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Besides /p/ is there any good forums where people actually post pictures they take and give feedback instead of shitpost? Is there any that aren’t ban-heavy for anything slightly right of Mao?

>pic related
>me taking a photo of Mt Rainier

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModeliPhone 15 Pro
Camera Software17.4.1
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)77 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:04:19 20:06:38
Exposure Time1/99 sec
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Probably Reddit, but the responses can be insincere.
/p/ and be a total asshole so you get more specific critique, since the more specific it is the more hurtful it seems
You could try boomer gear-specific forums. Nikonians is good if you shoot Nikon I hear, but it has a membership. It might actually filter out the retards.
Ultimately photography forums are pretty dead, nobody wants to discuss photography.
>>pic related
>>me taking a photo of Mt Rainier
and blowing out the highlights as evidenced by the histogram
Facebook groups can be hit and miss, at least on the film ones that I participated I get hate and cause boomers an aneurysm everything I mention I use a slavshit camera lmao
doesn't look blown out to me. There's still space to the right of the whites
Nothing cuts deeper than real serious critique when you know your work is shit. It still is seen here from time to time.
All camera histograms are jpeg histograms. Z6/Z7 can spot meter the highlights and go up ~2.5 stops before actually blowing them.

Only sony cameras have an actual raw highlight warning (stills zebras, custom level set to 107+)
I remember the last time I offered my opinions and critiques on pictures in the rpt, people were really angry about it.
That’s sad. Why?
you are absolutely retarded if you think that. i own a z7 and know that is full of shit
Not him but I own a z7 too and the histogram is a fucking liar. There's recoverable info well above where it clips. 2.5 stops up from meter gray is a good figure if you're shooting at ISO 400. At ISO 64 I think it's closer to 3-4 stops
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>histogram is a fucking liar. There's recoverable info well above where it clips. 2.5 stops up from meter gray is a good figure if you're shooting at ISO 400. At ISO 64 I think it's closer to 3-4 stops
and you people are mouth breathing retards who have never used your camera before. let me hold your hand like the retards you are and prove this. pic related is a picture of my wall and the histogram, ETTR but not clipping

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Equipment MakeApple
Camera ModeliPhone 15 Pro
Camera Software17.4.1
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)24 mm
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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Image Created2024:04:22 19:12:50
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and here is the histogram in lightroom, which is the same as the one from the camera
and here it is pushed one stop already clipping
and here it is pushed 2.5 stops with half the image clipping. now please kill yourself you cock sucking faggots who have clearly never actually used your histograms at all
>>4306724 (You)
and if you want to see what it is like if you just increase shutter speed 2.67 stops instead of fucking with the raw, pic related. you people are retards who think you know more than the engineers who designed your cameras.
Not all criticism is constructive.
You understand that histogram is of the processed image right? Not the raw file. You could use something like dcraw to extract the raw data and make a real histogram.
If you're interested in headroom you should be overexposing in camera and setting a negative value for exposure in lightroom. Obviously it's gonna clip if you increase the exposure in lightroom, because that's what the exposure slider does. You're supposed to set the slider so it doesn't clip.
I don't know if the claims about z7 headroom are true but your "test" is retarded. I do wish cameras had proper raw histograms. One thing people don't always realize is that white balance affects your headroom significantly, since e.g. under incandescent light your red channel is gonna clip way before the others, and the JPEG histogram doesn't show that at all.
>You understand that histogram is of the processed image right
its not you retard. and this has proven it. there arent 2.5 stops of headroom to recover highlights from like you or the other retards are pretending there are.

> under incandescent light your red channel is gonna clip way before the others
they're phillips hue white ambiance bulbs you poor. no one uses incandescent anymore
Actually, white balance has nothing to do with the raw histogram because white balance does not exist in raws. It's a processing option. It only changes the jpeg histogram and would be irrelevant to a 3-channel-in-one raw histogram, which shouldn't be hard because the zebras on the A7RIII could be configured to match the raw 99%.
Pretty sure that was about when highlights clip in camera and you can't pull them back in an editor, not any one channel clipping in lightroom's 8 bit jpeg

Without a gray card or something and raw histograms you cant demonstrate how many stops you get over middle gray but actual camera reviewers said it has 14.7 stops of dynamic range at base ISO and 13.3 at ISO 400 for its second gain stage, so as long as you meter competently and keep the details you want to save within 14.7 or 13.3 stops, plus or minus for extra ISO steps before/after 400, it should be good. I've recovered highlight detail on images where the histogram clipped before so I just leave it off. You can see bright white in the preview anyways, and turning off the preview is a waste of time. It still focuses stopped down and does retarded shit with strongly backlit subjects.
Not sure. I think people are always excited to talk about their photos but no other people's photos.
Not many people want or even can provide any meaningful feedback on your work, so it's all just a photodump with no discussion or gear discussion and no photos.
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Yeah, but most cameras don't have a raw histogram, only jpeg and sometimes not even RGB. So whitebalance makes the shitstogram even more deceptive. Also the camera's meter may or may not take white balance into account, so it may expose raws correctly in some light but not others. There's an old trick I used to use where you could set the white balance to some ugly green color to make the jpeg histogram more accurately represent the raw values, but it made it too hard to chimp so I stopped using it.
>its not you retard
Does it change when you change the settings? Then it's not a raw histogram. The raw doesn't change just because you fiddle a slider. I'll admit I don't use lightroom but your own screenshots show it changing.
Flickr might be dead, but it's either that or getting followers on fb/insta/tiktok and so on, that either don't care about you, or criticize what you put out or like but don't get involved.
Also, flickr is at its core a site for photographers. You can also find niche forums for brands and so on, but you might get nitpickers and nerds that will run you over if you are or are not the flavor of the month.
Mastodon might be an alternative, but it's also pretty dead and it's just a facebook alternative.
Anyone here using pixelfed? The federated alternative to Instagram?
Superior decade old Canon DSLRs with Magic Lantern support multiple histograms including RAW. Firmware issue
You go where the audience is, the fediverse is pointless wank unless the big players fuck up for good
They also have micro four thirds tier noise

Just use a sony. The highlight warning set to max is very close to raws clipping
>pointless wank
as opposed to let's say Flicker
Forums are mostly people shitting on each other. I mean, you can see it on /p/ . Constructive criticism on internet is rare as fuck.
Could be easier to find local photographers community and actually meet and discuss photography, at least for gear talk and so on.
Yeah but this is 4chan tho, surely dedicated internet forums are better nowadays
Can someone open a new /sqt/? I have no thread and must stupid question.
I'd do it myself but don't have the thread template saved.
Forums are just 4chan but everyone is afraid of being banned or judged by obsessed post history reading losers. You dont get any spicy opinions outside of the consensus of the circlejerk. Some like mu-43 or the m43 section on dpreview are extra bad because the circlejerk itself is delusional gearfags. My dad fell in with them and when he got his om1 he returned it because the photos were all noisy shit. He accused mu-43 of lying to him and the mod banned him for a month with a link to topaz AI’s purchase page. Now he has a nikon z50 and the kit lens and he’s talking about buying the 28-400 and a z5
>spicy opinions
That is all you get on /p/, mostly unqualified, and if you question them the critic gets butt hurt.
to be honest when meeting in real life you get the same shit as in here
>it would be neat if you cropped that photo just a little bit
>but I like it this way
every interaction is like this

want good, sincere criticism?
enroll in a good photography school

t. I've spent four years studying photography at a nice prestigious school
The pentax forums are a great resource, though a bit boomer tinted. I really like the lens database they have, and the monthly photo comps are fun, though it's a bit lame when people enter literal 17yo pictures cause they dig through their library to find one that matches the theme, instead of going out and shooting something new in the month they have.
>every lens ever is tack sharp
>source: sharpening slider
>pentax numba one!
>want good, sincere criticism?
>enroll in a good photography school

Good heavens, no. Talk to someone who actually does pgotography

>t. I've spent four years studying photography at a nice prestigious school

And all you became was a nophoto
What does it matter if you pushed the button 5 days ago or 10 days ago or 50 days ago or 500 days ago or 5000 days ago? Either way you were in the scene in the past, positioned yourself to get the shot, shot it, and are today developing that shot for the client, in this case some dumb internet chat thread. A photograph is a capture of an image in the past, if you have a problem with the past then sell your camera now and just watch the present with your eyes.
This is why i ignore /p/ photo contests

Nigga my vacation was last year and i am not going on a trip for 4chan. Your next theme will be: farms. Fuck yall.
>be OP
>go onto photography board to discuss where to discuss photography and post pictures online
4chan is all you need :^)

The time limit sucks. What it usually is: I have a good photo of the theme, from another place ages ago, and there's no opportunity to take another one here without ultra high effort shit like assembling a studio for 4chan.
I thought the point of the challenge was to challenge you to go out and shoot something. Rifling through your archives isn't very challenging, is it
Wait...there is a /p/ photo contest?

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