eastern US and the rest of the world. The Mt Washington record was over 80 years ago, while the 150mph+ recording in the west are every single year.
>Western mountain peaks regularly have sensor recordings faster than anything in the eastern US and the rest of the world
Mount Washington record is literally the current world record to this day outside of a tornado and cyclone. Period. Fact.
And including Tornadoes and Cyclones the world record goes to an island off Australia. Period. Fact.
>Hottest in the world and coldest in the world for its latitude
so its not the harshest on earth outside of siberia?
Again, higher speeds have been recorded multiple times. And the west is also so huge there are only sensors on 1/50th of the total number of peaks and valleys. There are indirect measurements of over 250 mph from the western US, central US, and Australia. And direct measurements of 150 mph every year in the west.

Keep coping retard. The harshest climate on Earth outside of Siberia statistically. Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and North Dakota mog northern Scandinavia in cold, and there are hundreds of locations in the western US that snow mog all of Europe.
>europeans are now angry at weather for existing within the boundaries of a country they dislike
there are dozens if not hundreds of regions around the world that have harsher climates than montana, wyoming, idaho, or north dakota. none of those places are difficult to live in at all.
>Again, higher speeds have been recorded multiple times.
Literally False
The Mount Washington speed is a measured world record that still holds to this date. Do you understand what world record means, saar? Did they teach you the meaning of these words when you were taught english, Saar?
You completely underestimate and misunderstand North American climates. The US plant hardiness zone maps are fairly accurate for macroscale calculations, but they are underestimating microscale calculations by about 10 degrees F. Those states really hit -45C every single winter where people live. Pic related is the weakest contiguous western US state in cold temps, but it is 9th of 11 in snow stats (and 4th in specific niche snow stats). The only places on Earth that compete with the inland northern US in cold are the farthest north tip of Scandinavia (which has less people), and Siberia (and Mongolia).

Not false. Higher measurements have been recorded multiple times, often in places more remote than the eastern US. Additionally, every contiguous western US state directly records wind gusts of 150+ mph every. Single. Year. This is only with incomplete ground cover for stations as well. Which implies there are higher measurements not being directly recorded. And again, an entire party was blown off of Denali in estimated 200+ mph winds.
>The only places on Earth that compete with the inland northern US in cold
Forgot to add Canada of course. But most (90%) Canadians actually live in a lower Michigan or warmer climate.
>Not false. Higher measurements have been recorded multiple times, often in places more remote than the eastern US. Additionally, every contiguous western US state directly records wind gusts of 150+ mph every. Single. Year. This is only with incomplete ground cover for stations as well. Which implies there are higher measurements not being directly recorded. And again, an entire party was blown off of Denali in estimated 200+ mph winds.
Once again wrong and 0 real sources.
Mount Washington is a ___MEASURED WORLD RECORD___ at 230 MPH. The only higher winds ever RECORDED AND MEASURED have been part of TORNADOES OR CYCLONES.
Once again

Do you understand those words or are you ESL?
this just in, South Dakota has a harsher climate than Antarctica or the Sahara. The math checks out
There have been higher recordings multiple times from both indirect and direct sources. The US government and other countries organizations only record data from government sensors, anything not recorded by them does not exist. And again, statistical geographic spread with direct data allows the formation of extrapolations (these are not the most extreme actual stats). And more recent data is more accurate than older data generally. Denali and hundreds of random western peaks hit 150+ mph every year, the implied extremes are statistically likely to be 20-30% higher. And again, direct measurements higher than 230 mph have been directly recorded multiple times by non-governmental equipment. Spring wind storms are seasonal in the western US, this is when hundreds of peaks get gusts of 150 mph +, every year. Meaning both the windiest all time location, and the windiest average locations, are NOT Mt Washington.
I was thinking of moving to South Dakota but I think the climate in Alert or the McMurdo Dry Valleys would be nicer so I'm not sure
The hottest place on Earth every year and ever recorded by government equipment, is in southern California. The hottest ever recorded natural soil and rock surface temperatures are over 200 degrees F again from the same region. If you go by wikipedia, it will tell you it is in Iran and was only 170F (and measured only by satellite), soil in Lake Havasu City AZ and 20,000 sq miles of open low desert in AZ hits 190F+. And the sunniest large city on Earth is also in the US.
Did you know pakistan is the harshest climate on earth
It is not. Neither the sunniest, driest, or hottest directly measured. The only competitors are small parts of the Sahara and a tiny area of Ethiopia-Eritrea and the California-Arizona-Nevada tri-state area and along the lower Colorado river.
But the top of K2 has a way harsher climate then anywhere you said. Thus Pakistan is a harsher climate.
Humans cannot live above 20,000 feet. And if they could the coldest average winters would still not be in the Himalayas, but again in Siberia. Antarctica within about 1,000 miles of the coast is also not as extreme as the northern hemisphere, deep inland Antarctica is extreme, mostly due to elevation, ice mass, and not latitude. There are people that live in literal wastelands all over the northern hemisphere, primarily in Africa, Canada, and Russia. But the US takes extreme spots as well.
More Americans have been to the top of K2 than Pakis

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