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Been feeling nostalgic for boy scouts lately. Was recently called in my Church to help with the youth and found out we rotated away from BSA towards just "General life survival skills" which had gotten me nostalgic. ITT, Stupid things at Boy Scout camp. I'll go first:

>Be like 13 at the time, at a YUGE Scout meet in the summer, SA2 had just come out
>Because I'm autistic I look up to Shadow
>Decide the coolest way to be like Shadow is to tie Nooses around my wrists like shoelaces and walk around talking in a raspy monotone
>Went about 3 days before An Eagle Scout had enough of me
>Gets the local troop tard to jump me and sit on me
>Eagle Scout Ties the shoelace nooses around my wrists into Necklace knots as tight as he can
>Spend the rest of the day wandering the woods until I have to check in at night
>Around the fire telling ghost stories
>One of the counselors notice I'm just sitting there with my hands in my lap
>"Whats wrong anon?"
>Show him my wrists
>Guy stands up, mumbles "Gotta get a knife" and makes it about 4 steps to his tent before he bursts out laughing
>Whole troop joins him

Good times
>>2810668 (OP)
I had a similar experience
except after they tied my hands the older boys took turns fucking me.
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>>2810668 (OP)
Scout master brought powdered donuts and we proceeded to pelt the ginger kid until half his face was white and half was beet red. Then we made up a song about him to the tune of big bad beetle borgs that I can still recall to this day.
“Big fat humongous dicks”
“Inside Ryan’s mouth”
“He eee likes it so!”
“He says squirt some more!”

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