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Bros, what's the best camera for normal people?

I just want the usualy normie stuff, landscapes, pics of family and friends or selfies with them and close objects. Perhaps there's also a video function.

Ideally a compact one that fits in bags or even my pocket.
the camera market hates you for some reason. no reason for the ricoh gr to lack a selfie screen and good video. no reason for the fuji x100 to lack a selfie screen and good video (you cant even shoot video using the internal mic because the super slow autofocus makes a whirring noise). lets not even speak of canon APS-C (just poorfag FF for bird photographers) or nikon APS-C (why does it even exist???)

i guess, you could buy a sony aps-c and leave that shit on auto mode all the time. they have selfie screens, borderline magic autofocus, good video, are roughly fuji x100 sized, and you can put very small lenses on them. not the pixel peeperest lenses but they are super small. the a6700 finally added weather sealing (like your phone!) so get that while keeping in mind that fully weather sealed lenses for prolonged outdoor use are larger, or get the a6600 if you wouldnt get your camera wet. the a6600 and a6700 are the best, you get stabilization with any lens, not just OSS lenses.
>inb4 phone, if OP wanted tasteless HDR AI paintings based on composited exposures of blurry noise he already has a phone
ur phone
What he said.
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>I just want the usualy normie stuff
>landscapes, pics of family and friends or selfies
>Perhaps there's also a video function
>a compact one that fits in bags or even my pocket
say no more
he called it.

no, a phone is not a replacement for a camera, and never will be
>b-b-b-but content over qua-
quality is part of content. i am not made of AI smears and my life has highlights and shadows in it. my life is not rendered in apple smart HDR. even a 10 year old DSLR takes more lifelike photos than your gay ass disposable apple ewaste.
pro level phones can shoot raw if you're that insecure and scared of AI
>”pro” level phones
Apple sure doesnt make any of these. Did you mean those shitty android phablets with 1” sensors? Even the “raw” is mangled by copeutational photography and yes I AM scared of AI and you will be too, but only after AI generated you is AI filmed molesting AI generated children and you spend 2 years in court without a single alibi untouched by even more AI. My AI generated voice will be on television denouncing you as the worst antisemite I have ever met. Have fun.
For videos and most of what you want to do, use your cellphone. If you were saying "i want to do pro videos or i expect to get money from my videos" that would be totally different.
If you still want an actual camera to make nice landscape photos or portraits, even just for yourself and your family, you could probably get a Sony or Fuji.
No need to pay for a Ricoh, it's kinda for nerds and overpriced.
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Sony zv1. Selfie screen, video, stills are good, zoom lens for a wide variety of focal lengths. Relatively cheap compared to an rx100VII or a ricoh gr or x100v.

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>phone sized sensor

a6600 + 20mm f2.8. Like a fuji, but it actually functions like a camera its price instead of a chinese leica copy with china's cheapest autofocus that making loud ass noises.
youre proably gonna wanna look at 1 inch sensor cameras (sony rx100, canon g5/7/9x)

or if youre okay with a small bag then maybe an old m4/3 like olympus pen series but for me i find if i cant just jam it in my pocket then i dont take it out as much as i should cause its a hassle
Nikon D80 and 35mm f/1.8 DX. Cheap and endless opportunity to upgrade optics. Back when I was a kid you got this if you were "interested in photography" but it makes even more sense now. If you want small size phones win. Otherwise just go big.
i am the anon who personally killed the "the one you have with you" meme by replying to every instance of it with super negative vibes and im really glad it's still dead
It's a bad time to look into used point and shoot cameras...

Best bet is you're phone, or just look for an older low shutter count entry level dslr like a d3000 or something and get a cheap lens.
Changing your phone to latest high end iphone with the budget that you were gonna use on buying a new camera>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>buying a mundane cheap camera which practically worse than your phone
I would personally recommend a D300 over a D80, having had both. The D300 is built better, has a better sensor, shoots at a higher frame rate, better battery life, and costs about the same second-hand. The only thing I liked about the D80 was the way its CCD sensor would render images, but I also recognize that it's a niche appeal, and not the best for a beginner.
No op. But which used camera deals look the best? Prices in leaf bucks.

A) A6100 with 16-50 kit lens for $650
B) A6400 with 16-50 kit lens + Sigma 16mm f1.4 for $1350.
C) A6600 with Sony E35mm f1.8 OSS + Rode Videomicro mic for $1300
a6100 so you don't use up precious funds that should be saved for full frame
i love being normal i think its good
This. Just get a NEX-5.
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I would go at least for the 6 to get some kind of viewfinder with it. Still old enough to be cheap yet modern enough to be capable. The first nex 3 is pushing 15 years now and I think the sensor would still be fine today but that thing was a bit of a usability nightmare. Still loved the thing though

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No listing near me.

And I'm wanting to upgrade from a Panasonic GF2 with pretty bad iso noise and focus performance so I'm wanting to not get an even older camera.

Yes, I agree that the a6100 is the best value and I should use the saving on lenses, but the seller isn't replying. I might have to try to get C instead. It's a 1.5 hour drive though.
At $1300, for a non weather sealed APS-Crippled snoy, you're being ripped off.
>But the mic is like worth some money tho (no one wants to pay a premium for a used microphone fyi)

You're in the same price bracket as a used a7c+40mm f2.5 G. Also crippled but at least it's weather sealed and full frame (and the same fucking size). At such a large amount of money it's reasonable to just save a little more and buy something nice.
>Driving 3 hours for a crop Sony
Good God.
>Prices in leaf bucks
Convert it to currency people can understand like a normal person, nobody cares about your fake dollars. Or at least use CAD, $ is just confusing.
A) A6100 with 16-50 kit lens for $474
B) A6400 with 16-50 kit lens + Sigma 16mm f1.4 for $984.
C) A6600 with Sony E35mm f1.8 OSS + Rode Videomicro mic for $948
for a normie, it will shit in lowlight without using the built in flash or tripod. the upside with the D80 is with an SB-600, off camera flash with the commander mode is where it shines, aside from having muh 'CCD' sensor.
Buy a Sony phone. What's the issue here?
I got a Lumix TZ110 and love it. Fixed screen so selfies the olde fashioned way, but not something I'd ever do. Oh, you can put it on something and control it from your phone, but that's not exactly spontaneous.
Good price, shoots RAW, really nice pics, fits in a pocket.
I use a Magfilter to attach a polarising filter.
Not sure what else to say, it's just a great wee camera.

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