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Internet goes out, possibly the power.

What literature are you saving?

What items other then guns do you have?

Medication knowledge?

Herb and plant life?

Most important things to have in your area?

You know the saying "hope for the best, prepare for the worst"

help your fellow anons out, leave some good suggestions please.
My apocalypse plan has always been
A)do I have friends/family I can help?
Grab as much of my gear I can
B) if I don't
Enjoy my sardines and vodka, until "being good with rope" pays off
Based deenz enjoyer
>>2810775 (OP)
I got like 5 7 gallon jugs for water, HDR rations, as well as shelf stable good packed away.
in a shtf scenario, the problem is going to be normies who are unprepared. they will get violent, fall for propaganda (that probably blames those who prepare aka "hoard"), and become belligerent. They will feel their self created situation is unfair and thus will be justified in committing all kinds of atrocities against you (the evil hoarding nazi capitalist bigot raycis etc.).
As much as I'd love to slaughter them all, without lots of frens you'll probably be outnumbered. My strategy is to lay low and try to avoid detection. If that isn't possible, the next plan is a long term "camping" trip deep in the woods with all the appropriate supplies. I'd probably end up starving or breaking my ankle or something stupid but it's better dying out in nature than at the hands of some starving nigger.
>>2810775 (OP)
reminder that candles are a godsend, and lanterns were used for a reason

while it may not look it, this thing lights up the whole livingroom pretty easily
originally it had bars across the glass, but i took them off besides the one on the door, and then i put some aluminum foil (shiny side out) on the door's glass, making it reflect a lot more light
plus, since its a lantern, its portable, wind resistant, and has a protected flame
tower candles are basically best for long use, since they're just big, but the multi wicked ones do really well for lighting the place up

candles also warm a room really nicely, which in winter, its super valuable
another perk with a lantern being that it radiates the heat evenly, instead of just going straight up freely
The herd will thin quickly. You will have episodes of mental anguish. Remember that every day you survive your chances of getting through to better times increase.
If the power goes out there will not be much left except very small isolated groups after 6 months.
Kek do larpers actually think like this?
>>2810775 (OP)
dehydrate lean beef, it reduces to 1/4 its weight. Blend it to shreds and then combine with an equal weight of liquified tallow. Sugar and dried fruit for flavour but I have heard this can effect longevity.
200g of this stuff has 2000 calories, it does not expire until years later, does not need refridgeration, it is lightweight, contains proteins, fats and salt which are all hard to find.

Get some food grade 200L drums, PVC pipe and tarpaulins for a rain collector. I estimate 6 drums for 1 persons annual drinking water requirement.

Brew alcohol from sugar and water in a big plastic tub, distill the brew to extract the alcohol in a metal pot with a long coiling pipe to drip the ethanol/methanol into a recepticle. Now you can sterilize wounds and get drunk.

have maps, compasses, batteries, Bic lighters, rope, fabric/thread, wire, water purification tabs, alcohol wipes, socks, cigarettes, the list goes on... All for trade.

Biggest advice though is maintain your will to live. You don't know how bad it could get, how long it will be bad for. All the stuff in the world won't keep you going if you lose your will to keep going.
tagging onto this also, 33kg of body fat will last you a winter (or 4 months) if you are out of food. In the leadup to SHTF you will want to bloat maxx. You will probably want to anyway since it may well be the last time you enjoy civilization.
>>2810775 (OP)
I have some MREs
Mountain house meals are cheaper in the long run
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>>2810775 (OP)
>the power goes out
Unlikely, I've got solar and battery storage.
>What literature are you saving?
I think I've got about 160 sq ft of book shelves in the study so a fair bit. Not all of it useful though, I don't expect my childhood copies of the Redwall books to save a lot of lives.
I've also got a ton of shtf-specific textbooks, manuals and literature saved on a thumb drive.
>What items other then guns do you have?
Not much I've specifically bought as preps but we shop in bulk so we've always got plenty of household staples (toiletries, household cleaning products, etc). We've got a big garden so gardening tools, fertilizers, etc. I renovated my mom's house a while back so basic tools and some left-over construction materials. My wife and I did a year-long overland trip for our honeymoon so we've got a pretty comfy 4x4 truck camper.
>Medication knowledge?
That's my job.
>Herb and plant life?
My wife likes gardening and LARPing as a 1600s-era subsistence farmer so we've got a decent supply of food from the yard.
>Most important things to have in your area?
Same as any area; friends, family and other people you can trust.

>good suggestions please
Pic rel for what it's worth. Finding the right cultivars to get started can be a hassle though.

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