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>Sony gets APSC sensor
>Calls it super 35mm
>Charges 1800 usd
>People buy it anyway

How does sony get away with it?
Damn good video camera.
Wait till you find out cinema people call full frame (35mm) as large format.
Is IMAX considered ULF?
They learned well from Fuji.
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I love how pixel wars were superseded by sensor size wars
Both wars were absolutely useless for the costumer too
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>Large Format
It's more like micro 645. still it's in the same format though.
Both useful, ken. Megapixels matter and so does noise and dr.
>stop zooming in stop cropping stop standing close to prints STAHP
Why DO photographers suddenly get so pissy if i do something that reveals that worse cameras are worse? Its like begging a sportscar owner to slow down.

Photography isnt even a real skill you can get good at like driving. Look at all the galleries garry winogrand and steven shore are in.
Only photographers say these "stahps" because there comes a time when one is very invested and satisfied with things that become viewed as inferior and borderline useless and get outdone by a toy/phone in the future decades down the line.

As someone with cameras from 1" to FF and 6mp to 45mp, FF and 45MP does matter just for normal person snapshots and there's no real argument against this but cope because it's expensive and some retard cant afford it after dropping $6k on fujifilm kit. In fact, the sony a7cr, the 24/40/50 mini primes, and the truncated zooms sony is releasing are the ideal pieces of camera gear for normies.

ONLY photographers will cope to the contrary
>dont crop dont zoom dont stand close stop caring STOP CARING
> Look at all the galleries garry winogrand
literally took photos at complete random, with no quality standards and no thought until he started culling, didnt even pay attention to his settings and notoriously used stand dev and safelights to salvage his photos, the equivalent of using a DSLR on continuous-high and shooting raw as a means of being able to salvage bad settings
>and steven shore
took amateur snapshots, but in 8x10, and paid extra for a print process that looked 10% better in its day, was considered an artist for doing the film equivalent of buying a 100mp hasselblad and paying out the ass for a very nice, very large inkjet printer.

you can actually go down the entire list of famous photographers and realize 99% of them suck about as much as /p/
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nice thread, faggot
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Yes It's amazing

I have the FX30
It just works without overheating
Battery life YES
Auto focus YES
Variety of lenses YES
Number of buttons YES
Timecode YES
Solid grip YES

btw super 35 is the full frame in cinema, because the 35mm film strip rolls vertically and anyone who uses full frame sensor to film video thinking it's the cinematography standard is unbearably snobby and cringe

Sony has tuned the IBIS to such a perfection so when you use ultra wide lens, it has no wobble effect, unlike any other camera. What I have observed is that the ibis gets more aggressive when you use longer focal length, so the wobble effect is minimal, not that Sony has weak IBIS. This is what you want in cine, rather shake than artifact.

This is the camera to use for timelapse, never overheats, 1fps, 1/2 shutter speed, h265. You can record a video for days with perfect time-lapse motion blur.
Only problems, it sometimes recognizes random objects as face when no face is present. Also auto focus can get into oscillation when filming time lapse sometimes, I guess the framerate is too low for the algorithm.
Doesn't matter, you can turn off face detect when filming no face, auto focus is still perfect, it isolates the subject very well. Also use MF when filming timelapse, which is what you should use anyways.
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autofocus terrible
limited lenses
no auto focus, need a bunch of peripherals.
you can't just whip this thing out and film, you need to rig up and become a one man army, and have a macbook pro m3 pro and a NAS just to edit a simple video because muh braw, that's another $5-6000 dollars.

What I have learned is that the subject is more important than the gear. Using too much gear can make you de-focus from the work itself and into the technicalities. That's good if you are from hollywood and have a Satanic writer and director and your job is executing orders, but bad if you want to make something yourself.

You need the full automation. You should focus on the subject, not the gear.

That's why Sony is most popular among YouTubers, just let the automation take over the technicalities and you do your job of creation(no man can create only God can, man only imitates. Jesus is Lord)
Why would anyone buy this when they have the A7SIII ?
Cause it can
- record indefinitely
- has time code
- focus breathing compensation
- shares mobile app/tablet control with FX3/6/9(?)
- better color science
- cheaper
- super 35 is the cine standard, even red cameras use super 35, full frame cine is rare
Nobody in cine cares full frame as much as photography snobs do.
I donno, like, photography has turned into a consumer oriented audiophile thing, that's most of the buyers anyways, they don't produce anything.
The A7SIII record limit is of 13 hours. No one is going to record more than 13 hours of anything.
in the sun?
I will say that a big ass sensor is helpful when you're shooting in a tight space and trying to get evrything in frame.
Bigshot Hollywood productions have the liberty to build out sets so I'm not surprised they prioritise shit like dynamic range and readout speed
Nobody in cinema cares about FF because video frames are seen for ~1/30s from a consistent distance or limited to a consumer display, and photos can be admired up close at arbitrary sizes and printing methods ala paintings

You can even shoot 16mm film (worse than micro four thirds) and show it in theatres without people noticing because the successive frames allow the human brain to see through the noise
>The full frame camera experience:
>Stills: ISO 800 already? Bust out the AI NR. Uh oh, I can see 1/1000th of a cm of motion blur, shit, it's so obvious, i cant show this without a fucking rope 2 meters in front of it so people cant notice
>Video: *sets to DX mode, auto ISO 100-25600* footage looks great. damn.

>The crop sensor camera experience:
>Stills: *furious, literally angry coping*
>Video: *auto ISO 100-25,600* footage looks great. damn.

>The crop medium format and up experience:
>Stills: not today, i am broke
>Video: first, how much are you paying me
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>Nobody in cinema cares about FF

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>ISO 25600 on video
you're talking out of your ass, unless that camera is recording in any kind of lossless or I-frame only lossy video, the DCT quantization during compression will eat away every detail possible and leave only raped macroblocks. ISO 1600 is already enough to start getting blocking with a camera recording in H.264 at a substantial 80Mbps. This is over twice the bitrate of a normal Blu-Ray, or about the same as an UHD BD
Can't you just buy a ZV-E10 and put a PC closed loop water cooler on it and achieve the same shit?
All we did was put on one of those cooling fans and the overheating issue more or less went away. Except for in really hot weather.


Just record everything and pull stills from the video, why would I waste my time trying to set up a single shot when I can take tens of thousands of photos continuously and pick out the best ones?
If we're technical, the format is 127, as its sensor is roughly the same size as a 127 film frame

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