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How big of a hinderance is veganism when it comes to consistently living out in the wilderness? I've been a vegan for over a decade. Get all of my macros. Pretty fit / in great shape. Etc. But say I were to go camping a couple of months at a time and I wanted to supplement the food I bring with foraging, etc. Is veganism really going to hamper my ability to remain healthy out in the great outdoors? Or, is this just something I can plan for and still have a meaningful experience outdoors without the hunting and fishing aspect too?
>>2810824 (OP)
you will die the moment you walk out the door, i'm sorry
the only way to prevent this, is to eat lots of meat, in fact, you need to eat live animals
its the only way
>>2810824 (OP)
You're fucked
Very doable
Veganism is only really possible thanks to industrialized farming. If you lived in Central or South America you might be able to survive due to the tons of fruit everywhere, but in North America or Europe it would be almost impossible unless you were able to set up a homestead and greenhouse immediately.
>>2810824 (OP)
Lmao brugly you've lost the plot

The difficulty of living outdoors without killing and eating meat? Challenging. Especially no fish.

The difficulty of the same without any animal BYPRODUCTS... not just honey/eggs but leather, wool as well... it's just suicide.
>>2810824 (OP)
Dunno, maybe some places in the tropics have enough plants to satisfy your caloric and protein needs. Anywhere further north and it doesn't work, also you would need to know a fucking lot about the plantlife in the area. Hunting is much easier (though still takes a lot of knowledge and practice).
>industrialized farming
Ancient agriculture would have done just fine at providing calories and proteins.

The real problem with veganism is B12. Outside of animal products or biotechnological production, there is no known sufficient source of B12. It's simply not possible to survive without either of those.
Nonsense. Almost all nonvegan vegetarian foods come from animal husbandry of some kind. Good luck gathering eggs and honey in the wilderness (milk is right out, duh).
>leather, wool
Synthetic materials make up for it.
I'm leather and wool guy.

Maybe you're just that 0.01% guy but I don't see a realistic way to go vegan off the land 100%. Zero[0] primitive societies existed without directly using animals and their skins / bones / labor / byproducts, so even with today's knowledge and technology, I fail to see how you could perform anything longer than the durability timeline on your least reliable piece of synthetic gear across the span of all 4 seasons. I'd be more confident in your position if you could explain how you're expecting to survive seasons without foraging with irreplaceable tools, gear, clothes.

Cause OP said consistently, so to me that's 1+ years.
Sorry. I meant, going vegetarian instead of vegan won't save you because you don't have access to those food groups. Eat meat or die from B12 deficiency, that's how it goes.
Concerning gear - yeah, if you want to produce that yourself too, you have no choice but to use animal products. Most people wouldn't be able to do it with animal products either, so I didn't even consider it a possibility.
To be fair though mushrooms have some B12 and fungi is found in abundance in the great outdoors. It's just a matter of safely identifying what you can and cannot eat.

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