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File: atomic-garden.jpg (145 KB, 750x600)
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I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but...
How do I -legally- make an atomic garden?
>>2810831 (OP)
You'd likely have to do it in international waters or have the government fund a lab for you to do it in.
>>2810831 (OP)
Getting a strong source of gamma radiation would probably be impossible. Making an X-ray garden on the other hand would be much easier and safer if you have the /diy/ electric engineering know-how.
thats what i'm guessing i'd have to do
i'd like to try it on exotic plants, and see what could crop up
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>>2810831 (OP)
Get a decent Geiger counter and start sweeping antique and thrift stores for green glass, fiestaware, old clocks, naval equipment, etc. you'll be surprised how much will light up
i actually have uranium glass, but it can't do anything more than a day in the sun
even if i were to attempt to enrich it in some way or form, theres much better sources for such activities
thats besides a lot of it actually not being radioactive, just a florescent pigment
something like an atomic garden needs genuinely damaging power, currently, the only thing i can think of, would be like the one anon said, which would be xray/gamma emitting electrical sources

i'm not trying to build a weapon or ecological disaster, i'm just trying to find an easy way to cause mutagenic effects in plants, further speeding up diversification of genes
Botanist and horticulturalist don't use radiation to induce mutations in plants any more, or only in a few locations.
The use EMS (ethyl methanesulfonate)

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