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>work a day job, not much time outside of weekends to take photos
>want to shoot more
>started carrying my camera with me on all times, on commutes, on walks, on errands, etc.
>taking lots of great photos, able to recognize and react to moments as they develop

>over time, feeling like quality is starting to drop off
>commutes are the same, not much new to see
>I'm too busy looking for photos on my days off to really engage with people around me/with me
>my photography has become much more passive, don't really have any active thoughts around what photo I want to look for
>now all of my photos feel like I didn't "earn" them because I didn't plan them out

I know it's because of photo fatigue, but the idea of not having my camera and missing a good moment kills me. How do you guys (suggest to) go about this/have you had this happen to you?

I usually have a personal project on the side to keep my mind focused and give me a sense of direction, but I don't have any going on currently.
Take different routes.
Perhaps visit some place you normally never do.
>because I didn't plan them out
If you want to plan out and construct pictures unironically become a painter
Garry winogrand was a disgusting talentless hack so i am directly opposed to “photowalking” especially in cities. Cameras should be carried with purpose and snapshitting random pedestrians is immoral.
Morality is for the weak, I am going to take a photo of your ugly visage with the flash on.
Bringing your camera isnt about constantly seeking out a picture, its about having one when you see that moment that would otherwise be lost to time.
Study up and graduate from reactionary snapshitter to consummate gearfag
This. The best camera is the one you have on hand.
The virgin "i-i take photo that mean me chad"
The chad "dont care ur filmin cunt ill pound ur ass and go chug a goon sack to celeberate cunt"
Quantity does not equal quality. Photography is just the degenerated form of cinema. You can take a million photos and they can only hope to be good if they all work towards the theme.

Photographers almost noticed this with winogrand, who took photos so often it was like a random selection of frames from a movie, but they missed the point entirely.
Try to meet people you care about in places you like with your camera. Don't plan anything in particular. If the moment is right, you won't resist snapping a few pictures.
Much less on me, I carry a camera in hand most places I go (cellphone)
I have a gr iii as a backup camera. You can take that thing anywhere and I do.

Bought it 'open box, like new' 4 years ago thinking I probably overpaid and looking at the prices now it's actually appreciated in the value. Lol.

Thanks YouTube!
Nice to see another Dutch Anon posting.
I've in a similar situation, but rather than a job I've got studies. I had the exact same experience with that quality drop off and also becoming bored of the same route every day. I commute 4 hours in and out of Amsterdam every day, so train photos got boring quick.
I still keep a camera on me though, and I think what helped is that while the moments became rarer, on random nights out, or spontaneous walks I'd still occasionally get good photos. Also, sometimes an area can look really different when good lighting hits.
I shoot less often, and not much on the commute anymore, but I think keeping a camera around allows you to capture the random beautiful moments in your life.
take it as a challenge
the more things are the same the better you have to be to take a better photo each time
also >>4309285 is correct
you need to come up with a project to work on. try some new things. fatass
>it's because of photo fatigue
you're taking the same types of photos and seeing the same types of photons online and getting tired of it so maybe move on to a new challenge. i can think of like 930253 things to do that are not "walk around and shoot candid photo of woman who is not looking at me" but im a genius so
maybe try using a flash with a 21mm lens and jump out from behind a trashcan shouting FOOOOGAABALAAAAA and get their face filling the frame as this happens
i would see how this goes and maybe make a book after doing it for about 3 years
You will get shot (literally) in about 3 days doing that bro
shot with what

Man photos of all the office workers in rush hour are so depressing, giving me bad memories OP of packed public transport on Monday morning with every single person looking miserable.

Anyway your problem is simple, swap to shooting naked women and all your problems will be fixed, you are grinding out that job for something right?

why don't you read the creative act by rick ruben you turtle's cock
>swap to shooting naked women and all your problems will be fixed,
Anon you make it sound so simple, I know we all want to do this but getting women to actually agree is impossible unless you pay them. And the ones who will do it for pay aren’t necessarily the ones you want to shoot naked so better off just necking myself metaphorically I guess.
nta but you just have to start being around the right (wrong) women. ime very liberal women and any woman who self-identities as an 'artist' or part of the lgbt stuff. Love the idea generally. I think it's because they want the attention, same as every woman, but if it's artistic nudes they feel released from the shame of it being strictly pornographic. They are, however, insufferable people to be around, so pick your poison I guess

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