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File: menardsselfwicking.png (573 KB, 567x376)
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Thoughts on self-wicking buckets for gardening?
Just plant stuff in the ground then leave it alone, it will grow
>>2810692 (OP)
Seems like a meme.

Growing in buckets, however, is not a meme. Done it many many times with high success. Potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, and chives.

Carrots in 10 inches of snow last January.
Any other bucket bros had success?

Cherry Tomatoes.
>Carrots in 10 inches of snow last January.
The only thing I had considered growing in a bucket up to now was oyster mushrooms
You can just make out the corner of the green tablecloth and sheet of plastic.
Keep them covered with plastic below 32 degrees and tablecloth and plastic over them at night.
thanks, I'll give it a go. Not being able to grow anything in winter has always irked me, but now that the season is getting softer than ever where I live it should be doable
>>2810692 (OP)
Wicking beds are the shit
Check into Elliot Coleman’s winter harvest handbook.
Every layer you put over something drops you one climate zone south.
Decent plastic sheeting combined with tunnels and straw and you go from 5A to 3A in no time.
I certainly will, thank you again

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