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What is your favourite smell that you associate with /out/ experience?
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>>2810838 (OP)
Mine is the sweet, sweet air of the conifer forests of the West.
Hmmm, that's actually kinda tough..
I would say it highly depends on where I'm at, like, if I'm by the coast, the fresh sea breeze, slight smell of washed up seaweed, that "dusty" sensation you get in your nose, perfect
But, if its a fall camp, in dense Woods where I swear I can almost smell the moss? Also perfect

Sniffing a freshly plucked chantrelle, eggs on the campfire in the morning.
Don't make me choose man
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for me, it's one of two things.

1. the intense petrichor that pervades the air every autumn in New England

2. the late night charcoal smell of a campfire that has stopped burning but is still smoldering
burning gum leaves. Tobacco from a pipe, much nicer than a cig. All my gear is proofed with linseed oil so the smell of that too.
>gum leaves
gosh that's a proper nice smell. we get to enjoy it so rarely these days what with the near full-time bans and such
I am going to snag myself some for my tinderbox as we approach the rainy months. I have only been caught out without a fire once and it was bloody miserable!
>>2810838 (OP)
First thing I thought of was wet sagebrush
you should absolutely grab some leaves and even branches to keep dry over winter and roast them when you can. granted, during winter it's not so controversial to burn deadfall, but in summer it's kind of a no-no.

sage is always good, wet, dry, or burning
Not always but sometimes the smell of DEET bug spray takes me right back to camping as a young boy
>>2810838 (OP)
>>2810838 (OP)
Wet dog
>>2810838 (OP)
Hairy pussy after three weeks of living naturally and bathing in streams
>>2810838 (OP)
Moss, dead fish and algae on the beach
Creosote and petrichor after a summer rain in the Sonoran Desert.

A fine bouquet.

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