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why are shitty digital cameras getting expensive now? did I miss some e-celeb video?
point and clicks are trendy hipster garbage
Photography as a hobby is hipster garbage anyway.
>under 50 bucks
Seems reasonable to me for a half decent camera. You're looking at like 3 times that for something new.
tik tok

same reason the fuji camera is sold out and had to move to china for production for V6

>why are shitty digital cameras getting expensive now? did I miss some e-celeb video?
you've been under a rock, this has been a thing for a while. i think the trend came from tiktok, i dunno because i'm not a zoomer.
but its for the same reason that a lot of retro photography youtube channels now push early dslrs - they already drove film and decent film-cameras up in price so the target audience (people trying to be trendy while poor) can no longer afford to be film shooters
compare it with new Kodak Digishit cams and then you know if the price is fair.
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It’s just the market for shitty cameras in general going up, even old base level boomer snapshit boxes are inflated so much these days. Picrel just came up browsing marketplace this morning. The crazy thing is people are buying. Zoomers aren’t having families and kids, so I guess they fill the void in their lives with this shit.

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It's because forced iphone hdr, exposure stacking, and the pre-burst auto-selection (instead of taking a photo when you take a photo, iphones try and guess when you actually wanted to take the photo, lol) made the normies wake up and they now want cameras that take real photos instead of AI enhanced ones. The fucking iphone five has more soul in its camera than the 15, but it was also forcibly deprecated by the communications cabal.

However, real cameras that are nice are as expensive as they ever were, so normies keep climbing the ladder down buying everything, anything, that takes a more honest image than their phone. And cameras are much, much longer lived than gearfags like to imagine (10mp ccd DSLRs like the k10d still outdo phones in the ways that matter), they just lack the versatility factor of newer cameras. Not like that matters when your brand new iphone 15 pro max looks like shit at every print larger than 5x7 (people with decent taste can spot the phone print even at 5x7) and a DSLR with at least 10mp produces amazing, tack sharp, really real looking 8x10s. Even a 1" PNS is better than a phone at that. 35mm film is like a 24mp, full frame foveon just with an expendable sensor that costs money to read out from, very desirable.
Of course:
But normies are not using that because apple created a compatibility nightmare which means android = can't be friends for a lot of people.

Essentially cameras are like wine, and phones are like fruit juice flavored alcoholic seltzer. Even cheaper wine is still better than that shit and for most people, 99% as good as top shelf stuff. And the old stuff stays good for a long ass time, possibly getting better. Some retards will say "but a truly still gets you drunk", and yet, no one's fucking buying it. There's more to life than just getting drunk.
Retrostyle metal film cameras are also creeping up in price.
Been flippin' as a sidehustle to get some extra dough and the trends are that zoomers that have just started making money on their own want digishitters while older zoomers/millenifarts want film cameras.
With film cameras they have to "look right" because it is also a fashion statement. With digishitters looks is not as important, but pink and purple cameras are more sought after and commands a premium, sometimes a hefty one.
tldr: if you find pink digishitters buy them same goes for 70s-80s metal body 35mm film cameras.
i remember back in 2021 going to thrift stores and seeing whole rows of baggies of digitial cameras and cables and chargring cords going for less than $10. Sadly at the time I didnt think about it
And fujislugs on here still have the gall to deny that the x100 series is mostly about the larp
If this were true and people wanted good cameras they'd be snapping up bottom end 6mp DSLRs and compact flash readers.
The weird fucking thing is that they aren't. Canon Rebels, Nikon DX0s, Sony A100s, Pentax IST, etc. are all still functionally worthless from depreciation. Besides the E300 for whatever reason they somehow skipped over early DSlRs entirely.
Normies like a good camera but cf cards are too far for them

the CFs themselves are 10x the price of an sd card per gb. It has to take an SD card. Even if it only takes 32gb, in cf card land thats $50 and in sd card land that’s $5. Everyone already has an sd reader too.
holy shit a food analogy that is actually good, everyone ask for a wish!
new fad with teenagers who never grew up with point and clicks. Reasons given include novelty of using something as old as they are, low quality having a certain charm reminding them of past days, the novel to them idea of having a device that isn't 100% online (things like no urge to upload images to social media), and finally, as with all fads of this nature, it's something that kids can afford despite having next to no money. Cassettes and vinyl, old video games, or fucking canned fish, all the same. Kids still want something to make their own, and the stuff that's cheap at the thrift store is best for it. Point and shoots are still ok unlike games and vinyl, and haven't been ruined by overexposure. Not yet, anyway. Look forward to morons listing shit pulled from their closet for 100 burger bucks in 5 years or less.
man i better cash in. I have a ton of shitty 2000s tech i can sell them
>low quality
A lot of them are actually very high quality compared to anything except the expensive semipro shit we use

The s95 for example. Good shit. Shot up in price for a reason.
>Look forward to morons listing shit pulled from their closet for 100 burger bucks in 5 years or less.
Homie is still posting from 2017 lol. This has already been happening for years now.
>Canon Rebels, Nikon DX0s, Sony A100s, Pentax IST, etc. are all still functionally worthless from depreciation.
even those have been going up.
the same older nikon dx cameras that cost $150 on ebay used to cost $30, a 500% increase
sounds like a you problem
>The s95 for example. Good shit. Shot up in price for a reason.
Got a s100, but the lens decided to get stuck. Seems to be a common flaw on those models.
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Used to be boomers that were retards and had that “I know what I got take it or leave it” mentality, but lately I see lots of zoomers posting some ridiculous shit and it blows my mind. Picrel described as “May need some repair” and it’s posted by some high school looking chick. There’s a basedboy locally also who seems to buy the big “junk cam” lots on eBay and resells individually as “trendy vintage” cameras. It’s such a curious phenomenon. What demographic is primarily buying this stuff? I thought zoomers were poor and had no money.

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Zoomers seem poor because many of them are not even full adults yet. Every generation is “poor” when they are 20 years old because they are mostly in university and can only work part time, and their job skills are not very valuable yet. Within 5-10 years some of them get corporate jobs, mortgages, car loans, and the ability to run up credit card debt on stupid bullshit. At which point they turn back to the same items that they once used to cope with poverty (vintage goods, brands that used to be affordable, etc) and make a cult of them and drive the prices up in such a way as to shut out the poor.
Boomers did it, gen x did it, millennials did it, no reason to expect gen z won’t.
>full adults yet. Every generation is “poor” when they are 20 years old
yep look at records. when i started buying records as a poor college kid in 2008, you could get them at yard sales and thrift stores for $1 a record or less.
in 2024 the average used record is $10 at least
“Poor” as in low on disposable income, not as in actual poverty. That’s why it is in quotes.
Holy shit, I remember winning the £40 bid for my QL III Canonette, and later selling it for £180.

This is great, I have a bunch of digishit Canons at home, (8 and 12 MP) that I could shill for some hipster bux.
Zoomer here
Yes this came from TikTok
I'm hoping this makes film cameras cheaper somehow, prices had been falling consistently until this year
You're way, way, way over complicating things... zoomers are juat following a trend right now. That's it.
If someone was actually serious into getting photography they'd buy a old dslr or just throw money into a new mirrorless.

People will use their phones regardless because it's the path of least resistance.
Also many zoomzooms and younger particularly appear to have distorted expectations due to social media induced brainrot. Some will insist that they are poor because they can only afford a 3 year old toyota instead of the brand new tesla they saw some influencer driving.
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>You're way, way, way over complicating things... zoomers are juat following a trend right now. That's it.
It is magnified by the fact that none of the camera companies have released an ultra-compact in many years so the market is somewhat constrained.
I predict that whoever are first to mass-market a new ultracompact with some added bells and whistles for social-media zoomzooms will make huge profits.
Just to put things into perspective. I searched for "Ixus" on ebay, sorted for most expensive and found a silver Ixus that had a bidding war which ended at $435. That is a camera released in 2010 that could be bought new for $100 in 2011.. i remember that because i bought one myself. That is also probably the time-frame when people started to move over to using their phones instead.
>It is magnified by the fact that none of the camera companies have released an ultra-compact in many years so the market is somewhat constrained.

because phones are good enough to fill that niche. there really is no need to get a bulkier camera for snapshots these days. even ruggardised cameras have been replaced by smaller, lighter, more capable action cameras

buying older film cameas I get, we have/had great emulsions in the last decade which breathe new life into older cameras, but older digital cameras are absolute ass and I have no idea why people would want to go back to that. some shit doesn't get better with age!
I still use my coolpix s9900 for birthdays and shit. I got one a few years ago for 100 bucks. I bet I could sell it for like 500 now.
optical zoom, ok-ish flash, actual buttons etc. It is a completely different experience than using your phone that can start ringing or sending notifications and what not in the middle taking a photo. Phones are not good enough.
Culture of dipshits an assholes.
A lot of old digishits are far better than an iphone 15 pro max simply because big sensor minus computational cope.

Old DSLRs are even better. A fucking digital rebel xs beats out a lot of modern mirrorless (all of fuji, m43, and canikon apsc to be exact) if you know what you’re fucking doing and take photos for content and color instead of MUB SHARPNESS LWPH BAR CHART MTF CURVES ISO 256000 DPREVIEW TEST
>muh canon ewaste dslr!
die already old man
They hated him because he told them the truth

They even had the gall to say "ewaste" when phones are designed to be disposed of and most DSLRs made then are still working today if they didn't fall out of a car kek

Pure undistilled SOVL. Way better than phone trash and foolji. The colors are hasselblad tier.
why do you write like a retard

newfag go back to your gear consoomer forum if you cant handle the sovl
It’s called the Sony zvf and you make it any more cut down than that, and there’s literally no point vs a modern phone.

>Tfw found a $5 pink Canon SD1300 and it's worth 200 bucks in blue Democrat population centers

I ended up keeping it for myself, it's actually not horrible
Zoomers... are healing?!
not if they keep doing stuff "ironically for the memes"
Then prices will tank when they move tot he next thing
It's like some kind of Pig Butchering of the market
Flipped an ixus for ez $70 profit today.
>Buy camera online
>Few days later it is in my mailbox
>Unbox it, clean it somewhat to make it more presentable
>Photograph it out on the balcony
>List it on same site i bought it from
>Sells instantly
Thanks zoomers.
10x more people along with...
10x less good cameras due to the attrition of no new ones being madeand everyone being forced to use devices and apps that they dont want coupled with an awakening that something better has been cast aside and is now in danger of disappearing.

everyone is grasping at straws (and cheap cameras, and manual transmission vehicles, and certain types of firearms, old gaming systems, tools, etc)...trying to save something of a better thing for themselves
I think this is actually true; prices aren’t falling on used late 00’s, early 10’s cars. It’s kind of ridiculous.
>I just want heated seats that aren't DLC.
>I want photos that aren't AI mangled.
>"must be some fashion trend"
new car sales used to be driven mainly by the fact that cars didn't last very long
circa 1990, a 20 year old car (that is a 1970 model) that was still running well and looking good was a work of art, a thing that could only be accomplished by someone with the time and/or money to essentially rebuild the car.
This was even true of 10 year old (1980 model) cars.
This is not the case with cars made in the 2010s, they are perfectly fine as long as they received normal scheduled maintenance.
They are, in fact, basically "good as new". The main motivation of the average person to buy a new car every 5 years is completely gone.
>10x more people
eh, all the growth in the world's population happens in third world shitholes, where the people aren't competing with us to buy digital cameras, they're lucky if they have a pot a piss in
Yeah. Somewhere around the late 00's design peaked. Safety has improved a bit, but I think adaptive cruise control might be the only good 'new' feature. Basically every car that wasn't a true short-term POS (Hyundai's are shit for example) is more or less incapable of dying from wear so long as it's routinely maintained. There's never been a better or worse time to buy an early 10's 4Runner.
what is rust?
my 2003 toyota hit 245K miles on it this week. I'll be sad when it finally dies
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something 2000's cars and newer REALLY aren't as affected by as old pieces of shit
Source: I got an OLD piece of shit and also every old car guy I know and has ever met tells the same story

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rust is only less common on new cars because 60% of the body is made from plastic or composite materials instead of actual metal
>something 2000's cars and newer REALLY aren't as affected by
Must be nice living in a warm part of the world. Here, rust is inevitable no matter how meticulous you are. They use salt on the roads five months out of the year. Literally can’t avoid it.
Thats why I said AS affected by, not unaffected by.
I live in salt hell too dont you worry your little head about that. Thing is nowadays cars are usually galvanized which without preventative washing gives them at least 5 years more lifespan than their 70's and 80's counterparts.
Mine survived because the first owner gave it a new undercoating every 2 years.
I pray daily that every scalper and every single internet faggot who artificially drives up the prices of old gear burns in hell for eternity. Nothing's sacred, they'll latch onto any hobby or item, make a few videos, jack the price up several hundred dollars and then move on to the next like the parasites they are.
Are you one of those guys that didn't get the gaming console you wished for?
This isn't really scalping though. You can find these things rather easily for cheap if you put in the effort.
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I’ve got some faggot basedboy who does this locally on Facebook market and I hate him so much just out of principle. Yeah, the ignorant cows actually keeping him in business deserve blame too, but fuck this guy regardless.

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I want to throw in a shoutout to the fucker who stole my Coolpix E990 at a rave recently. I hope they get Alzheimers or something. Pic related, one of the last I took with it.
True, esp if you're cocky enough to negotiate
I’m not that guy but I think it’s different, I want the gaming console, I wouldn’t want to buy any of this junk but I hate the idea that they’re selling it as access to the club. Yuck.
I just browse by newest first and check for underpriced items. I'm too autistic to negotiate.
Wow that looks so shitty. I get film because the colors are still nicer than what we got now but these old digicams looked bad back then and continue to look bad today.
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Eye of the beholder, Anon. Eye of the beholder.

I know that they look like crap. I'm after a certain look with those early digital cameras. Some look like absolute dogshit, but some fudge with the image in really interesting ways. My best example of this would be this Canon PowerShot A80 I picked up where the CCD got fucked (common manufacturing problem with this model). Here is one of the photos I took with it, unedited.

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>pink and purple
I didn't even know they made cameras in those colors

they're still at mine and I don't give a shit

The vinyl in particular is a fucking joke. Being bought up by poor college kids to enjoy grandpa's garage sale dump made sense. People paying 40USD for new albums on vinyl is retarded. Records aren't even useful unless you're a DJ or if the shit was never released on any other format/in poor quality elsewhere/etc. "muh warmth" or incredible leaps of logic about analog format is all the vinyl cultists can offer as justification. Just add some hum into your sound system if you want it to sound bad on purpose. I give them that the album art is way better and easier to appreciate, and the inserts are superior, but fuck off with this sound quality shit. We have DSD and multi-terabyte HDDs now. The only bigger joke is vinyl releases having exclusive bonus tracks. Proof to me that no one buying this shit remembers why CD was welcomed in the first place.
that's pretty neat. Every flavor has a day or else they'd only make one ice cream.
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Holy shit, that's ridiculous. I would only pay that price if a tiny old Japanese engineer took it apart, down to every part, cleaned it and serviced it to work for a lifetime. People like these that are driving up the price for no reason should be executed. So glad I got my late 90s Minolta SLR back in 2017 for 25 bucks with everything included and two rolls of film.

Sure, it's nothing special but it has both all kinds of manual settings you can adjust to your hearts content and a full automatic mode that even a retard can take perfect snaps with. Hell, one of the best pictures I got from this camera wasn't even shot by me. It was taken by a worker on the resort I was staying at who thought it was a regular digital camera but was surprised when she couldn't find the display and heard the film winding back. Not a single exposure failed in this camera while I had it, and the ones that did get fucked were my mistake by misjudging the manual settings.

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90's slr's are seriously underrated, but i guess half the charm in shooting film is using old brass dinosaurs

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"BuT sHoOtInG fUlLy AuToMaTiC iSn'T rEaL pHoToGrApHy", yeah that's why. These are the same people who will tell that you didn't actually beat the game if you played it on an emulator. It is less authentic, but that doesn't mean you didn't experience anything cool.
It's a scam, dump those pieces of shit.
Vintage cameras aren't even shit because of image quality, that's zero sum. They are shit because of the early embedded code handling interface and rotten of batteries.
And yeah
By the way, current generation of cameras is as good as it's going to get. Next we will see glued bodies, storage soldered to motherboard (at least $1000 to upgrade from 128 to 512GB, that's free money for mfgr), batteries only external over USB pd, and you might need to create a cloud account to activate them for use in future. Expect influencers to eat shit by spoonful about how good it is as theft protection.
And yeah cAnon is right about verified shit and AI. Pictures taken unverified will be undistinguished from AI, and pictures taken and verified by signature, well, you must know which goy took the photo, just in case, so there aren't any inconvenient signed pictures floating around.
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Idk man, at least for me half the fun is faffing with a semi automatic piece of metal and leather. I've had multiple 90's slr's and they were spaceships comparatively and extremely cool at that but there's just something fun with using the OG clunksters, same with old video game hardware.
Then again I'm the dumbass who embraced the film larp so hard I got a digital leica lmao.

I have nothing important so say, im just rambling at this point.
Hey, rambling isn't bad, that's why we're here. There's nothing wrong with that either. I hate those elitists who shame anybody for not doing it their way. You should do whatever the fuck you want to do. Get a digicam. Grab a 70s Nikon. Buy the newest gear. Use an iPhone. Good photos will always be good photos no matter how or on what you shot them.
>"muh warmth" or incredible leaps of logic about analog format is all the vinyl cultists can offer as justification
yeah unless the entire signal chain - recording, mixing, mastering - is all analog, with nothing ever getting digitized ever, these people have no leg to stand on
if an album that was mixed on a mac or windows computer and then converted to analog to put it on vinyl sounds better to your ears than the same album streamed on spotify or whatever, there's might reasons that might cause this but analog being inherently better than digital ain't one of them
I think it depends on *why* you're shooting film.
If you want the most different possible experience from a modern camera, then use a all-metal all-manual all-mechanical camera that works without batteries because you can't even get the kind of batteries it used anymore.
If you just want to be able to use *film*, and don't care so much about the camera, then get something more automated.
Maybe get one of each, as I have had. I ended up selling the film AF and keeping the manual one as it was as you say fun to fiddle with.
Reliability is a thing too. Remember, if something was made in the 80s, it is bordering on an antique. There are currently working cameras out there that are over 100 years old because the simple leaf shutters do not beat themselves up and are so low tech you can build a copy by hand.

There are boomers rebuilding leica/OM-# cloth shutters out of scraps, twine, and rubber paint and clockwork mechanisms can be rebuilt with fairly low tech and any electronics within, say, an OM-2n are entirely discrete except for the CDS cells, which are only needed for auto and the meter, as long as the circuit works manual mode still functions. Then more advanced but still retro looking cameras are essentially bricked once they're dead because the ICs they use are no longer made, replacement shutter mechanisms are not available and can not be rebuilt, the mechanism is too complex for mere mortals and requires a factory tech with premade replacement parts, etc.
those specifically? not because of zoomers and tiktok or whatever i assure you.

even the shittiest of shit old cameras are rising in price because they are no longer made and not available as widely. all the thrift stores i've gone to in the last year have had like a single digicam sitting in the case for $20. it is over.
I'm amazed no one has yet mentioned this, but yes there was a very recent LGR video. https://youtu.be/tI9qHg2yGtw?si=xSV8F6cpASwx7xWo
TikTok and digiretro coming back and becoming popular (look up Nintendo DS photo nostalgia)
>because phones are good enough to fill that niche.
Or so the camera companies keep telling us, but the used market keeps rumbling along and just try finding a new GR3 or X100VI twiddling its thumbs on a store shelf...

Why cut it down? Even something like a Powershot S110 should have tones more space for sensor and lens than a smartphone, so make a new one of those and cram the biggest and best sensor you can into that. Or have Sony make the RX100VIII without a new sensor instead of just re-using the decade-old one from the II over and over again (ideally with fast glass again).
>Please just use your phone, phones are good enough, dpreview told you so, dxomark told you so, just look!
>Use a phone already!
>*discontinues any decent compacts*
>*refuses to make premium small lenses for literally every camera system*
>*more bazooka lens, more big grip, even on fuji*
Ugh, capitalism failed.
A-fuckin-men brother
Yes, it failed. It failed precisely when it stopped being capitalism and the state fucked with the free market and natural property rights by making it so that an "artist" could be paid for life every time their work was displayed or transacted (even if the work was then someone elses natural property) but a factory worker would not be paid every time his goods were handled.
>ended up selling the film AF and keeping the manual one as it was as you say fun to fiddle with.
You can pry my eos 5 from my cold dead hands. Shit I’m looking to get an eos 1 even for maximum automated af technogadget film shooting. It’s extremely based. No worrying about fiddling with the camera just point and click. I find another one of my hobbies has a similar sort of divide between people in it, there are those that want to have a 3d printer to make things, and there are those who want a 3d printer to have something to tinker on. Sure, the tinkerers print things too but they care a lot more about fiddling with the printer. Me personally I bought the most “plug and play” printer currently available because fuck tweaking settings and firmware and all that bullshit.
He made a couple more digicam videos wayyyy before it was "cool"
It's because most of the times when new music gets released it becomes victim to the loudness wars. When the LPs get pressed they are being sourced from proper, unloudened masters. If you were to put the "loud" signal on vinyl the needle would constantly skip, like discussed here:

Of course, that doesn't stop some cheap bastards from still doing it...
I would argue the vast majority of artists arent paid enough.
If you must know, I'm a libertarian if that helps ease any prejudice.
They're portable.
They take photogaphs.
They often have wide angles and optical zoom to go to portrait or telephoto.
Their image quality isn't great.
They output JPEGs, not nigger formats like HEIC or whatever the fuck retarded nigger format cloud services want to butcher your photos into.
They don't updoot.
They can't updoot.
They won't updoot.
They can never serve you ads.
You never have fingerprints all over the lens since they cover themselves, but you put phones in your pocket every day.
Retards will tard.
They come with baked in "presets" to create the JPEGs so each one looks "different" as a result of meme firmware. Not good, just "unique" per device. None are accurate. None look like film. None are good.
If you set one up on a tripod and record video it won't start vibrating and ringing if somebody calls you, as it's a separate device.
Most come with a built in flash that allows for illuminating subjects in pitch black, something phones have yet to come anywhere near.
These are cameras that phonefaggots are buying now.
These people want an EDC device, old shitty digicams do that. Your 6MP DSLR from the early 2000s that supports RAW may technically be a better camera, and can mount amazing lenses, but none will fit in your pocket and won't be an "always have it with you" device.

Try not to be a retard for once.
This is accurate and true, Vinyl is obsolete but as we all know, good things must not make it to the consumer. The big corpos are evil and they have shat on digital audio by memeing the quality with post-process effects, these days the average song has less dynamic range than an old vinyl and one of the original things touted as a benefit for CD was the near limitless dynamic range available.

Vinyl faggots are either hipsters or seeking less compressed sounds. It's either about the "format" or about the mix. Most people buying vinyl don't even know what the difference is and can safely be grouped under the retarded hipster faggot label, but there are some cases where buying/borrowing a vinyl and recording that can deliver a better .FLAC or .MP3 for you to then listen to instead of the CD version.
Digital isn't the problem. The monkeys in the studio ruining the production before the music gets onto the CD are the issue.
The lack of flash in phones is still kinda baffling, a flash used to be a staple in casual photography up until phones took over. Now they got a meek flashlight to splash like half a lumen on the scene, causing a 5 second or more delay between pressing the capture icon and actually recording the image.
Artists can be paid more by generating physical value instead of by using the state to rob people and own other peoples real property. Oh, and IP laws mostly benefit “right holders” and “estates” that never created shit. Winogrand’s cousins are still upper class for having an uncle that did nothing for the world. IP laws!
I think we’ve seen the peak of the loudness wars thanks to, of all things, the iPhone. Apple auto normalizes all the songs to -16dB and all the competing streaming services have something similar, so a producer trying to make a song louder than that will just result in it being turned out automatically.
artists do create enough physical value, everyone just hates them for no reason, even the state with their gay little grants that are more insulting than useful
Fascinating though that snapshits from the phone era will lack that.
>f you set one up on a tripod and record video it won't start vibrating and ringing if somebody calls you, as it's a separate device.
Do android virgins really lmao
Sure, you could enter DND/Silent mode but the point is having to do that is extra steps.
Also some people need to take calls, so turning on such a mode when trying to record something with a phone isn't viable. Unless you have a second phone laying around that's not being used as a phone.
Uh oh android babby didnt consoom the wrist mounted apple tracking device. It takes call for the phone. Virgin!

When will you grow up and let apple control your life? They just wont let you break the law. Big deal. Pay for software and stop being a pedo.
>the photos look bad though!
Weird most people dont think so. Stop being a pretentious art wanker. Have sex.
The oldest zoomers are 25
Just made $100 flipping a snoy cyber shot.
>Besides the E300 for whatever reason
Those cunts.
I would have had mine if the mode dial lock wasn't broken on the one I bought.
>some high school looking chick
Is she cute?
>why do you write like a retard
He says, while using no capitalization nor punctuation.
>clean it somewhat
You mean you stripped it of its vintage patina?!
>they're lucky if they have a pot a piss in
At least they have a street to shit on.
ogei, tard :DDD
>I'm too autistic to negotiate
What does this even mean?
Means i pay whatever the seller wants. I look for underpriced items.
Sold 3 digishitters to zoomer girls this week. Made a whooping $250.

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